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Enfos [Mod] Test V 1.3 NEW****

By on June 15, 2010 2:05:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 07/2009

Hey guys,


Sorry about multiplayer bug. Fixed version below

Version 1.1_ With Bugfix Enfos - Both Multi and Singleplayer V1.1_Final_Bugfix.exe



version 1.3 test - single player only .rar file


Please remove (delete) any previous versions of the mod before installing.

Also Enfos is NOT compatible with favormod - i have used a fair amount of the code for favormod in my Enfos.

Further, to switch between mods you currently have to remove all other versions of enfos before installing. Both mods currenlty use the same install path.

For .zip install - extract \enfos\ folder into demigod\bindata\mods\

Solo - Allows for 1-5 players on a single team, no opposing ai team is required to play. When ingame select "The Brothers" as your map and keep all human players on a single team! you will also require an AI on the forces of darkness.


Team Survival - Play team vs team

When ingame select "The Brothers" as the map.


Let me know how far you get!


Also any balance changes, item /creature ideas are welcome as per usual!


Changelog for V0.9 -> 1.0

1. Moved item/artifact shops and the crystal to the other side of the citadel. You will now be able to shop much more quickly after spawning and you will no longer aggro creeps through the wall while shopping.

2. Fixed walls to be more wallish. - tb can no longer pass through walls, and now minions are not able to pass through walls either. However reinforcements will remain able to for the present time (unless requested). This includes nitecrawlers.

3. Fixed Exp gain for all Creep types (was previously not giving exp for new creeps).

4. Changed shield (crystal idol animation) to take up less resources and make it unique and distingiushable. Credit to Ptarth for the code for this change.

5. Changed Crystal idol shield summon rate : 5 sec --> 8 Sec on aurapulse, compensated for this by increasing shield effect from 150-200.

6. Removed all flags but the ones near the portals. Removed gold/exp gain from capture. This flag owns to resources (2 mines) which each produce 4 gold per tick.

7. Number of player creep health and damage adjustment code completed. Creeps will have 0/25/50/75/100% for 1/2/3/4/5 players.

8.Creep Health and damage will now incease by 6.25% per warrank wave.

9. There will be 2 waves per warrank, however the amount of summoned units will be divided between these two waves. The second wave will come after 18 seconds. The time in between warrank waves has been lifted from 31 seconds to 41 seconds

ie spawn wave 1

18 sec

Spawn wave 1 (2)

41 sec

spawn wave 2

18 sec


Hopefully this will reduce the pressure applied on players and allow them more time to move back to the citadel and shop

10. Amount of gold given per wave has been reduced from 250 to 100 per wave. - this will be changed further soon - looking to implement a system which distributes a set amount of gold between the players so i can cap max gold gain for balance reasons. (ie a given pool of resources will be used and divided out evenly amongst the players).

11. All warscore requirements have been removed from the citadel. Now purchases only depend on available gold.

Modifications to citadel:

Removed purchasable creep upgrades

Removed purchasable treb/finger of god upgrades

12. Increased Albatross flight path to prevent them getting caught in the citadel.

13. Fixed all creep types from getting caught in the citadel.

14. Fixed a number of icon problems

15. Rewrote the spawn tables to be more reflective of wave buff. -- Note lvl 16 is an air wave

16.First boss unit added. Currently only passive abilities though i will be looking at adding some active abilities in the following patch (so i can get this out soon )

Second Boss unit added - No abilities but does High area damage - Uses Ptarths Ancient Shambler mod -

17. Currency changed to

10/20/35 gold per tick. changed to 2000/4000/6000 (gold per wave was again reduced to 100*wave per portal spawn; see above)

18. Imported  14 favor items over from favormod.

 Dejavu Essence

 Ice Shard

Venom Stone

Static Orb


Wand of the Wastes

Wraith Gloves

Helm of Fortune

Architects Mechanism


Claymore Mine

Merlins Magic Missile


LifeSource Katana


Changelog for V1.1

1. Adjusted creep code buff code to occur every spawn, should continue to increase after level 20 (not yet tested).

Adjusted code so that creeps are buffed by:

