I've made a lot of comments in your balance changes. I didn't make any in ones I really didn't feel needed to be commented on, and then I ignored Queen because I'd like to see morpheus' mod merged with this since it is a bit more ... extensive and original than yours.
First, I do think that this game needs tiny balance changes. We are talking about +/- 5% changes, not sweeping changes that completely shift the balance, I think this is a good thing, and I tried to keep my proposed changes in line with that.
Regarding Level 15 skills... what do we want to do with them? First, we can just buff the (many) crappy ones to make them all decent, but it has always been my feeling that Level 10 skills always feel "badass" and a Level 10 demigod is terrifying to a Level 9 demigod because of it. But Level 14 against a Level 15...? Meh, nothing really terrifying.
Acclimation is an exception, and a few of the level 15 active skills are nice (eg, Silence III is brutal, Frost Nova III is brutal, etc).
But most demigods have, at most, one good level 15 passive skill. (Inspirational Flame, Magnificent Presence, Acclimation, Shattering Force/Poison Arrows, Purity, ... most of LE's xP).
So, as a community I think we should decide how Level 15 skills should work out. Should the active skills be awe-inspiring but extremely mana-costly? Should the passives be GODLIKE. Or should it just be "meh, I have a Mageslayer it doesn't really matter if he is two levels ahead of me". For most other level thresholds (4,5,7,10), the skills get dramatically better and I have to evaluate if I can take a demigod who has reached a threshold I haven't (eg, 8 v 9 is much more duable than 9 v 10).
I mean, I really don't want to make the game absurdly unbalanced at level 15+, but I do think that if you have a level 15 demigod and they don't you should be able to dominate the map until they get one to match you. Of course, if you have giants and they don't, or if they are stupid and choose to fight in a creep wave then they shouldn't be able to beat you up. But if you both go to the XP on cata flag and hit eachother a bunch of times, the level 15 should solidly beat the Level 14. This would really give a much more "epic" conclusion to games, letting people feel like they have artifacts when they so rarely do.
An example of what I'm talking about is:
Sedna's "Life's Child" While under 30% hp, you gain 50 hps. Note that in the dogpile that is late-game Cataract, if you have 30% of your max hp, you aren't going to last much longer, this skill does virtually nothing. Sigils help alot because if you sigil you pretty much are at 40% of your (new) max hp and it's easier to trigger this. But, still, useless.
Strip the condition -> "Forces of Light guard Sedna, giving her 35 hps". Now, if a Level 14 Sedna tries to fight a Level 15 Sedna with the same items and builds (and a neutral HP flag) on the XP flag... well, that Level 15 Sedna will pretty much rape face since in a long heal-pounce match that +35 hps would equal a good 500 hp at least.
I think that Acclimation was a truly terrifyingly powerful ability. A level 15 UB was something to be feared just because of that. I think that we don't quite want THAT level of power, but something in between that and well... Reg's skills.
Gkirit's modifications to Tribute to give Queen +600 hp and +600 mana is another example of this. Maybe dual-tree level 15 skills should be similar to Acclimation since it requires such a massive skill-point investment. But I really think that a lot of the Level 15 skills should be BAMF. Because right now they all feel really meh.
Didn't put this any where else, but I would like to see Stats improved. Right now, Improved Attributes are really only useful for a pure-Ooze build and that's pretty much it.
- +115 Health
- +0.18 Health Regeneration
- +2% Attack Speed
- +25 Armor
- +105 Mana
- +0.32 Mana Regeneration
- +6 Weapon Damage
- +165 Health
- +0.5 Health Regeneration
- +2% Attack Speed
- +50 Armor
- +155 Mana
- +0.5 Mana Regeneration
- +10 Weapon Damage
This is more of a drastic buff to Stats than a lot of other proposed changes but the real value of Stats is only really realized when you take multiple points in it (and if you do that, you're sacrificing other stuff), so I think it could be okay.
Morale may also need a buff, most minion/general builds tend to be lacking anyway compared to assassin type builds and Morale may be a way to even the gap.