Kryo - can we get the minion health items bug added to the thread CosMoe mentioned? A link to the thread is here:
Here's the problem:
When buying +Minion Health Items (Hauberk of Life, etc.) and using any General but Erebus, your minions have their original health when summoned and not the boosted health.
Here's the solution:
Apparently, when the Sigil buff was created, the developer used the Hauberk of Life item as a model. Part of the copied code was not replaced, and this caused the overwriting error. To fix the problem with the Sigil of Life:
Edit the Consumable Items file:
Change line 1274 from:
Regarding the torchbearer autoattack bug from your list, here is the solution:
Open the file MageFire_Character.lua. Select lines 179/180/181 and paste in the following code:
Code: c++
ANIM_START_MOVING = { Duration = 0.2, TargetState = 'AttackRangedMove', CopyClocks = true, },
AttackRangedMove = {
SoundLoop = 'Forge/DEMIGODS/Torch_Bearer/snd_dg_torch_idle_fire_lp',
BaseAttackLength = 1.5,
Compositions = {
Animation = '/characters/Mage/animations/Mage_AttackFire_anim.gr2',
Loop = false,
EventOnCompletion = true,
Events = {
{ name = 'torch_mode2_attack', time = 0.48, }, #sound
{ name = 'FireAttack', time = 0.5, },
{ name = 'attack_effect_01', time = 0.4, },
{ name = 'attack_effect_02', time = 0.6, },
Transitions = {
ANIM_DONE = { TargetState = 'Idle',},
ANIM_INTERRUPT = { Duration = 0.2, TargetStateStationary = 'Idle', TargetStateMoving = 'Run', },
ANIM_STOP_MOVING = { Duration = 0.2, TargetState = 'AttackRanged', CopyClocks = true, },
It will not let me save it, i am opening the file with notepad. Is there some other program i have to open it with? It says I cannot find the path, when i go into the bindata/characters/mage i do not see the LUA file anywhere.