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Any girls here?

I hope I'm not the only one D:

By on July 13, 2009 3:48:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Just a quick question... are there any girls here? I see girly icons but I'm still unsure. D:

0 Karma | 175 Replies
August 3, 2009 8:11:31 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting animality,
This post completely perpetuates female forumer stereotypes.

August 3, 2009 8:30:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

August 3, 2009 8:33:05 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Anyone who willingly blinds themselves to opposing sides of an argument doesn't deserve to have an opinion. Half the posts here, so filled with righteous fury they are, do exactly that.

Hypocrisy and zealotry... even on the interwebs it's still infuriating. You all just go on thinking you're "fighting the good fight", perhaps one day you'll realize that the world isn't black and white, it's gray.
That would actually make a great deal of sense if you hadn't completely discredited yourself with your previous comments....

Add females to the mix is like throwing Diesel on a bush fire.
I'm going to take that as you saying that most trolls are sexist, as opposed to you saying you're a sexist troll.

August 3, 2009 9:31:13 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Well, I just started reading this thread today. Ugh. Go back and take a look at page 1, it starts off with people posting nonsense even before any replies to the original question.

This is pretty much a poster child for the stereotype that gamers turn into complete idiots whenever women are around. It's sad.

August 3, 2009 9:37:35 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Who do you think buys all those fleshlights? The porn industry and over half the websites on the internet aren't a multi-billion money maker for nothing. Someone's buying all that stuff!

August 3, 2009 9:47:08 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Tridus,
Well, I just started reading this thread today. Ugh. Go back and take a look at page 1, it starts off with people posting nonsense even before any replies to the original question.

This is pretty much a poster child for the stereotype that gamers turn into complete idiots whenever women are around. It's sad.

No, I'm pretty sure the sad part is people feeding the fire by taking their posts seriously (all in jest, don't hit me ) But seriously, it takes a reaction, and quite frankly, any reaction will do. Annoyance is only one step below hilarity, if that.

August 3, 2009 10:31:20 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

pseudomelon gots the idea!

August 7, 2009 12:01:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Im still trying to get my girl clan together....


August 7, 2009 1:10:58 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Good luck. It'd be easier to lower the standard to gamers with a maturity level and intelligence level above that of a 13 year old. That's probalby the closest you'll get an all girl clan.

August 7, 2009 1:32:16 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

August 7, 2009 4:20:47 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Quoting Raging Amish,
Good luck. It'd be easier to lower the standard to gamers with a maturity level and intelligence level above that of a 13 year old. That's probalby the closest you'll get an all girl clan.


I dont get it...

I mean the multipule all girl clans and game communitys already existing are slightly better than 13 year old males. (BTW those girl clans are just a bunch of dirty sexist game-sluts! If a man does that they get called gay. How insulting! I mean they probably ARE gay, but still its the PRINCIPLE!).


Infact I don't know if theres anything more horrible than 13 year old scottish skin'eds. Little criminals that they are. Ghastly! Like a little army of mini Franky Bolyes (without the funny).

August 10, 2009 3:06:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Aractain,

Quoting Raging Amish, reply 159Good luck. It'd be easier to lower the standard to gamers with a maturity level and intelligence level above that of a 13 year old. That's probalby the closest you'll get an all girl clan.

I dont get it...

I mean the multipule all girl clans and game communitys already existing are slightly better than 13 year old males. (BTW those girl clans are just a bunch of dirty sexist game-sluts! If a man does that they get called gay. How insulting! I mean they probably ARE gay, but still its the PRINCIPLE!).


Infact I don't know if theres anything more horrible than 13 year old scottish skin'eds. Little criminals that they are. Ghastly! Like a little army of mini Franky Bolyes (without the funny).

Are you serious? Girl clans are formed because generally they tend to be male dominated, females would generally be overlooked, regardless of their skill. There's a NEED for them because they'd be little other option. I'd also like a definition of what "dirty sexist game-slut" means.

If you're not serious, ignore this post.

August 10, 2009 3:29:29 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Scoutdog,
I'm going to take that as you saying that most trolls are sexist, as opposed to you saying you're a sexist troll.

That is correct, sorry if it didn't come across clearly.

