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[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3

By on December 23, 2009 7:54:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Favormod offers over 60 new items (including 15 new summon-ables - Towers and Units), both achievement and standard shop items. All achievement( favor) items are each only 1 point to make it accessible to all. And all new units have been re-skinned. Several set items with unique effects have also been added. All items have their own unique icon and several new casting, buff and spell effects have been added.

Favormod also offers a wide range of abilities that are not available in vanilla Demigod. For more information pls watch the video at the bottom of this Post. 

For instructions on how to install mods see here:


[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3 - Yet More Bugfixes


NOTE: it it highly RECOMMENDED that you use FAVORMOD with both Uberfix AND Enhanced AI -- these are all packaged in the auto installer below.

Or you can install Pacovs Community Mod Pack (includes this version of favormod) here - Self Installer:

RECOMMENDED DOWNLOAD - UPDATED daily, pls make sure version numbers match though.






EDIT: This video does not accurately reflect the current version of favormod, it is missing most of the skins, new effects and spells as well as about 15 items.


WATCH in 720p


FavorMod 2.0D Video:

+47 Karma | 632 Replies
February 21, 2010 3:48:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Splitshadow,
Game 2:  Vortex Tower

TB opponent walks directly to the experience flag, fights for 3 seconds, and teleports away.

I tried placing a third vortex tower on a flag, and it took my mana, went to cooldown, but the tower didn't appear.

Interesting note: If you place a vortex tower, your enemies can use it like the two way mirror to push your tower so that they get pulled back after taking damage. It also prevents them from chasing you.

If you place your tower near a corner, it doesn't work at all.

I think I've found a major bug. After placing 3, it won't let you place any more towers. Not just 3 at a time, if you place three over the course of the game and they are destroyed, the game won't let you place any more.

I'm not sure why, but I sort of lost the ability to summon about half of the time. My demolishers won't show up, nor would my monks. After trying to summon them about 3 times, it worked again.

I finally got my opponent to destroy my last vortex tower, and it still wouldn't let me make more.
Same thing for the thumper

February 21, 2010 4:02:52 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

tower = bugged.  Tried thumper.  Exactly 1 tower worked... the rest did nothing and caused graphic glitches across the map.

February 21, 2010 9:12:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Lifesource katana on UB like BotF but with armor and lifesteal for reduced hp and hp/s ^.~

February 21, 2010 10:57:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I was messing around in single player with Rook + Golem... It was funny

February 22, 2010 1:15:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok guys i think i found the source of the error for the towers (havent checked the fix ingame yet).

it was a single letter missing out of a functon name . (effectively it detects that you are at max towers but doesnt wipe the table when you kill one.

Will wait another couple of days for more bugs to appear then i will release another version with all bug fixes

Already working on some new items .

February 22, 2010 3:28:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok, Just went through this (ty for feedback btw).


Game 2:  Vortex Tower
TB opponent walks directly to the experience flag, fights for 3 seconds, and teleports away.

(new AI, it is a overly cautious but this prevents it from dying so often  (and thus prevents feeding so much in multiplayer dropouts). Skirmish Ai 1.22 is enabled (IIRC)).

I tried placing a third vortex tower on a flag, and it took my mana, went to cooldown, but the tower didn't appear.

The game should never take your mana unless it actually summons it, i do however have a precast check in place. I havent got the vocal going atm, but the same sound that you get for rooks summon tower misplacement should be played and you should stop the summoning action and you should get "ABORTED" appear.

As an afterthought, was this on the same game that you had the tower bug discussed below? (might have been caused by that but i want to check.)

Interesting note: If you place a vortex tower, your enemies can use it like the two way mirror to push your tower so that they get pulled back after taking damage. It also prevents them from chasing you.

Do you like this behaviour or does would you like to see it rebalanced. I can reduce the range, increase the vortex rate and lower the tower health so basically your stuck until you kill the vortex, but killing the vortex wont take you too long. I could even make it invisible so it works as a trap lol. Wat do you think? I would also need to reduce the mana cost so it could be better utilized.

Edit: I think this will be a new item for 1.9. Reality Ripper. It will be a wand that costs 1800, 500 mana, ripper will have scaling health and damage, but damage will only occur every time the enemy is teleported back to the site of the ripper instead of spikewave.

If you place your tower near a corner, it doesn't work at all.

Do you mean it wont fire? I have tried this but all i get is an aborted text. This is intended. Again, was this on the same game that you had the tower bug discussed below? (might have been caused by that but i want to check.)

I think I've found a major bug. After placing 3, it won't let you place any more towers. Not just 3 at a time, if you place three over the course of the game and they are destroyed, the game won't let you place any more.

