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[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3

By on December 23, 2009 7:54:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Favormod offers over 60 new items (including 15 new summon-ables - Towers and Units), both achievement and standard shop items. All achievement( favor) items are each only 1 point to make it accessible to all. And all new units have been re-skinned. Several set items with unique effects have also been added. All items have their own unique icon and several new casting, buff and spell effects have been added.

Favormod also offers a wide range of abilities that are not available in vanilla Demigod. For more information pls watch the video at the bottom of this Post. 

For instructions on how to install mods see here:


[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3 - Yet More Bugfixes


NOTE: it it highly RECOMMENDED that you use FAVORMOD with both Uberfix AND Enhanced AI -- these are all packaged in the auto installer below.

Or you can install Pacovs Community Mod Pack (includes this version of favormod) here - Self Installer:

RECOMMENDED DOWNLOAD - UPDATED daily, pls make sure version numbers match though.






EDIT: This video does not accurately reflect the current version of favormod, it is missing most of the skins, new effects and spells as well as about 15 items.


WATCH in 720p


FavorMod 2.0D Video:

+47 Karma | 632 Replies
November 27, 2010 2:25:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

removed incorrect link in above post

November 27, 2010 4:46:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hey Exxcentric - I'll see if I can get some testing going for you tonight.  The downside with testing favormod, though, is that I generally have to get a full blown 3v3 game going to be able to really tell if the balance is good or not.  I'll see what I can pull off for ya though.  Thanks.

November 28, 2010 3:01:58 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

TY pacov. If that is possible than Fantastic! 


However, atm I am not too concerned about getting a game against players, i have been testing out against ai and with the latest set of changes to skirmish AI, they seem to suffice as a basic player. (nightmare difficulty). Mostly, i just want to know if you still think that these items have had enough of a reduction in utility to make them more of an option and less of an I WIN button. 

Currently have added another 6 units to the game: (not yet balanced)


Armadillo - Catapults that freeze enemy towers on hit (5% chance, 3 second freeze), 2 summonable - low health. May provide early tower pushing strategy if taken with demolishers.

Silence archers: cast a ring of silence (6m) on the a target that they hit (2% chance) however you can have 4 of them. Low range to limit their usabity for pushing towers (more a support for characters that have no interupts at all and could do with a meatshield (prbly useful for ub/reg)

Nightmare:  Unit has been coded in but trying to come up with a unique effect for its "Rain of Fire" ability other than straight out damage. 

Replicators - Cast AOE heal (12m) (uses chain of 2 from first target) of 4% health to ALL friendlies (including towers) every 6 seconds with a 9 second buff cooldown (ie you can only get healed every 12 seconds). This uses a chain effect so occasionally you will get more than a single heal. Heal has no priority for demigods. Heal also provides an armor bonus of 250 for 9 seconds.

Mega Ent - Currently does AOE ground spikes every 6 seconds (aura), debuffs armor. Will look into changing the utility of this skill.

Bloodlust Yet - Applies 5 second Stun immunity every 12 seconds to all allies in 12 radius. Due to testing constraints i am unsure if this effect will break an already active stun (although i doubt it). You cannot receive another buff if you already have one.




Other Balance changes to be made:

All Units (including towers) that use abilities will no longer be able to do so while frozen.

All minion units summoned through favor items have an integrated health/damage scale with level. This will allow me to balance these units more effectively.

Need advise here: what is an appropriate range for health damage scale for minions summoned in this manner? I was thinking at lvl 1 between 25/45 damage per unit and 500 --> 750 health


At lvl 20 50/ 75 damage per unit and 1400 --> 1800 health





Brainstorm Area - 

Rusty Ward - Reduces the armor of all units in the area of the ward by 900. Provides the user with base 650 armor bonus and 7% attack speed bonus. (low mana cost, 45 second cooldown.


Demistify- Unsummon up to 2 units (chain effect) of an enemy  or unsummon up to 1 enemy created structures in range 12, cooldown 45, no mana cost, targeted.  -----> regenerates 350 mana on use.

Escapism - Casts invunerability (but you cannot move) for 2 seconds (Think Orb of Defiance). Following this the unit becomes invisible for 7 seconds provided you dont attack/cast an ability/use an item. Invisibility slows the recipient by 15%.

Single targeted use, range 30. Cooldown 50, mana cost 300. (nerfed from previous post). Might provide some team utility to the invisiblity function, with the invulnerability period working as a limitation. --> i will also try to code it so that the invunerability period does NOT remove debuffs. Taking damage (ie through use of googles to see the player) should also remove invisibility.