The problem isn't women themselves, rather the reactions they get from immature trolls and internet dick wads. Most trolls are incredibly immature and find calling someone 'Gay' and the word 'Fegit' to be the most hillarious thing you can possibly do and say. Now, introduce a female - even an imaginary one - into their little world, and watch as they hurl every vile insult and sickeningly horrendous thought that comes into their little brains.

August 10, 2009 4:38:12 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Quoting animality,
If you're not serious, ignore this post.


Ill ignore this then, totaly sarcasim. I don't even know what a game-slut would be lol.

When I was in a COD1 clan we met someone with a girly name. Someone asked if they were a girl (I wonder what they were looking for...?) and she said yes. Thats the only one I 'know' I played. I just couldn't ask questions like that - I hate how horrible it sounds, however well you word it, it comes out as: "R u a gurl?! ASL?". So I don't, I don't even care. But the more girls there are, the more I fade into the background where I like to be.

Pub server with a 'girl' in it I don't even talk. This is the time, all the other fools are distracted thinking about girls. She may as well be a figment, she won't sleep with any of you. Idiots! *HEADSHOT*


August 10, 2009 9:48:47 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hmm funny, most online games I played (not counting WOW) - which aren't many - I regularly saw girls on the server. Sure, not that many, but that was in the days that women on average didn't play much to begin with. Maybe it's the servers I played on. I play games to relax, not to be the best, and tend to chose servers with very relaxed people. I can imagine girls preferring them too. Problem is, they usually kicked my butt Then again, everyone did except with Enemy Territory, god I was good at that game.

August 10, 2009 12:57:06 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

omg, I just read one of the funniest things on a "girls playing games reciving harrasment" topic comment ever at gamepolitics. I thought I'd brighten your day with it. From

My favourite is this line "I see now people that don't hit women, they just rape them, because hitting on women don't work anymore, they even sue you for sexual harassment" WELL OF COURSE they sue you, you just *raped* them!?!


"Yes, there are guys that are jerks, or are in extreme necessity to the point of keep requesting cybering and that stuff...

But let's get real: Men and Men, Women are Women, we ARE diffrent (mind you, I am not saying that women or men deserve a better/worse salary or voting rights and that stuff...), for Men, hitting on Women is not only natural but also instinctive, I never had a girlfriend, I don't have time now to take care of one (I don't mean that men need to take care of girlfriends in that sense, what I mean is that I don't have time to don't arrive late to see a movie, or time to see a movie at all... or to chat randomly...), but still, when I see a pretty women I look at her! Then people get all sorts: Oooh, you are a machist guy because you look at the girls! No!!! I am not machist, I am just a MEN, and men NEED women (or at least should... or the majority at least), and it is instinctive to look at women... People then get all supress your instincts and whatnot... And I ask: For what? Get sick? You see how much damage we are doing to ourselves sometimes being that way? Currently there are a discrimincation-phobia that is creating more discrimination than helping, I remember few years ago, when I was a child, I just went around playing with the neighbors of my grandma, I was a white guy, had some money (ie: I am not rich, I still don't own a PS2 for lack of money to buy one), and there was other children that were black, japanese, girls, boys, poor, rich, all togheter playing, and noone cared, we don't cared... Then people come with that gay rights, women rights, black rights, and whatever rights, and laws against racism, laws against sexism, and what I see is that people are starting to hate each other for that, for example I see that lot's of companies now refuse black people... Why? No, it is not because they hate black people, it is because they feel that black people hates them, it is because that if a black person complain of racism, you get sued of your ass and has to pay millions to him, even if the racism was you dismissing him because he was not a good worker, I see now people that don't hit women, they just rape them, because hitting on women don't work anymore, they even sue you for sexual harassment, there are people that do the inverse, they become assexual, usually this has negative results on his/her life, but I see that, I see people that hate gays because gays keep pressuring on some rights that infringe that people right, I see for example lots of gay hating on religous communities that have the religious belief that being gay is a sin, while before that gay rights stuff the they do not bothered much gays, gays went around and people ignored them, some in the belief that after they got really converted they would become heterosexual again. But now instead, not marring (in religion, not legal... legally it is still a crime to a gay marry... ironic...) a gay is a crime, and I see open hating inside churches toward gays, not only as deterrant to them want to marry there, but also because they perceive the gays as trying to destroy their religion using legal artifices...