I think i have fixed this will place on ftp soon for ppl to check.

I'm not sure why, but I sort of lost the ability to summon about half of the time. My demolishers won't show up, nor would my monks. After trying to summon them about 3 times, it worked again.

Hmm, strange, if you only had towers it should not have affected your minions in any way, could it have been lag?

I finally got my opponent to destroy my last vortex tower, and it still wouldn't let me make more.

Fix was related to the code clearing the table after you lost a tower, so once you hit unit max (ie you had 2 towers destroyed by the enemy

@ M-XX-99 and Shiro

Glad you both are enjoying the mod .

Hmm also found a new bug. The towers not working thing also occurs when you lvl up while the tower is firing. got a fix in the works for that 2. trialling it atm

February 22, 2010 5:21:46 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hmm i think i have most of the bugs worked out. rebalanced towers again, as some of the fixes required changing damage code etc. Now they are more active in the battle but do less damage

February 22, 2010 6:13:14 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Patch notes are still comming, might do them tonight if i get around to it, the fixes took me nearly all night lol.

Ok reposting with bugfixes in the OP. Will remove rapidshare link for now. Will add rapidshare or mediafire link if everyone is happy with this version (keep trying to break it everyone your help is very much appreciated!


February 22, 2010 4:39:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Do you like this behaviour or does would you like to see it rebalanced. I can reduce the range, increase the vortex rate and lower the tower health so basically your stuck until you kill the vortex, but killing the vortex wont take you too long. I could even make it invisible so it works as a trap lol. Wat do you think? I would also need to reduce the mana cost so it could be better utilized.

Edit: I think this will be a new item for 1.9. Reality Ripper. It will be a wand that costs 1800, 500 mana, ripper will have scaling health and damage, but damage will only occur every time the enemy is teleported back to the site of the ripper instead of spikewave.

I think this is just interesting at this point. I haven't played a real game against human opponents yet, so I'm not sure how well it will work. It doesn't help you escape any more than, say, cloak of night, so it doesn't seem imbalanced really. The invisible idea would be kind of cool.

I was kind of repetitive in my post I think all the tower problems were coming from the same source you found, I'll try it again when I get a chance.

February 22, 2010 5:51:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Has been awesome so far...and wth is with the forums one moment I can reply/post next I can't...ah well seems fixed for me now.

February 22, 2010 6:45:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

just got a 2 human vs 3 ai game on cata in with shiro.  Good fun.  I used thumper and shiro used vortex.  I think the limit of 2 towers on thumper was a good idea.  I'm wondering if I'll still be thinking that after playing against humans though.  Still, MUCH better than the way things were working yesterday - thanks for the quick fix!

February 25, 2010 7:19:30 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ty all for the games yesterday and comments above!With you guys testing the mod out so fast i was able to readily fix it. +1 to everyone who reported a bug . I wouldnt have found all three tower bugs without your help (i am sure i would hae missed one lol).

Also i will try to get the next version out soon to balance futher. Also i want to make some passive items, and some new wands. So feel free to contribute!!!

Balances so far:

Thumper ROF changed from 2 to 3.

Flamethrower ROF changed from 1 to 1.7

Beserker 35% health to 27% health, 15% damage to 12.5% damage, 30 second cooldown to 37 seconds cooldown.

(these are just proposed. If you think that they need further balancing let me know

Also can someone try out achictects mechanism and optical enhancements changes. Note architects mechanism will work well for all towers. However optical enhancement should only effect towers which still have default attack (ie flamethrowers archer tower attack) .

Xp minotaur needs a buff again- health and damage as you only get 1.

as does favor commando's need more health and damage (800 / +10).

Hellfires need more health

Golem needs to have autofollow activated. Currently you have to move golem manually (however he is sooo worth it lol especially when you get titan).

A couple other small tweaks.

Posting some of the new item lists soon

February 25, 2010 8:44:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

OP updated to now have all the items. I will have all new items posted like this too, however if you search the thread you should be able to find specifics, or just ask! .

February 26, 2010 9:26:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

looking for more balance suggestions!

Changing flag mine cost to 1500, changing item from consumable to a wand, and changing the damage to occur all in a single pulse.

Lowering the cost of warscore lock by 150 (will now be 600).

Also, I am think of introducing item sets into the game. What are your thoughts on this concept? If i introduce these, would you like them to only affect new items (ie items produced after 1.8 or should they also infulence vanilla items?What do you think should be the maximum and minimum number of items to gain set influence? How much of a benifit should you be able to gain from getting a whole set?

