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Civilization V

By on September 22, 2010 10:07:26 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I been hearing a lot of problems are going on with Civilization V. I am curious if that game will be judged by the same merits that Elemental was judged?


What do you guys think?

0 Karma | 107 Replies
September 22, 2010 10:09:46 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

The same merits? Can you explain what you mean?

September 22, 2010 10:20:07 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

No, it won't.  It will be held to a different standard.  To be fair, the problems that Civ 5 has are different that E:WoM had.  Yes, there are various compatability issues, but the main problem of how E:EoM, gameplay, Civ 5 doesn't suffer from.  What I believe it suffers from is Madden-itis.  I now update my Madden game every 3 years. NCAAF, I update every 2. Otherwise it is missing that freshness that you want from a new game.  E:WoM has it in spades, but it needs a lot of work still.

September 22, 2010 10:35:47 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

the only problem is i can't play it till it unlocks in a day and 9 hrs or so, Elemental had issues with gameplay not just compatability

September 22, 2010 10:42:08 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Does using a US proxy work for Steam?



September 22, 2010 11:22:23 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Can you also be more specific as to the 'problems' you are referring to?


From what I've seen there are not really an unexpected problems, and most people, other than those who know their specs are on the low end, seem to be running mostly crash free.


There are some issues apparently at start up with stuttering, but it seems to go away after a few turns are played.  Hardly game breaking, but still annoying I guess.


Of course I'm sure that as it gets played more, more complaints will surface about AI, balance, ... though FA has a good enough rep in addressing these things for me to not worry about it being dropped or whatever some people might thing.


Then again, I'm not buying it for a while anyway, mostly until I resolve my feelings about Steam, but also just on general principles of not buying any new game until the dust of release has settled.

September 22, 2010 11:43:07 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

From what I've seen there are not really an unexpected problems, and most people, other than those who know their specs are on the low end, seem to be running mostly crash free.

Continues crashing when using the Civ5 recommend DX10/11 exe file, thats something I would call unexpected, there are plenty of posts on it over at 2K forums. DX9 works for me thankfully, or I'd really be pissed.

Gameplay wise Civ5 is much more polished than Elemental. IMO if you like stategy games you should have both in your collection.

September 22, 2010 11:51:31 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Here's my experience with it after only a couple of hours of multiplayer with some friends:


Since you didn't mention any specific problems you've heard about or explain what you mean by 'merits' I can't respond to your post except to give you my experience. And that is pretty much all subjective.

The visuals are stunning, I love the art design. I like the fact that instead of using black for the unexplored regions, they use clouds. I played Civ IV a lot but never quite got to the point where I knew all the ins and outs of strategy. Civ V feels more accessible for new players and those who were like me with Civ IV. There are advisors that will try to help you along the way, you can use them or not. The Civilopedia is great from my brief look at it. As usual the tooltips are outstanding.

Combat is, in my book, the best enhancement to the franchise. I love the 1 unit per tile mechanic (although if you want your stacks of doom there is already a mod for that). Combat feels more tactical than in Civ IV. You have to think about where you want to place your units, not just throw them all into one square. AWESOME feature: when Barbarians attack a worker or settler, they don't kill them; they CAPTURE them and take them back to their nearest fort. If your combat unit defeats that Barbarian before they get back to their fort, you RECAPTURE back your worker/settler. I loved it!

The chat box is MUCH better than in Civ IV, it has it's own box now instead of being part of the other notifications text.

My experience with the game was 95% positive and 5% negative.

MAJOR negative:

After we had played 100 turns or so it was time for bed so the host of our multiplayer game went to save the game. UH OH! No Save game button. Apparently there is an auto save game button or something like that when you are starting the game but we didn't have that checked, so we lose our game. Seems like that should definitely be put back into Civ V. It was there in IV.

MINOR negatives:

At the beginning I couldn't ESC through the opening cutscene until it was about a minute into it or so.

When ordering a unit to move you can't go back to that unit later and be able to tell where they are supposed to go. In IV you could click on your unit and a dotted line would appear telling you where that unit's destination was. This is the same for workers building roads across multiple tiles. After you've told your worker to build a road from A to Z, when you click back on that unit it doesn't show where they are going next after finishing the road on the tile they are on.