                MaxHealth = { Mult = 0.0625, AdjustHealth = true },
                DamageBonus = { Mult = 0.0625 },

every wave (twice the previous buff)

2. added 2 starting towers to both sides of the map, close to the citadel

3. changed lobby option gold to:

    StartingGold = {
        Normal = 3500,
        High = 7500,
        Rich = 25000,

and experience rate to:

    ExperienceMultiplier = {
       Low = 1.5,
        Normal = 3.0,
        High = 6.0,


To account for these changes the number of player buff is now :

50%/+200%/+300%/+400%/+500% health and damage per 1/2/3/4/5 players



4. Removed Items:

Cloak of the night favor item


amulet of teleportation

elfin cloak (artifact - teleport cloak)


5. Editied abilities:


---Now teleports you back to your start location 0.5 seconds after arriving. Consider it to now be an aoe that lets you go immune for .5 seconds. - To compensate for the change of mobility, this ability will now do damage twice.


start position   -----damage------> selected area- 0.5sec


Damage by batswarm has been adjusted to:

Ability.HVampireBatSwarm01.DamageAmt = 400
Ability.HVampireBatSwarm02.DamageAmt = 545
Ability.HVampireBatSwarm03.DamageAmt = 720


Blast off has been done the same way.

Damage on Blast off adjusted to:

.HOculusBlastOff01.DamageAmt = 400
.HOculusBlastOff02.DamageAmt = 525
.HOculusBlastOff03.DamageAmt = 610
.HOculusBlastOff04.DamageAmt = 720

6. Edited Items:

Scroll of teleportation cost increased to 750.

Sigil of Vitality cost increased to 1000.

Armorment: On active ability armor multiplier reduced from 40% to 20%


7. Fixed currency II cost. Was costing 400 when it should have been 4000. Adjusted currency III up from 35 to 40 gold per tick.

Somehow has come undone: will be in next patch (maybe a later ver1.1 or ver 1.2)


8. Fixed a favoritem import problem

9. Crystal idol shield aura change:

Aura pulse time increased from 8 to 16.

Shield absorb affect increased from 200 to 450. -- this should be more friendly to everyones computers.

10. rewrote the unit tables. reduced number of units by 30-50%

11. changed the wave times :

Warrank Wave timer 41 --> 55

secondary wave 18 seconds-->25

Hope that this reduces the number of creeps on screen.

12. Added Ending to singleplayer.

In the singleplayer version, you will now win the match if you reach warrank 20 and are able to survive through 3 waves at this warrank.

13. Added Additional difficulty level after level 20 for multiplayer.

Creeps will now gain another 12% difficulty bonus for each wave after reaching warrank 20

Standard angel damage --> reduced from 89 --> 50

14. Removed Teleport Scrolls

15. Removed Fortified Structure from the citadel

16. Altered health of towers and citadel to 9000/60000 respectively

17. Added Consumable Item to Consumable tab 2:

Structure Buffer - cost 3500:

On use: Summons a ward which will buff all structures in range 14 with 40% more health and +12 regen.

Creeps will attack and destroy this ward, removing the effects after 20 seconds. The ward has been given 4000 health, and is permanent until destroyed.

It should also be able to be sniped now .

18. Death penalty lobby options changed:

Low: 0.5 -----> 1

Normal: 1 ---> 1.5

others remain the same

19. Shambler Boss now uses Ground spikes I every 5 seconds.

Ver 1.1 Test :

Changes - Added a new ability to nightmare.

Fixed artifact shop - now cloak of elfkin kind can no longer teleport you however, the cost has been reduced to 7500.

Fixed tooltip for Structural Reinforcement -- ^^item above 17.