Also what does everyone think about introducing purchasable stat points. (in the form of an on use consumable?). These would be more expensive than a regular item of similar effect, but would not take up an item slot (might add about 15% on a standard item, would this be appropriate?). Stat buffs would include things like: Attack speed, health, mana, mana regen, health regen, minion health, minion attack speed, minion health regen, minion speed, speed, etc. (note that there would be an individual item for each of these effects).

An example of this might be: +1000 Mana - cost 1250

+15 mana regen  - cost 1250 etc.

Should these effects stack?

Cheers all, i want some feedback before i move onto coding these so i can see how you all would like the mod developed .



February 27, 2010 12:45:10 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

@ exx:

would those stat buffs be timed or remain throughout the battle?

it's late so sry if im not getting this... but could you clarify more on the item sets concept? im not entirely getting that...

on a side note what about tiered stat buffs (asumming you meant permanent)? rank one hp would add X ammount rank two would add more for less and overwrite the existing stat buff.

Also if you meant perma stat buffs, think about starting filthy rich...


February 27, 2010 12:53:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Item set would work similar to how they work in diablo:

for each item after the first that you get you will get bonuses for purchasing that item.  You will problably also have to purchase a set starter item:

ie Set Blood and Healing

Narmoths Ring

Blood Soaked Wand

Set Piece, Blood Healing : Lifesteal 5%, On Use: heal ally demigod for 500 Health - Cost 2500.


For each piece of the set the player has on them they will recieve: +2.5% speed, +2.5% attack speed. If a player has all three items they will recieve a total 10% speed buff and 10% attack speed buff.

Stats buffs would be permenent. Maybe i could make them purchasable at the citadel to control spamming. 1 Avaliable each WS rank, lower the amount given by buffs and make them effect the whole team?

February 28, 2010 4:24:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i think that that would be a great addition to the game...

Citadel would be best yes, whole team... i don't know which way to go...  maybe make it an pre-game option... IDK...

I would probably go to whole team...

March 1, 2010 6:15:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok... random thought... is there anyway to limit the favor items so that only 1 person on each team could have a specific favor item? 

March 5, 2010 10:35:15 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ooooh I got my own favor item  

March 18, 2010 5:16:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Love this mod. 

Is there any way to get it to work in Single Player Tournament mode?

March 24, 2010 3:44:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hey, could I get a copy of the *.zip posted?  The installer isn't working for me, thx!

April 7, 2010 3:32:53 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hey guys i am still around. I have been sitting on replying for a while now simply because i havent had any time to make substantial updates. Is this mod still getting used much? If i get enough reply's etc i will look into V 1.9/2.0. I dont get to play much anymore tho, due to being an aussie, So if you have any balance suggestions pls post them up.

As for answers for the above:

Quoting Jokey Smurf,
Hi Exxcentric,

Love this mod. 

Is there any way to get it to work in Single Player Tournament mode?

simple answer, no.

This would require reworking of the tournament code. Currently the mod only works in skirmish and custom games (multiplayer).

Hey, could I get a copy of the *.zip posted? The installer isn't working for me, thx!

Hey mate. I suggest redownloading and trying to install with the new file. Make sure you delete the old version. Also make sure you enable the mod ingame after installing. If your still having problems let me know and i will add a .zip version (if this is the case can you provide your install path and your windows version for me so i can elimate this problem from future releases.


April 7, 2010 3:34:18 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hey guys i am still around. I have been sitting on replying for a while now simply because i havent had any time to make substantial updates. Is this mod still getting used much? If i get enough reply's etc i will look into V 1.9/2.0. I dont get to play much anymore tho, due to being an aussie, So if you have any balance suggestions pls post them up. As for answers for the above:

Quoting Jokey Smurf,
Hi Exxcentric, Love this mod. Is there any way to get it to work in Single Player Tournament mode?
simple answer, no. This would require reworking of the tournament code. Currently the mod only works in skirmish and custom games (multiplayer).
Hey, could I get a copy of the *.zip posted? The installer isn't working for me, thx!

Hey mate. I suggest redownloading and trying to install with the new file. Make sure you delete the old version. Also make sure you enable the mod ingame after installing. If your still having problems let me know and i will add a .zip version (if this is the case can you provide your install path and your windows version for me so i can elimate this problem from future releases.

May 28, 2010 8:15:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hi, I've been playing around with this mod for a little while.  A point on balance for a cataract 3v3. 

Player 1: Optical Enhancement

Player 2: Architects Mechanism

Player 3: Vortex Tower / Thumper

This is soooooooooo unbelievably overpowered!!!  

Not sure if this is intentional, but lately when we've been playing we have to agree not to use this combo beforehand 

May 28, 2010 8:22:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

^ you weren't around for our 60k hp 1k hitting towers of DOOM were you?

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