i think what mithy is trying to say is not what you think he is saying (confused yet???)
basically mithy is saying that:
1. if your downloading 1 mod then you will prbly be trying alot of them out and will prbly grab lots at the same time. It is likely that you wont be reading the mod blurb. This is likely to cause problems with exclusivity.
2. he is not having a go at you for using these mods in yours (infact i think he has encouraged it) he is just stating that copy/pasting them is a poor way of adding them as your adding ALOT of code that does nothing but take up CPU cycles.
ie: you have recopied the entirety of the achievement item file (acheivement_items.lua) to edit a few of the items
in favormod i have edited blood soaked wand. My entire edit for this item was: (note i dont copy old code unless i have too, this is the old buff with a new name and altered affect that is applied to the same demigod that the old buff is applied to on the application of that old buff). This is not a perfect example but i am sure you can get my point.
Buffs.AchievementAEHeal.OnBuffAffect = function(self, unit)
# Effects on triggering Hero, showing AoE heal
AttachEffectsAtBone( unit, EffectTemplates.Items.Achievement.BloodSoakedWand01, -2 )
Buff.ApplyBuff(unit, 'Bloodsoakedwandedit', unit)
Items.AchievementAEHeal.Description = 'Use: Heal self and all nearby allies for [GetHealthBuff] and 500 Mana.'
BuffBlueprint {
Name = 'Bloodsoakedwandedit',
BuffType = 'Bloodsoakedwandedit',
IgnoreDamageRangePercent = true
, Stacks = 'ALWAYS',
Duration = 0,
DamageSelf = true,
DamageFriendly = true,
CanCrit = false,
ArmorImmune = true,
CanBackFire = false,
CanBeEvaded = false,
CanMagicResist = false,
Debuff = false,
EntityCategory = 'ALLUNITS',
Duration= -1,
Affects = {
Energy = {Add = 500},
None of the rest of the original file is present (this is an important concept for modding as i have found out several times -- it causes problems later) and i only have present in my mod the parts of the file that i want changed. Delete the rest from within your modded files, as the game will use the default file (the one in dgdata.zip) until it finds a match for a blueprint/function name in a file with the same name as the original within your mod folder.
3. Destructive coding =/= speed of modding and so your adding those cpu cycles for no reason
4. Destructive coding causes issues with the game if a new patch comes out or if someone updates the mods that you have ripped (no offense of course).
Note: i understand what you are trying to do. You are making a mod which includes all the other mods in a convient package. However, by doing so your making life very difficult for yourself. I have had multiple times over wished that i had broken up my mods into smaller ones for the sake of easy tracking of changes and updates. Having a single large mod creates more problems that it does simplify things.
Also understand that pacovs UI package was created to prevent everyone from having to go through their mod list and activate 3 mods where a single activation would suffice (this is UI only and so can be played with anyone regardless of what mods are/are not being played with). This is advantageous for this reason alone. the ability to mix and match the other mods in to your hearts desire is kinda what keeps things fresh IMO.
Also note:
The line, I guess, is drawn in my mind at this position; Including favor mod within my mod would be crossing the line. Including regular enhanced AI would be crossing a line.
I really dont mind, i would encourage anyone who wants to use my code to go for it. However, this is how i would lay out my mods.
.zip file:
where each of the above is a seperate folder. Yes you would have to make it so that you have to activate each individually ingame, but they could all be supplied together and it would allow the users to activate the parts of the mod that they are interested in. It would also allow you to know where stuff is.
hope that clears up some confusion