At the right of the UI is the score panel. It had a scrollbar for me possibly because of my resolution (1366 x 768). When I clicked on the scrollbar it went up and down like it should. However, later I realized that my mouse scroll wheel was not zooming the map like it should have and was instead just scrolling the score panel. No amount of clicking elsewhere, using different screens, pressing ESC would take it back to working with the map instead. I'm calling BUG on that one.

Again, I loved it though, and so did my friends. One of whom was a Civ IV junky to the max.

September 22, 2010 11:54:37 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting shadowtongue,
Can you also be more specific as to the 'problems' you are referring to?


From what I've seen there are not really an unexpected problems, and most people, other than those who know their specs are on the low end, seem to be running mostly crash free.


There are some issues apparently at start up with stuttering, but it seems to go away after a few turns are played.  Hardly game breaking, but still annoying I guess.


Of course I'm sure that as it gets played more, more complaints will surface about AI, balance, ... though FA has a good enough rep in addressing these things for me to not worry about it being dropped or whatever some people might thing.


Then again, I'm not buying it for a while anyway, mostly until I resolve my feelings about Steam, but also just on general principles of not buying any new game until the dust of release has settled.



Oh I am not having any problems, because like you I am waiting for the dust to settle also.


I am just curious that these problems I am seeing will hurt or not matter on the reviews of Civ V. And like KillemAllGod stated they are different games, with different problems. But from what I have seen so far Civilization has had high marks with problems and the reviews of Elemental (while true) were quite brutal. However I didn’t create this thread to cry over either game, because I enjoy Elemental and I will enjoy Civ V just like I enjoyed Civ IV. But I am just curious if both games are held to the same standards while being reviewed. If not why?

September 22, 2010 11:55:19 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I'm getting CODs every couple hundred turns in Civ 5, just like EWoM.  Getting weird AI behavior.  Getting weird graphics glitches.  Getting un-explained slowdowns.   Just the same it is fun, just like EWoM.


To forestall the question I'm well above the recommended specs. 

September 22, 2010 11:58:17 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

@ Charvel1


Thanks for that. 

I’ll be going Steam (window shopping) and sweating all day wanting to by it, lol.

September 22, 2010 12:03:43 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting Saryk,
@ Charvel1


Thanks for that. 

I’ll be going Steam (window shopping) and sweating all day wanting to by it, lol.

While you're there, grab the demo. See how you like it.

September 22, 2010 12:06:45 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

As we have to wait 3 days more for Civ 5 here in Europe, I've only played the demo so far. And that is better, more polished and more entertaining than the full Elemental game was even with only the first 100 turns being playable.

September 22, 2010 12:07:09 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

If your combat unit defeats that Barbarian before they get back to their fort, you RECAPTURE back your worker/settler. I loved it!

Actually they just take them back to their camp. If you destroy the camp you will re-capture the worker also. The awesome bonus is sometimes the barbarians capture workers of City-States, and if you free those you get the option of keeping the worker, or returning him to the city-state for +30 influence.

September 22, 2010 12:12:30 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Gam a da yar!

September 22, 2010 12:12:55 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting Saryk,

 But from what I have seen so far Civilization has had high marks with problems and the reviews of Elemental (while true) were quite brutal.

Both games have technical errors that affected a minority of users (Elemental's white screen, Civ 5 crashes). I actually could play both games without any problems.

The problem is, despite having no technical problems with Elemental, I had no fun. The game was a mess of ideas thrown together without overall direction and suffered because of it. All reviewers could say was "potential." Civilization 5 is Civilization 5. It is an extremely polished game, with twists on proven gameplay. Is is THAT much better and more revolutionary than Civ 4? No. But, to me, it is still strictly better than Civ 4.

On release day, Civ 5 is a great game. On release day, Elemental was still a beta. The reviews reflect that.

September 22, 2010 12:14:44 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting Charvel1,

Quoting Saryk, reply 10@ Charvel1


Thanks for that. 

I’ll be going Steam (window shopping) and sweating all day wanting to by it, lol.
While you're there, grab the demo. See how you like it.


Never even knew there was a demo, I need to stop drinking beer when I am at home on Steam. But thanks for the heads up.

September 22, 2010 12:15:08 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting Annatar11,
Actually they just take them back to their camp. If you destroy the camp you will re-capture the worker also. The awesome bonus is sometimes the barbarians capture workers of City-States, and if you free those you get the option of keeping the worker, or returning him to the city-state for +30 influence.

More awesomeness. Didn't realize you could just destroy their fort and get back your guy that way. Really like this whole concept.