Fixed Costs for Building Firepower tree

Fortified Structure is back but with better returns now (lol citadel strength is better than it was before but it is still swiss cheese, so you better upgrade!

upgrades are now I  - 20% health and 15 regen ---   cost: 1800

II - 60% health and 20 regen   ---   cost -- 2800

III -- 100% health and 25 regen --  cost  -- 3800

IV -- 140% health and 30 regen  -- cost 4800

 Added ability Rain Of Fire to Nightmare


Have fun! Exx
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June 20, 2010 3:59:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

No. Post Mortem and Plague work fine :3

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June 20, 2010 4:30:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You see, there's this bug with post mortem where if you select it, a biker guy named Bubba comes out of your closet and rapes you.

OK, here's how it goes. Apparently, your folder name HAS to be Enfos. So, you can have only one activated a time, but you can have both if you download one, change the folder name, and then download the second one. 

But, to make the one work, you must name the folder Enfos.

So, to play enfo's multiplayer, you must have a folder named Enfos that contains the code for the enfo's multiplayer mod. You cannot have any other folder in the mods folder called Enfos.


I propose that everyone deletes the singleplayer and only uses multiplayer online because it is vastly superior.

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June 21, 2010 3:13:43 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

hey guys. Currently the difference between the two files is two lines of code (effectively) - delete portal and increase the wave counter variable check to account for 2 portal being active. I knew when i released the mod that they would conflict ie:


Further, to switch between mods you currently have to remove all other versions of enfos before installing. Both mods currenlty use the same install path.

but it was really late at night lol, and i had work in the morning. I just figured not many ppl would be into the singleplayer version if they play online.

Basically if you rename one:

\Singleplayer Enfos\

and leave the Multiplayer version as :


They should work (as any files hooked directly ie :'/mods/enfos/icons/' will be hooked exist and so successfully hook when the game tries to run them.

I will be working towards releasing another patch soon that will make this non issue (will be a single installer for both mods).

Some more questions for everyone, with my replies for each. If you have the time can you pls do the same ?:

1. Do you play the current version with any lobby options changed (ie what are your favorite or do you just play default). Also how many ppl do you play with (on a team)?

I for this patch i have been playing on High Experience (this now affects all creeps types) and have been setting starting gold on High. I have been playing on the singleplayer map (have yet to try a multiplayer game) with one other person (Swoxks).

2. What level (demigods) do you reach by the time you die. Further what wave (warrank - press tab) is the highest warrank you have got too.

With the above settings i have reached level 50 once but average about level 38-39 by the end of warrank 20.

3. What is your favorite character and or build?

Rook (other player plays UB with a similar setup).

Stats/towers 1-5

gods strength  6

structural transfer  7

boulder roll. 8

stats/towers/structural transfer /gods strength  till they are all maxed

then i buy the other skills in no particular order.


Items/Cit upgrades:

currency I

Narmoths ring

2 teleport scrolls

as many rejuvination potions as i can carry (large)

FavorItem: Armorment


Nimoths chest after warrank 8. - latest available time to shop before first boss due to cooldown on teleport scroll.

Girdle of giants

Currency 2 and 3 - remember this is the only other way to make money in this mod and level 3 generates a whooping 35 gold per second.




The whole point of this build is that you are a super tank. Stack health and armor and with armorment you will be very difficult to knock down. Structural transfer is a free pot and as you have no other real active abilities; bolder roll doesn't use much mana while towers will quickly become really cheap - 200 mana); you are free to not have to buy any helms at all. Groffling, unbreakables, platemail of the crusader, mageslayer/askendor, orb of defiance.

By the end of the game you will be striking for 900 damage in an aoe cleave at a very fast rate. use towers for health and armorment when facing giants, golems and bosses.

Note: I hope to be implementing new skills for all the demigods - Currently most demigods have enough skills to fill about 35 levels, however the level cap is 50 so i am looking at adding new bonuses to skills to enhance existing abilities so info about builds you would like, currently follow would be awesome (i will prbly go looking through the ideas forum lol). 

Ok Changes for next patch (although feedback is welcome) :


For the next patch i will be increasing the amount of gold provided at the start to the players. all other gold functions will be left as they are.

Exp gain rate will be shifted to match that of lobby setting high. This allows the player  to level faster giving a more satisfying experience.

