omg, I just read one of the funniest things on a "girls playing games reciving harrasment" topic comment ever at gamepolitics. I thought I'd brighten your day with it. From
My favourite is this line "I see now people that don't hit women, they just rape them, because hitting on women don't work anymore, they even sue you for sexual harassment" WELL OF COURSE they sue you, you just *raped* them!?!
"Yes, there are guys that are jerks, or are in extreme necessity to the point of keep requesting cybering and that stuff...
But let's get real: Men and Men, Women are Women, we ARE diffrent (mind you, I am not saying that women or men deserve a better/worse salary or voting rights and that stuff...), for Men, hitting on Women is not only natural but also instinctive, I never had a girlfriend, I don't have time now to take care of one (I don't mean that men need to take care of girlfriends in that sense, what I mean is that I don't have time to don't arrive late to see a movie, or time to see a movie at all... or to chat randomly...), but still, when I see a pretty women I look at her! Then people get all sorts: Oooh, you are a machist guy because you look at the girls! No!!! I am not machist, I am just a MEN, and men NEED women (or at least should... or the majority at least), and it is instinctive to look at women... People then get all supress your instincts and whatnot... And I ask: For what? Get sick? You see how much damage we are doing to ourselves sometimes being that way? Currently there are a discrimincation-phobia that is creating more discrimination than helping, I remember few years ago, when I was a child, I just went around playing with the neighbors of my grandma, I was a white guy, had some money (ie: I am not rich, I still don't own a PS2 for lack of money to buy one), and there was other children that were black, japanese, girls, boys, poor, rich, all togheter playing, and noone cared, we don't cared... Then people come with that gay rights, women rights, black rights, and whatever rights, and laws against racism, laws against sexism, and what I see is that people are starting to hate each other for that, for example I see that lot's of companies now refuse black people... Why? No, it is not because they hate black people, it is because they feel that black people hates them, it is because that if a black person complain of racism, you get sued of your ass and has to pay millions to him, even if the racism was you dismissing him because he was not a good worker, I see now people that don't hit women, they just rape them, because hitting on women don't work anymore, they even sue you for sexual harassment, there are people that do the inverse, they become assexual, usually this has negative results on his/her life, but I see that, I see people that hate gays because gays keep pressuring on some rights that infringe that people right, I see for example lots of gay hating on religous communities that have the religious belief that being gay is a sin, while before that gay rights stuff the they do not bothered much gays, gays went around and people ignored them, some in the belief that after they got really converted they would become heterosexual again. But now instead, not marring (in religion, not legal... legally it is still a crime to a gay marry... ironic...) a gay is a crime, and I see open hating inside churches toward gays, not only as deterrant to them want to marry there, but also because they perceive the gays as trying to destroy their religion using legal artifices...
It is all wrong, that racismphobia and sexismphobia is generating more racism and sexism and hate than anything else, I see laws for "racial equality" that enforce universities accept x% people of certain races, and while before a black guy on a university was just a black guy on university (even if rare and minority), now it is a cheater guy on the university because he got because of the system, not his own merits, at least the other students perceive him as such, and now we have racial hate (not only toward blacks) because laws that made attempt to give rights to minorities...
Seriously... Hitting on a girl is sexism? So what I am supposed to do when I decide to have a girlfriend and marry, wait the girl hit on me? "