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Annatar11 currently has 527 karma from 462 submissions. View karma Annatar11 has given
Karma Received
When Site Where From Who Link Reason
May 08, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Is there a modifier to change a ship's command points JamesP81 Informative answer to a modding question
May 07, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Questions Sorceresss Ron Lugge is now at +11 and Annatar is at +10 : a level-up is in order, 'cause he's at least as helpful as Slugge.
May 05, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums What is the'karma' rating next to people's names? Klentrogen i like the post
May 04, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Installation error! please help. crossofiron helpful advice
May 02, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Modding Abilities derbal213 He helped me figure out how to get things in my mod to work.
May 02, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Registration Question Hollow Man He's credited in the Sins manual. His advice HAS to be good. :)
May 02, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Vasari's Antorak Marauder: Stabilize Phase Space. Does it work? Haree78 Explaining how the Antorak Phase Gate worked for me, could never get it to work.
May 01, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Should I upgrade civilian infrastructure on roids always? redwingdw28 Very helpful, good attitude to helping.
Apr 30, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Vista modding halp! AustinZombie Halp! with a topic, almost right after I posted!
Apr 30, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Mod help, please. Lost_WLd Helped me fix a mod error.
Apr 29, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums cancel last order Ke5trel Annatar is incredibly active and helpful on forums; provides facts and knowledge rather than rhetoric or unsubstantiated opinion-->we could all benefit from his example:P
Apr 29, 2008 Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Understanding armor The_Nighthawk The most helfpul person on the forums.
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