New consumable - (@ PACOV  and Hedgie)

Hedgies Arsenal: Cost 500 - Changed as per advise below (now named after the resident hedgehog!)

Scaling HP/MP restore (1---> 20)    700 / 250   --> 2500/ 750

Scaling HP damage and MP damage    (1---> 20)    500/ 350 --> 1200/ 1100

Scaling Tower repair           1000 -----> 3000

This provides some control as to when the item become powerful. At early levels, it would be more efficient to take UG over this item. However at higher levels this item scales to become the more powerful. This removes the problem of it being OP at the start of the game where even small mana/health changes can have a large impact.

This has been done now. It was FRUSTRATINGLY difficult lol (i must be out of practice hehe). Anyway, this item is currently set with these stats:

if not IsEnemy( target:GetArmy(), unit:GetArmy() ) then

 if EntityCategoryContains( categories.HERO, target ) then

  mxhlth = 700 + 65 * herolvl mxenergy = 250 + 60 * herolvl  


EntityCategoryContains( categories.STRUCTURE, target ) then

 mxhlth = 1000 + 100 * herolvl  


else if EntityCategoryContains( categories.HERO, target ) then

  mxhlth = 500 + 35 * herolvl mxenergy = 350  + 82 * herolvl  

 elseif EntityCategoryContains( categories.STRUCTURE, target ) then

 mxhlth = 500 + 50 * herolvl    end end


It now does damage to enemy towers as well as heal friendly ones. 

Comments/Cost changes/balance issues?




Forearm Crossbow - An item that turns a melee character to a ranged character.


Thief - Be able to pickpocket gold or items.



Consumables: (HAVE NOW BEEN ADDED)


1. Potion of Speed: 350, increase speed by 17% for 7 seconds.

2. Potion of Slow: 200g, decrease opponents speed by 20% for 10 seconds.

3. Potion of Interrupt: 300g, Interrupt ability. Stun for 1 sec.

4. Potion of Blink: 250 g, same as Cloak of Night.


Flag Mines:

These have been rebalanced they now do 2 sets of damage (4 seconds apart) according to the following formula:

Flagmine damage = 300 + 80 * herolvl 

They now cost 450, dont actively show that they are present (no flag lock Mesh) and stay active for 90 seconds. They have also been increased to a 3 second cast with range 10 to prevent them from actively being overused in the midst of battle



Had an old version of skirmish AI. It has been removed, i wont replace it due to the rapid evolving nature of skirmish AI.

November 28, 2010 4:25:06 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'd keep it at 500 gold. Comparing to UG, it's inferior at level 1 and only barely superior at level 20. 500 HP and 750 mana isn't much at that stage of the game. 

November 28, 2010 4:41:19 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

done -- > currently using my post above as a changelog. Pls refer to it atm until i make another changelog post

November 28, 2010 12:37:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Changelog V2.0B added to main post - (not yet released, information is provided for feedback/balancing purposes)

November 28, 2010 3:37:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Added my first gear SET:


# Boots of vengence --- cost : 750

                  Armor = {Add = 500},      

                 DamageReturn = {Add = 15},


# Armor of vengence --- cost : 3250 (pre-existing but underused)

          Armor = {Add = 1050 armor},      

                 DamageReturn = {Add = 35},


# Helm of vengence --- cost : 550

          Armor = {Add = 250 armor},      

                 DamageReturn = {Add = 25},



However, once you have all three of these items you also unlock this ability:


Armor = {Add = 1250},     

DamageReturn = {Add = 90},

Should provide alternate builds favouring armor and damage return vs non ability characters.


Total cost: 4450.

Total Armor: 3270 (eribus lvl 1)

Total Damage Return: 165

As this requires 3 slots of your inventory, i thought it was only fair to provide a very substainal buff for possessing all three items.