Yeah, that same thing happened to me with the City-State worker being captured by Barbarians, I destroyed their fort and was surprised that I recaptured a worker. Then I had the choice of giving him back to the City-State or keeping him for myself. Again, I loved it!

September 22, 2010 12:37:19 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Run in DX 9.0c mode and there are fewer "issues." Look in your steam/steamapps/common/sid meir's civilization v/direct x folder and run DxSetup.exe. No more issues for me in DX 9.0c mode after this.

Most of the other tech issues arise because computer does not meet or exceed Minimum Recommended Specs. Those are the minimum specs or you will have tech issues. Then too, Steam is gorfing. Nothing 2K or Firaxis can do about that.

Civ V does warm the CPU and the GPU, keep an eye on your temperatures.

Roads and rivers are ugly. The rivers look completely stupid. One thing I cannot stand is a stupid river.

There are many game balance tweaks coming I think. Nothing game breaking at the moment.

Players new to the Civ series like it a lot. Many experienced Civ series players find much to complain about.

Me? ... well at the moment Civ IV is the hands down winner. Even Civ III I like better.

Get demo is best advice.

Judged by the same standards? Yes it is. But being as objective as I can, there is really not that much wrong with this game at release, and oh so much right!

September 22, 2010 12:53:00 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Civ 5 is alot of fun for me so far. Only reason I am not playing right now is I just got home from grocery shopping and was poking my head in here to see if they had announced anything new. Since I still have hopes that elemental will be great eventually. Anyways off to finish conquering my game I left unfinished at 4am last night lol. I love Babylon this civ is so awesome! (only one I played as so far, but still on first game).

September 22, 2010 12:56:30 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Civ 5 is definitely a great game, however so is Elemental (At least it soon will be) as it has something Civ does not, Magic !!



September 22, 2010 1:02:23 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Kael is rumored to be porting Fall From Heaven to Civ 5. Oodles and gobs of magic then!

Kael has also made two cool mods for Civ 5 already. Added the Celts and the Legions mod. Unfortunately, neither mod will download and install for me. They are working on it.

September 22, 2010 1:14:55 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I'm thinking I might be waiting for the first expansion that's inevitably in the works.  Only because I don't have time for yet another time sucking game.

September 22, 2010 1:29:34 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I been hearing a lot of problems are going on with Civilization V. I am curious if that game will be judged by the same merits that Elemental was judged?


What do you guys think?

September 22, 2010 1:44:57 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I just started playing Civ V yesterday.  Comparing Civ V to E:WoM is not exactly fair.  E:WoM is a brand new product built, built essentially from scratch, directed towards hardcore 4X gamers.  Civ V is designed to be both for the hardcore group, and to introduce the genre to new players, with its shiny graphics, and music and interface.

As far as problems are concerned, maybe I haven't played it long enough to find them, but Civ V seems to me to be pretty polished.  I know that there are problems with multiplayer but I usually don't do multiplayer.  I know that it's rough on system resources, but you can actually see where those resources have gone to -- it's an extremely (graphically) beautiful game.  It is not the same as previous Civ games, but it's also not different enough that an experienced player will have much problem picking it up.  The tooltips and advisors are not perfect, but they do allow newcomers to simply pick up the game and start playing without reading a rulebook.

The problem is that if you read the Civ forums on the day after release, there is a selection bias.  What you are seeing mostly are the subgroup of players who aren't actually playing.

Anyway, Don't judge it from the forums.  Don't judge it at all without at least trying the demo, if not the game itself.  I would say the same thing about any game (especially E:WoM).

Say what you want, but Civ V's release day went a lot smoother than Elemental's.  Considering the age of the franchise, and the money invested in it by a big company, (and that they didn't try to completely reinvent the wheel) that's only to be expected.

September 22, 2010 1:45:20 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting wilebill,
Kael is rumored to be porting Fall From Heaven to Civ 5. Oodles and gobs of magic then!

Kael has also made two cool mods for Civ 5 already. Added the Celts and the Legions mod. Unfortunately, neither mod will download and install for me. They are working on it.

FFH for Civ 5 would be amazing. His legions mod baffles me though as it removes the one unit per hex rule which is one of the best things about Civ 5 and which the whole military based game is based around. I guess it's interesting to note that it's possible to remove it in a mod though. I really hope he doesn't do something like that for FFH though.

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