Creep spawn warrank wave buff will be increased from 6.25% to 8.5% for both health and damage. - note that this buff applies retroactively to all previously summoned creeps. Kill them fast!

Increase the per player buff to -25%/50%/100%/150%/200%


2 Towers at the citadel  will be added to the map to mop up a stray creep or 2 that makes it to the citadel.


I will also be trying to implement:

Building firepower I: Purchases 1 tower at the top of the U - bend

Building firepower II: Purchases a second tower at the top of the U - bend

Building firepower III: Purchases a destroyable health crystal at the top of the U - bend. This crystal will heal for (probably) 50% heal

Reducing creep wave numbers and increasing difficulty.

2 new minions

Citadel upgrade purchase : 2 ranks. cost to be determined

Add some new artifacts.

Potentially ----- Add some minion items to increase the effectiveness of minions lategame.  ---

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June 21, 2010 3:42:25 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

@ OMG_Splitshadow

I suggest you remove hellfires from the creep waves. They aggro you or your monks and attack you from behind the walls.

lol then you should be up at the portal

Exxcentric, I have an idea to prevent illegal border hopping. Place permanent, invincible towers of silence in the DMZ between the two camps so that when you get in the middle area, you can't cast any spells to let you hop over the wall 

interesting concept but could be painstaking to implement (which is why there are now towers there now).

Also, you NEED to disable post mortem/plague in this game otherwise the game freezes for thirty seconds at a time and everyone drops to -4 sim speed.

For the multiplayer version, remember that the creeps are doubled. You might want to again reduce the number of creeps and increase their quality. On the wave that has 100+ giants, the average sim speed is around 1 for most people.

i havent had a problem with it playing it online (although it was singleplayer with only two ppl). lets see what happens when i reduce the number of creeps further. Note hold the portal ASAP, it significantly reduces the damage you take because creeps come out one type at a time. This will also reduce the number of creeps on the screen .



What about a creep type : Aura - Instantly cures allied stun. Pulse .5, radius 15


Again sorry for all the confusion guys


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June 21, 2010 4:13:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Its 4 A.M. so I can't respond to everything but favorite build.


  1. Shield
  2. Divine Justice
  3. Save
  4. Shield
  5. Divine Justice and Surge of Faith
  6. Soul ward 1
  7. Shield
  8. Divine Justice
  9. Save
  10. Shield and Surge of Faith
  11. Soul ward 2
  12. Soul ward 3
  13. Soul ward 4
  14. Save
  15. Shield and Surge of Faith

Favor item- Armorment

Item Build:

Monks (optional allies can get if needed)

Nature's Reckoning

Orb of Defiance

Nimoth's (switch with orb if your doing bad)

Orb of Veiled storms

Cloak of Flames

Giant's belt if you can make it to the shop without loosing

The focus of this build is to tank all of the creeps damage and use you AoE skills to finish creeps and heal allies. I have found that it works very well if you can time the invul cycle to where you dont waste the aoe's heals.

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June 21, 2010 4:42:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Comments on the new build:

Runs great! I was solo'ing as UB (again) and using Post Mortem + Plague and all and it never dropped below 10 for me.  

Typically I do my setting as follows:


All Normal Except:

1) Quick flag captures

2) Light Death Penalty

3) High XP


The last run I did I turned on Slaughter instead of Conquest. This gives your Citadel 125,000 starting HP which means you can shop without it dropping in an instant. I would have lost on Wave 16 this game, though my old solo strat didn't work well with the re-worked creepwaves. 


Things I like:

- Citadel reworking

- Location of crystal

- Bosses! Love the bosses!


Things I don't like:

- The game still can be "beaten" once you get to a certain point and no matter how strong the creeps are, they can't touch you. If continously improving creeps can't be beaten, let me recommend the following... you could append these things to a WS 21-25, say "bonus" or something, make them :

I. Creeps start doing ability damage instead of weapon damage (armor piercing) ("bonus level" difficluty)

II. Increase Creep Armor more than you currently do to offset AA's effectiveness at higher levels (which is when it gets absurd... 1200 Cleave with Bestial Wrath + Ooze + Girdle of the Giants kills everything). Just a 2% per level increase in mitigation should work.  

