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[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3

By on December 23, 2009 7:54:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 07/2009



Favormod offers over 60 new items (including 15 new summon-ables - Towers and Units), both achievement and standard shop items. All achievement( favor) items are each only 1 point to make it accessible to all. And all new units have been re-skinned. Several set items with unique effects have also been added. All items have their own unique icon and several new casting, buff and spell effects have been added.

Favormod also offers a wide range of abilities that are not available in vanilla Demigod. For more information pls watch the video at the bottom of this Post. 

For instructions on how to install mods see here:


[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3 - Yet More Bugfixes


NOTE: it it highly RECOMMENDED that you use FAVORMOD with both Uberfix AND Enhanced AI -- these are all packaged in the auto installer below.

Or you can install Pacovs Community Mod Pack (includes this version of favormod) here - Self Installer:

RECOMMENDED DOWNLOAD - UPDATED daily, pls make sure version numbers match though.






EDIT: This video does not accurately reflect the current version of favormod, it is missing most of the skins, new effects and spells as well as about 15 items.


WATCH in 720p


FavorMod 2.0D Video:

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February 2, 2011 4:29:06 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

wow that was difficult,


I have rewritten the ability task.lua and now eviction will abort if cast on a demigod with the cooldown buff. Just waiting on mithy (if he has the time to reply) to let me know if there is a less destructive method of doing this.

I will be adding the visual shortly.

Are there any other abilities that should abort before casting that you would like this transfered to?


Also i am starting to get the reg / vampire mit problems sorted out. I hopefully i will be able to steal the uberfix no ooze suicide code and apply it to this item so you can no longer suicide and reg will no longer be able to maim himself.




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February 2, 2011 10:29:31 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Take a look at BuffAffects.lua in the test version I just posted.  If the Uberfix is enabled, all you need to do is add CannotKillSelf = true to the self-damage buff blueprint.

Did that Maim fix I gave you work?  It's in the UberFix, but I forgot to test it.

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February 2, 2011 7:03:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

tbh i havent had the time to test reg maim fix but that is what i was looking at implementing as well so i am sure that it will work.



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February 3, 2011 5:31:29 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok i think i got everything:

added effect to eviction - will last 2 minutes: this is a pretty visible effect, if you would like me to tone it down let me know.

added abort to eviction if they have the cooldown buff (ie wont let you cast it on that unit)

Fixed magic resistance: if you are an ally it will no longer reduce damage (this includes heals and self heals)

Fixed Death eater: this will no longer heal you if you or an ally does damage to you.

Fixed vampire gloves: these will no longer apply maim (TY MITHY! -- everyone pls give him some karma!!)

Fixed Vampire gloves: these can no longer kill you ( again ty mithy -- everyone give him lots of karma!!!!!!!!)

Fixed tooltips for reflex and guardian platemail to better explain buffs on these items

+ all the rest of the bugs that i could find on the last 3 pages of posts.


Note: i cannot set BoTS to only assassin and give everyone the other items. If you really think BoTS QOT is going to be a problem then i will keep them disabled. Otherwise let me know and i will reactivate general/assassin favor items to everyone


will be posting up a new version shortly for testing and then i think that i will spend the rest of the night making some new stuff for everyone to break next week! lol



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February 3, 2011 5:54:28 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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February 3, 2011 6:01:38 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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February 3, 2011 8:41:24 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting Exxcentric,

heh - not sure if I'll have time today to test or not, but I will if possible.  Thanks for another release!

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February 3, 2011 12:27:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Updated 02/03/2011 – Added FavorMod version 2.30 to combined install package.  

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February 3, 2011 8:34:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

just realised i forgot to revert a bunch of changes i made to eviction for testing.


I will repost fixed version soon

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February 3, 2011 9:27:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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February 3, 2011 9:28:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

k added demons reckoning from here:

this effect both spell and weapon damage crits


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February 3, 2011 9:38:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

new version uploaded?

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February 3, 2011 9:47:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

is now


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February 3, 2011 11:22:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

added to install package

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February 3, 2011 11:27:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

cheers mate

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February 4, 2011 12:51:55 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

to you too.  I know you rarely play demigod (I love you modders that make the game better and play it seldom - you are an interesting lot, but make things great for those of us that play often), but you might want to register for the upcoming tournament.  Its just a practice tournament and we can likely pair you up with someone if you want to play.  All in good fun and no money is on the line.  Anyway, check the recent posts in about 10 min for a new thread from me for all of the info. 

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February 4, 2011 1:31:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok i think i will,

also i have been think about your teammate teleporting item:

Wand of Assistance


Cost 2500-3500

Teleport targeted ally demigod (range 45) to your position. These demigods must have consumbed a potion of elective teleportation.


Elective Teleportation:

Consumable: cost 100-250

On Use: allow ally demigods to teleport you to their position using the wand of assistance.


Ok, so before i wasnt too keen on implementing an item that allowed you to teleport teamates against their will. This could definiately get abused. So i figure, if you are to buy the wand of assistance then you will have enough of a communicative capacity to get your teammates to pick up the consumable (it is very cheap to justify this method -- they wont be groaning about cost).


What do you think?


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February 4, 2011 1:37:44 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

heh... i MUST sleep... I read this tomorrow.

I daresay I will make a favormod tournament happen at some point as well (btw - you should win that, even if you have to make and item that gives you and only you a huge bonus).

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February 4, 2011 6:07:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What do you think?

I'm game.  Worst case we could buff the prices to make it more costly if its op. 

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February 4, 2011 6:37:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

just did a quick test - looks like team player is working fine.  It might be a little op now (on a sedna in particular).  Need to try it out out in a MP game to see if its a big deal or not. 

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February 4, 2011 10:07:22 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

interesting bug with flame tower.  Ended up casting 1 or 2 fireballs that just circled around the enemy rook for a long time (>30 sec).

Another strange thing - qot casts a shield... you destroy the shield... the shield effect persists.

After I took the enemies portal and then they retook it, i seemed to have a permanent look at the portal through the fog of war.

Noticed multiple times where the ai tb would try to hit another dg and just kept missing over and over.

Link to replay:

Mods used - Favormod 2.3.2, Enhanced AI v0.26.33, Enhanced UI, Uberfix 1.03

edit - qot shield bug occurred at 10 min in or so.... just track the qot on the opposite team and you'll see me chasing her down while the shield is on and with her losing hp all the way.


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February 5, 2011 12:14:29 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok had  alook at this:

Rook/flametower problem was associated with picking hit shoulder TOL as a target (not sure why ): this has hopefully been rectified.


Shield problem as far as i can tell seems to be associated with mithy's absorption rewrite (it was imported into favormod). I think it just might not be removing the effect after the buff expires or i have not imported the entire thing.


will look into it


cheers for feedback/testing 



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February 5, 2011 12:23:24 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok i think i found the issue, i hadnt imported all of mithys changes.



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February 5, 2011 12:35:09 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yeah - that was a crazy ass game.  So much weirdness and I bet I caught 50% of the stuff that went nutty.  The fireball was fun at least as I could see through it swirling about in the fog of war for a bit. 

Well - post here again when you have a new version uploaded - if you already did, just reply saying its uploaded and I'll download... op says 2.3.2 right now. 

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February 5, 2011 12:40:17 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yere i will always change version number in main post when it is done.

Uploading atm, should be done in under 3-4 min

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