November 28, 2010 4:57:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Second Set: ANCIENTS


Ring of the Ancients cost 2500 (Existing)

30 weapon damage

400 armor


Girdle of the Ancients cost  3200

500 mana

40% MPS

20 HPS

10 Weapon Damage



Wraps of the Ancients cost 3200

30 Weapon damage

300 Mana


10% chance on weapon proc to heal for 150


Set Buff :

15 HPS

30 Weapon Damage



Total Cost: 8900

Total Buffs:

Total Weapon Damage  = 100

Total armor = 400

Total Mana / MPS =  500/40%

Total Regen = 40


November 28, 2010 7:04:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thumper test:

Favormod Version 2.0A

Settings:  Cataract/High Towers - all other settings on default
AI settings:  normal

rook (human)/ub/da/ v rook/ub/da

Observed results:

um... I'm seeing some batshite crazy things here... I go to cast thumper and nothing appears at level 1.  And then about 20 seconds later I saw some floating orbs like looked like occulus's lightning balls.

I double checked mods - I only have favor mod 2.0 installed. 

tested again using same setup.  Noticed that the "floating ball" effect happens immediately after I try to cast thumper.

Other quick thoughts - if its non-destructive, it might be best to drop ai skirmish from your mod and just have favor items included.  This will be especially useful if I can get get Stardock/GPG to included these mods in a official release. 

November 28, 2010 7:32:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Other quick thoughts - if its non-destructive, it might be best to drop ai skirmish from your mod and just have favor items included.  This will be especially useful if I can get get Stardock/GPG to included these mods in a official release. 


already done


Observed results:

um... I'm seeing some batshite crazy things here... I go to cast thumper and nothing appears at level 1.  And then about 20 seconds later I saw some floating orbs like looked like occulus's lightning balls.


hmm interesting. will double check and get back 2 you


Also removed a conflict with uberfix 1.03. Mod should be just about completely non destructive (with the exception of UI shop tab/achievement shop)



November 28, 2010 8:15:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok i found it. Must have had something highlighted, gone to save and forgot to press ctrl lol cause i had a stray 's' in the middle of nowhere.


Here is version 2.0B


** Removed link to bugged version - replaced with 2.0B test


just made sure that all towers will summon so you should have no problems. 

November 28, 2010 8:38:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok - tried out your new version.

Thumper test:

Favormod Version 2.0B

Settings:  Cataract/High Towers - all other settings on default
AI settings:  normal

rook (human)/ub/da/ v rook/ub/da

Observed results:

I can have 4 thumpers in play.  This seems like alot in comparison to the previous version (I think it was 2 max)... then again, the old thumpers were OP... not sure if 4 is too high a number or not. 

As you can see, I just did a play test with AI.  The AOE damage output appears to be is very low (good).  I noticed that interrupts were very infrequent (also good).  Seemed like as it scaled, the AOE damage increased a bit... with 4 towers, that will be a little too OP.  I still think this will require a really play test to determine if its good or not (goal is to nerf it enough so its not OP and keep it as an item that folks would like to use, of course).

Can you post exactly what thumper does?

November 28, 2010 9:52:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thumper Information:

4 can be summoned, at 450 mana each, 45 second cooldown


AoE Damage 

 AffectRadius = 17,    

AuraPulseTime = 3,

thumpdamageA = hero:GetLevel() * 5 + 17

(note that base Rook TOL damage is about 80)


AOE Stun

 ArmorProcChance = 5,

AffectRadius = 15,

Stun timer increased at lvls 1/7/12 (0.75, 1.25, 1.75)

After being stunned, unit is then immune for 10 seconds (note that the downside to this is that they cant be stunned by any other means for 10 seconds)

Stun also applies a 5% speed reduction for 5 seconds


 Health :


local mxhlth = 800 + 100 *  herolvl


November 28, 2010 10:05:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

BTW pacov come up with an item that you would like to have your name on, (or select and rename an already created one

I would be happy to implement it!


Also note: if anyone has any suggestions for underused items/Abilities (this includes demigod abilities as well, it is not hard to create an item which relies on a particular buff to become activated) which could use a buff (ie they are mediocre at best) post them up with how you would like them to be improved. They can either be directly improved with a single item added to a set.

Note: (Trying to move away from anything that improves MaxHealth)

The two sets that i have created are aimed at:

1. Vengence Set ; Armor and damage reflection : Currently there is very limited use for armor or vengence as this item provides no health (ie does not fit into the current healthstack meta) and 35 damage reflection does not amount to much at the higher levels where this item would be of greater use (ie armor vs AA UB). This set aims at providing a lower entry point for High Armor/Damage Reflection meta into demigod.  This build will be most successful against characters using auto attack for the majority of their damage (this includes minion masters).