III. Increase Creep movement and/or attack speed with each wave (2%?). The faster they move the smaller window you have to shop. 

IV. Give Bosses a unique Weapon Type that does increased damage to Demigods. If it was, say, 5x, it would be able to seriously thrash an opposing demigod without nuking the citadel all by itself. If you die... then of course the bosses' buddies will wipe it. 

V. Steal the code for Ball Lightning and make creeps explode when they die, dealing damage. This is a "Bonus level" difficulty, again. 

VI. After a certain period of time at wave 20 or 25 or whatever (say, 5 minutes... typically if they've lasted this long they are packing artifacts and killing everything), start rapidly increasing the effectiveness of everything. I think it would be funny to rework the Ball Lightning to be "God". Have it have a lot of hp, pretty much unkillable and have it be a final "the end". After 5 minutes or so on the final level they are so badass unless you improve the creep waves somehow they will only play 'til they just get flat-out bored. Even in multi-player, this would work because it would come down to "who can survive God the longest!" rather than "who gets bored and leaves first". Of course, UB would once again be overpowered because of Acclimation... 

- Still hate that creeps run past you and you have to chase them down. Purchaseable forts and starting default towers or archers would help this IMMENSELY and it would be a positive playing experience. 

- That's really it for now. It's a very good mod  

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June 21, 2010 5:19:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thankyou both so much for your replies. It really helps and saves me testing stuff myself (and i am limited to testing regularly with only 1 other person).


For constantly improving creeps:

This only requires moving a single line of code from the warrankwave subroutine to the creep timer and so will be implemented by next patch. Note that now creeps will upgrade every spawn by 4.25%.

NB: I will increase building health/regen citadel upgrade till i figure out the code for improving the stronghold by shop purchase.

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June 21, 2010 10:15:56 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i haven't had a problem with it playing it online (although it was singleplayer with only two ppl). lets see what happens when i reduce the number of creeps further. Note hold the portal ASAP, it significantly reduces the damage you take because creeps come out one type at a time. This will also reduce the number of creeps on the screen  .

The lowest sim speed was about 3, the average was about 6. Defenz got plague, the lowest became -4, and the average was about 1. This was a 4v4 and there were tons and tons of creeps on the field.

1. Do you play the current version with any lobby options changed (ie what are your favorite or do you just play default). Also how many ppl do you play with (on a team)?

High starting gold is more fun IMO.

2. What level (demigods) do you reach by the time you die. Further what wave (warrank - press tab) is the highest warrank you have got too.

Most games last until around level 15 on multiplayer in a 3v3

3. What is your favorite character and or build?

Hybrid Tb @ BotS

  1. Circle of Flame I
  2. Rain of Ice I
  3. Save
  4. Circle of Flame II + Rain of Ice II
  5. _____ Nova
  6. Save
  7. Circle of Flame III + Rain of Ice III
  8. _____ Nova
  9. Save
  10. Circle of Flame IV + Rain of Ice IV
  11. _____ Nova
  12. _____ Nova
  13. save
  14. save
  15. Both Novas
  16. Inspirational Flame
  17. Fire Aura
  18. Fire Aura
  19. Fire Aura
  20. Stats


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June 21, 2010 11:44:08 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

First off this mod is awesome, thanks for your effort.  You've definitely added a unique & fun gametype for us.

Secondly, this mod is just awesome and fun too!


The only negative I have is that when plague / post mortem is active it jumped our 4v4's and 3v3 matches to negative sim speeds.  I don't know if it is a graphically oriented issue or bandwidth / proc. calc issue.  If it's graphical can the graphics be diabled for those to skills? It's a shame too since those skills are so useful for this.



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June 21, 2010 11:44:37 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

damn i want to go home just so i can play this lol.

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June 21, 2010 1:15:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think it's a problem with all the calculations happening instantly. My graphics card is good enough for any game but  my processor is a crappy HP default one.

