I'm surprised gamers feel so strongly about combat.
Games like Mass Effect, Fallout, and Bioshock bank on their combat systems to become widely appealing...sure, the storyline and RPG elements are important but think about your biggest market here....there's a reason why Modern Warfare is such a huge franchise, and it has no RPG elements...
Only makes sense to combine the two genres, and for better or worse, combat/shoot 'em up games are the dominating market there...having an option to "skip combat" simply is going to seem nonsensical for a large portion of the people playing such games...that doesn't mean the option shouldn't be implemented, and it doesn't mean people should be asses to game developers...but, it shouldn't be surprising that skipping RPG elements came first, and skipping combat is a more recent development...
As for the whole moral quandary of "stealing" video games...what fascinates me most is that people who would never steal a game off a store shelf are completely open to "stealing" digital copies...why does this occur? Well, one could argue that you are very likely to get caught stealing out of a store, but not for downloading a pirated copy...but to be honest, I really don't think the possible repercussions are the only explanation for this behavior...
It's sort of like killing someone with your bare hands vs. killing someone with the push of a button....sure, there may be no morally relevant difference, but there is a difference...logical or not, using your bare hands feels worse than pushing a button, and I feel that something similar is occurring here with "acquired" digital copies...
The people who pirate digital copies certainly are doing something wrong...that being said though, he who steals from the store and he who steals from the internet are not the same thief...the actions may be equally wrong, but the people are entirely different...