2. Ancients Set ; AA Damage/ Max Energy/Regen : This set aims to buff Ring of the Ancients. Current Meta favors health over damage, due to the limited options we have with damage items in the early levels. I have tried to add Max Energy and regen to these type of items to allow for a more focused Glass Cannon approach, allowing for spamability of skills and AA at the cost of max health. Seems to work well on TB, Reg and QOT.

i have like 50 slots left at least so throw anything out there.

Exx - anyway off to bed been playing with code for like 20 hours straight lol



November 28, 2010 10:48:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

AOE Stun

ArmorProcChance = 5,

AffectRadius = 15,

Stun timer increased at lvls 1/7/12 (0.75, 1.25, 1.75)

After being stunned, unit is then immune for 10 seconds (note that the downside to this is that they cant be stunned by any other means for 10 seconds)

Stun also applies a 5% speed reduction for 5 seconds

Can you clarify this?  How often can stuns potentially occur?  Is that the armor proc change?  Help me understand, please.

BTW pacov come up with an item that you would like to have your name on, (or select and rename an already created one

heh - will do

November 28, 2010 10:52:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


It works like this

The Tower takes damage ----> 5% of the time it will do a stun ---> Stun code then determines the level of the demigod who summoned the tower -----> it applies the appropriate buff, one for each of those intervals, with the only difference being how long the stun lasts for-----> then applies speed debuff and stun immunity for 10 seconds 

November 28, 2010 10:54:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

BTW all changes posted up in the main post (it is now the correct changelog) are found in the mod that was uploaded. The icons will be off as well as the ingame tooltips, but the item should be named correctly and function as described. 

November 28, 2010 11:00:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The Tower takes damage

so, stuns can't even occur if the towers don't take any damage?  If that's the case and its 5% of the time going to stun, then I certainly don't think its op now.  Am I right?

November 29, 2010 2:56:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

agreed lol


December 1, 2010 6:02:15 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

k will now work on icons and tooltips for all new weapons/favoritems so i can release a proper revsion for everyone to test out


December 1, 2010 3:24:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

All icons and tooltips completed.



December 1, 2010 3:41:14 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Heh - just thinking about doing qa on this makes my head hurt... SO MANY THINGS TO TESTTTTTTT!!!!!!!

Anyway, I don't think I'll have time tonight other than to install this, but I'll do some testing over the next few days.  Thanks!

December 1, 2010 3:48:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Quoting OMG_pacov,

Heh - just thinking about doing qa on this makes my head hurt... SO MANY THINGS TO TESTTTTTTT!!!!!!!


lol i reckon, glad that someone else is around to share the task lol



December 1, 2010 3:54:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

NT bad post

December 1, 2010 5:23:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok, i have had a few balance runs with most of the items. Still have to do armadillo's, Rangefinders, Mega Ent, Nightmare, vortex and bloodlusty yeti. 


Also i forgot 1 major patch note to the last update. I have significantly shortened the leash on all favormod summons and reduced the attack scan range for most of the favormod units.  They will now begin to follow you much earlier and are less likely to run off to a distant location to attack something.


Will use this post as changelog for now:


New Set: Despair

Gauntlets of Despair (Existing)  (cost 1750)

350 mana

15% chance to drain 300 mana


Warlords Punisher (Existing)  (cost 2250)

300 damage (range 15)

400 Mana Drain

Passive: 30 weapon damage


Ring of Despair  (cost 2800)

15% chance to drain 300 mana

-15% to cooldowns


Set Bonus

+15% Speed

-10% to cooldowns


Implemented. Now with this and staff of renewal/Dejavu cloak/Wraithgloves we have entry into lower lvl cooldown builds and will allow for mana drain builds to enter the fray


Fix - Mega Ent is now mulchable by QOT.

Fix - Wraith Gloves Tooltip

Fix - Retroactively applied stun constraint to all units that use aura (ie towers and summonable units will no longer be able to attack/buff/debuff while stunned if they use an aura activated ability.


Fix - Cooldowns for several of the summonable units was adjusted.


New Set: Assassin

Assassins Foot-guards (Existing)  (cost 1750)

5% Attack Speed

10 % Dodge


Assassins Grips  (cost 2400)

7% Attack Speed

7% Damage Reduction



Assassins Embodiment  (cost 2050)

7% Damage Reduction

5% Dodge


Set Bonus

10% Attack Speed

5% Dodge

Friendly Flags in Range 15 of demigod produce 3x normal warscore


Fixed - Re-organised consumables shop to make it more user friendly

Fixed - Icon for Ancient Glove


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