It is all wrong, that racismphobia and sexismphobia is generating more racism and sexism and hate than anything else, I see laws for "racial equality" that enforce universities accept x% people of certain races, and while before a black guy on a university was just a black guy on university (even if rare and minority), now it is a cheater guy on the university because he got because of the system, not his own merits, at least the other students perceive him as such, and now we have racial hate (not only toward blacks) because laws that made attempt to give rights to minorities...


Seriously... Hitting on a girl is sexism? So what I am supposed to do when I decide to have a girlfriend and marry, wait the girl hit on me? "

August 10, 2009 6:21:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well he has some strange views on the hitting girls stuff - some people have anger issues in general - but I mostly agree with him.

The reason gays, women, black people, etc 'need' the rights they fight for is because they have been oppressed into shame of their own kind, which is ofcourse very wrong. No person should have to defend his own person (except criminals ofcourse, but that's a whole other matter). But I do not like the world in which everything is racist or not racist, sexist or not sexist. It tends to do exactly the same, only on the other side of the scale. I've seen black guys been denied entry to a bus, but that was because they were rude and agressive, not because they were black. Even in my everyday job women won't get half of the work, because it is hard labour. That's not because they are women, it's because women have less musscles and therefor in almost every case they aren't strong enough to do the job. That is not sexist, it's logic. (And yes if a woman is strong enough to do the job they get offered the work).

I long for a world where things are seen simply for what they are. Where choices can simply be choices because they are the best option. And not be about racism, sexism, and every other form of differentiating. I think quoted person is right about us forcing ourselves into racist, sexism, etc simply because we make everything about that ourselves.

Furthermore, he's also right about men looking at women; it's instinct. Men (or any male of any species for that matter) need to reproduce to keep their species alive. Women too ofcourse, but they have the 'luxury' to pick the best specimen, men just need to mate as often as possible to have the highest chance of offspring. That's not sexist, it's evolution.

Let me just emphasize that I do not agree with quoted person about the hitting thing and other stuff. But because he's wrong on some things doesn't mean he's wrong on it all.

August 10, 2009 11:55:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I am just a MEN

I don't know why I find this so funny.

August 11, 2009 12:42:41 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Very simple thing to remember on the topic of women on the internet. Trust nothing. The only way you can be sure that its an actual woman on the internet is that you know her personally in actuality and she told you about her profile or whatever. Other than that, don't trust anything. Same goes for guys, but to a lesser degree. Thats all I'm going to say, and the rest of the world can fuck itself for all I care. Actually, I'm sure a good portion of the world will fuck itself today. I now end my rant

August 11, 2009 12:47:30 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

lol just because there are no females here people are saying all they want.

August 11, 2009 4:27:21 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Quoting HiddenMaster,
Very simple thing to remember on the topic of women on the internet. Trust nothing. The only way you can be sure that its an actual woman on the internet is that you know her personally in actuality and she told you about her profile or whatever. Other than that, don't trust anything. Same goes for guys, but to a lesser degree. Thats all I'm going to say, and the rest of the world can fuck itself for all I care. Actually, I'm sure a good portion of the world will fuck itself today. I now end my rant


I trust very little on the internet (acutaly anywhere) but that dosn't mean I call people when they say "Im female" or when they say "Im male" ("Oh reeeaalllyy? PROVE IT! NO NO Don't want to see picture!").

If someone says they are female then I refer to them as female. If it turns out - SHOCK HORROR - they are actualy a guy its a good job I didn't flirt them up! (And I've seen that happen a few times, the flirts those fake girls get! lol).


Shunmaha - I think people would say what they want with females here or not (and they are here), I know I would. Just so happens to be Im not a hater.


twifightDG - The guys comment was funny because of the way he wrote it. Like "when I decide to have a girlfriend" - I could just imagine him on a street, having decided to have a girlfriend. [overlord accent on] "YOU, you will be my girlfriend FOREVER! Now kneel before me (youll be doing a lot of that, eh!) so I can dominate you into submission!". heh

August 11, 2009 6:30:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Wait.. I thought twifightDG said that about getting a girlfriend and not the guy who wrote the tl;dr rant..

