Piracy is theft, and theft is against the law. That's the only language you need to know.
Theft is the act of depriving another individual of something, not violating copyright. lrn2language.
Piracy exists for a reason...its a symptom. A symptom of what you ask? People not wanting to buy stuff. Remove piracy and you are still left with the problem people don't want to buy stuff...they simply won't buy it rather than pirate it. Its a convenient scapegoat for every sales slump in every industry ever.
Oh noez CD sales are down!? Maybe thats because they where artificially inflated during the 90's thanks to the migration from cassette to CD dumbass! Once i've got all my old Tapes on nice shiney CD i'm not going to go buy them all again just to boost your damn sales figures.
Oh noez Cinema tickets are down!? Maybe its because you charge extortionate prices for a one time viewing, along with extortionate concessionary prices for a product that usually involves watching a crap movie that was peddled as being good in a grubby unclean cinema (seriously, shouldn't trailers that contain scenes not in the movie be liable under breech of advertising laws for misrepresenting their product?).
Oh noez Game sales are down!? Maybe its because of the crippling DRM installed into a crappy console port for a game thats a cookie cutter genre piece we've played a thousand times before, all for a huge price that will last -perhaps- a day or two at most then serve as a bookshelf filler.
Good games sell - Sins - Niche genre game, gets high critic praise, relatively low system requirements ensures large potential playerbase, lower than normal price opens up increased market, user friendly DRM...end result crap tonnes of profit.
Good movies sell - Avatar - In the era of "Piracy is in ur base killin ur profits", Avatar goes and breaks all box office records.
Good Music sells - Queen - Band that "disbanded" after Mercury died in 1991 are still the biggest selling artists in the UK because people keep buying their stuff.
Of course this is all considering piracy is a bad thing, evidence says its not (demos think tank independant survey showed "pirates" spend more per annum on media than their non-pirate counterparts). All the evidence that says it is a bad thing tends to be privately funded by the industries claiming its killing them, using wacky figures and surveys that they keep secret, only to be proven complete and utter shit within months.
Now thats out of my system...Copyright was invented to give those who create the material fair recognition so guy X couldn't just claim something was their own creation. Its been bastardized for a century by big business, steadily twisting it to give them more and more control over the creations of others. Ask any musician how much they get from a sale of their song/album...and they'll grumble, it all goes into money hungry business people who see creativity and artistic ability as nothing but a resource to be strip-mined. Copyright as it stands is legalised mindrape.
The current publishing model needs to be destroyed (something the digital age is doing) so that due respect and payment can be given directly to the people who put their blood sweat and tears into the things they create. What they create, they own and they profit from...and it never just becomes the property of generic fatcat corperation X.
Or something...