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April 7, 2008 9:37 PM
( Offline )
From Who Reason
Quick response to question.
Max Texture Atlas Size?
Actual conversation that really happened in our developer chat
Thanks for letting me visit Stardock, the tour, and advise!
for the great Support work when it was direly needed. Thank!
For being awesome! Thanks for the response!
Save games stored to cloud?
Nice to see you around . . and more helpful than I. :)
UI Modding - Desktop X builder
being super-duper awesome
Is the stardock team amazing or is it amazing?
Is the stardock team amazing or is it amazing?
Good work. =) Best regards, Steven.
Is the stardock team amazing or is it amazing?
For the Fine Virtuous Quality of Awesome.
Is the stardock team amazing or is it amazing?
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