August 11, 2009 3:19:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

LOL no. I have a happy relationship but/so I'd never dare tell a woman that she's now my girlfriend. If that worked I'd have a whole harem by now

Actually in my younger days a friend and I once pretended to be a girl in a random chatroom (hey, we were like 16, and intoxicated, I plea innocent!). You wouldn't believe the stuff we got in private chat. It was funny for us and we even got a guy to send naked pics of him (ewwww) which made us laugh non-stop for about 5 minutes, but I can imagine that those things would be pretty tiresome if you are a real woman.

August 11, 2009 5:26:09 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

And of course, so many men just assume everyone they see is a man (check my karma - most of the guys who give me karma refer to me with male pronouns), but it's somehow wrong for a woman to say "no, I'm a woman?" Why is it okay to visibly be a man, but to visibly be a woman is "going out of their way?"

Its nothing personal. English was derived from languages where objects have genders, such as latin, italian, portuguese etc (not that English was derived from Portuguese, but Portuguese still has genders)

For instance, in Portuguese you would say: the car, he is fast, or the hat, she is beautiful. because those words have male and female genders respectively. However, in Portuguese, there are more masculine words than feminine ones.

In french, you use the feminin form for anything from 1 to an infinite number of that feminin object/person. but add one male to the mix, you must use the masculine form.

The fact is, older languages are dominated by the male gender. Alot of modern languages still are. Hey, its archaic and sexist, but its old, its over its done, no point in getting angry over it, you are not going to change some of the most widespread languages on the planet to become more gender neutral within within your lifetime, so relax.

With English, we have the advent of the word "It" to describe objects or things of indeterminate gender. However, English still stems from gender specific languages. The act of calling a person He when you dont know their gender is simply a fragment left over from those times that has snuck through and become common place, especially since women only gained equal rights and whatnot like what? 30 years ago? it takes a little longer for language to change than that.

Also, there are certain professions and circumstances where males or females are more likely to be present. For instance, Females are often not allowed to serve on Submarines becuase of the close quarters. Whereas Swimming Teachers and Daycare Centers often employ women only, because children are more comfortable with women at young ages than with men (i know this personally). In those circumstances, yes, sexual profiling is rampant, but it isnt wrong.

On the other hand, there is the thing of there being no women on the internet. Its not true, but its not entirely unjustified. I'd like to consider myself as having a large number of female friends. maybe 0.1% of them play video games of any sort. the extent to which they are on the internet is MSN or equivalents, Facebook and equivalents, and of course research and other standard uses for the internet. Its not for gaming. Yes, there are female gamers, but there are most likely more male ones, and certainly more vocal male players.

Simple Fact.

Oh, and or the record, i think radical feminists are more sexist than men ever were. Ancient Men were active sexists, puttng females down aggressively whenever they stepped out of line. More modern men were passively sexist, laughin politely when a woman presumed to step out of line. Nowadays, hardcore feminists are more sexist, more powerful, and more AGRO than men ever were. If you even whisper anything about equality, or sexism, or feminists being too aggressive, or anything on the topic (as seen by Phaedyme's post) they fly off the handle and scream blue murder.

Men never did that, but feminists are more than happy to swing the Equal Rights/Public Opinion/Sexual Discrimination machete around like a helicopter whenever they feel threatened. I realise its not everyone, but enough to give feminists a bad name.

THAT doesnt win any respect for them from me.

August 12, 2009 5:05:24 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

LOL no. I have a happy relationship but/so I'd never dare tell a woman that she's now my girlfriend. If that worked I'd have a whole harem by now

Actually in my younger days a friend and I once pretended to be a girl in a random chatroom (hey, we were like 16, and intoxicated, I plea innocent!). You wouldn't believe the stuff we got in private chat. It was funny for us and we even got a guy to send naked pics of him (ewwww) which made us laugh non-stop for about 5 minutes, but I can imagine that those things would be pretty tiresome if you are a real woman.

Reminds me of something that happened a while ago, my boyfriend and his mates went onto my msn account and were chatting to some dude who was plenty keen to show "me" his dick over webcam. For his efforts he got an image of three sets of man-titties.

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