My memory isn't what it used to be, so if I'm misremembering my apologies and please to correct me...
I'd love to see (and buy) a new&improved WOM that has:
1: the old dynasty system (including children taking over if original Sov dies)
2: the old essence where we have a 'pool' of essence that we can expend to:
-found subsequent cities, revitalizing the land (for Kingdoms, maybe for Empires they'd expend essence to counter revitalization?)
-imbue champions with spellcasting ability (most champs didn't have this)
-power spells (giving us the choice of either having lots of cities and/or spellcasting champions but relatively low powered Sov. spellcasting, or having relatively few cities and/or spellcasting champions but relatively powerful Sov. spellcasting.
I never cared for the current 'essence as a function of city location', I much prefer the original concept.
I'd also like to see more emphasis on the 'revitalizing the land' bit -- it is pretty unique amongst the genre and has pretty much been kicked to the curb. For example, Empires would do better on the tainted (dark) lands (better resource yield) while Kingdoms do better on the revitalized land. This would give reason for Kingdoms to expend essence to revitalize and make the 'dark/green' land thing more than the mere (albeit gorgeous) eye candy it now is -- the artwork is so gorgeous that it merits being more than decoration.
So assuming how it's done, put me down for a heck yes!
Thanks for considering this Frog