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June 21, 2010 1:41:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

that would make sense but it also depends on how the graphics calculations are estimated.  With this game being very light duty on grafx cards they calcs for the graphics could be proc. based.  If thats the case then eliminating the graphics could assist some. 


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June 21, 2010 3:41:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

well Post Mortem and Plague weren't written well. They slow down normal 3v3s when giants come out (as in, real multiplayer).

So that's that.

Previously, in the last version I would hit about level 30-35 solo around levels 18-19 or so.

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June 21, 2010 5:27:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Again - great mod and quite a bit of fun.  It seems like most people play it with default settings, + high gold for initial settings.  And everyone (that's smart anyway) immediately buys all 3 gold upgrades. 

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June 21, 2010 7:52:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_pacov,
Again - great mod and quite a bit of fun.  It seems like most people play it with default settings, + high gold for initial settings.  And everyone (that's smart anyway) immediately buys all 3 gold upgrades. 

Not in a 2v2. Maybe in a 3v3. Probably in a 4v4. Definitely in a 5v5.

I always buy the first two when there's high gold. No one person can afford all three and you need a tank, so it's a bad idea in 2v2 and sometimes in 3v3.

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June 22, 2010 4:32:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Dude, can you take out the ability to warp over walls?  Or is that part of the game being able to go to enemy's side and take there cit down?  If it is it is just another dimension.  But clarification would be great.



The End.

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June 22, 2010 4:49:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

so... you can TP directly to the portals... is that intentional?

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June 22, 2010 6:13:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yo, it just gets boring after one play ... Can do decent "defense" out of it but need rebuild alot. If you make it to 20 you probably win... except for that you cant win without warp cloak ...

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June 22, 2010 6:42:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Make two or more opposing portals and remove warp items or at least make the walls thicker to prevent warping.  Sim speeds get fubared bad when there's an assload of creeps.  Maybe increase HP and damage instead of mass creep spawns?

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June 22, 2010 6:49:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Undead many of us here love the mod how it is...if you think single player mode is boring hop online and try multiplayer mode.

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June 22, 2010 7:21:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I agree with Jeff.  Increase the creeps hp and damage faster.  And have fewer of them if possible.  But just a suggestion : )


The End.

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June 23, 2010 1:01:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I just tried out the mod, I like it a lot.  However I think TP's and warp items should be removed completely, if possible.  Also center should be walled up really thick to prevent players swapping sides and attacking each other.

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June 23, 2010 1:05:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Also, is there a reason it's recommended to play on high XP and gold?  It seemed a little silly with players stacking only artifacts and accumulating ridiculous sums of gold.

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June 23, 2010 3:37:01 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

See Changelog - Post 2

wow theres alot of posts lol ty all for your feedback! I hope you like the new changes.

Dude, can you take out the ability to warp over walls?  Or is that part of the game being able to go to enemy's side and take there cit down?  If it is it is just another dimension.  But clarification would be great.


Fixed  -- let me know if i missed any


so... you can TP directly to the portals... is that intentional?


which ones? do you mean you can change to the other side of the map with teleports? If so, now that i have removed all teleport abilities (other than tp scroll) this shouldnt be so much of a problem (all your ;ikely to do is feed the other heroes), however, i am quite happy to remove tp scrolls if you guys want me 2.



Also, is there a reason it's recommended to play on high XP and gold?  It seemed a little silly with players stacking only artifacts and accumulating ridiculous sums of gold.

I was using these settings myself and was enjoying the experience more than with standard settings, no other reason (seems others do too so i have actually changed the mod a bit so on standard settings  now the game more closely emulates these).


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June 23, 2010 1:24:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

First off, Exx, you're the man. This is fun as hell, lol! 

Second, about the gold flag:

Why not make it neutral after a few minutes? It would be fun if you had to keep re-capping it rather then just getting it then forgetting about it. Maybe give it another effect? Something that if it neutraled in a big fight, you lose a big advantage.

Would be fun if it gave DA a role. Warping all over the place back and forth to keep getting the flag.

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