95% of the time retail won't let you return a game (and without a receit, FORGET IT). SD posts EVERY day; has already given more updates in less than a month than most game companies give in a games entire lifespan; lets you return their games for a refund (yes, you have to pay the shipping
). And figures if you hate the game so much, and returned it, they should not have to keep you on THEIR forums. I use to work in retail and the best thing to do with customers like you it to give them their refund; get them out the door; and if they cry "I'll never shop here again", say "We were hoping you would'nt".
You think if you were able to get a refund at a retail store they let you sit in the store and cry/wine/complain about the game for anouther month or two? No, they'd say "you got your refund, now get out".
If you can't even afforad $3, then how can you affoard your computer; monitor; or monthly ISP? Or are you one of those people that is always complaining about the econemy/prices of things, but always seems to have plenty of beer/cigerettes. . .