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[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3

By on December 23, 2009 7:54:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 07/2009



Favormod offers over 60 new items (including 15 new summon-ables - Towers and Units), both achievement and standard shop items. All achievement( favor) items are each only 1 point to make it accessible to all. And all new units have been re-skinned. Several set items with unique effects have also been added. All items have their own unique icon and several new casting, buff and spell effects have been added.

Favormod also offers a wide range of abilities that are not available in vanilla Demigod. For more information pls watch the video at the bottom of this Post. 

For instructions on how to install mods see here:


[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3 - Yet More Bugfixes


NOTE: it it highly RECOMMENDED that you use FAVORMOD with both Uberfix AND Enhanced AI -- these are all packaged in the auto installer below.

Or you can install Pacovs Community Mod Pack (includes this version of favormod) here - Self Installer:

RECOMMENDED DOWNLOAD - UPDATED daily, pls make sure version numbers match though.






EDIT: This video does not accurately reflect the current version of favormod, it is missing most of the skins, new effects and spells as well as about 15 items.


WATCH in 720p


FavorMod 2.0D Video:

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January 28, 2011 11:38:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Eviction is rather annoying late game, basically you never accomplish anything because you constantly get sent back to the crystal, erebus's stun and other stuns gaurentee eviction to work so interrupting it is not always possible. I suggest removing it completely or giving it a rediculous cast time, like 4-5s.

I know pacov will disagree with me because he enjoys games lasting endlessly and stupid mechanics like eviction.

Note:  I am not trying to bash you here Exxentric I just hate the item.


Flying Angel lightning dudes:

I would love to see there melee animation taken off because right now its extremely hard to micro them away from towers and what not when they want to flying and suicide all the time.

Panic Stricken Gaunlets:

Would like to see the 3% reduced to 2.5%


Merlins Magic Missle:

This has a graphical error, It leaves a green aura where the user cast it and it stays on the map for a while you can have literally 5-6 of these aura on the map at a time

Merlins magic missle is OP at the moment. Hitting someone for 900 damage at level 5 is OP, It should be about 200 damage at level 1, 400 at 4, 600 at 8, etc.....

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January 28, 2011 11:52:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hehe.... i love them, but I agree with a nerf on them.  I was abusing them over and over and over and over... then eventually my team caught on to how much of a game changer they can be (jona decided to go an AA ub - I smiled knowing about this gem). 

Anyway, here's the changes I'd like to see - sooner than later if possible so we can balance it out.  Let's increase the cast time by a second to give folks a chance to interrupt.  And bump the CD to 45... maybe even a little higher. 

As much as I hate to say this, helm of fortune should be dropped to +3 instead of +4.  The more money I have, the more I keep getting eviction over and over.  I was playing a no sigil erebus quite effectively as a result of this item + helm.  You did accomplish something though - this is the absolute first time I've ever been able to reason getting an item over a sigil. I think its a brilliant item though and a game changer that requires more strategy to hold portal, etc.  1 person cannot defend a portal against anyone with a +3 second stun or silence as they just get evicted.  I actually like that mechanic.

A probable bug, though.  I THINK (and again, I think), I misted as cow was casting eviction on me.  I wasn't teleported back to base until I ended my mist (eg mist did not remove the ability or cancel cow's cast).  I'd think that mist should stop this ability from working and result in either the evict going on cd or allowing them to recast evict as it never cast... it shouldn't be allowed to follow through.

Anyway, if you can make those changes (if you have the time) and upload a new version, I know I'll be playing more of this tomorrow.

We did get some good play tests in. 

So - nerf eviction as I describe and let us give it a go and see if it requires a further nerf.... I really think its a great, game changing item - probably the best addition to your mod in terms of changing up the game play. 

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January 29, 2011 12:25:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

well... 7 hours later and we are up to 62 downloads... sleep time. 

side note - my games are using most of the mods (if not all - don't remember) in my mod package (ui/ai/favor/uber). 

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January 29, 2011 1:15:56 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Eviction could be lots of fun with a nerf and maybe a nerf to the helm of fortune along with it?  As is, I'm with Cow, its annoying to have it used on you and aggravating to have it spammed.

I was kinda laughing to myslef when you did it to me some times, thinking "he's so gonna run outta money and I needed to shop anyway..."

But if you can spam it with your helm of fortune, yeah... thats a different story.  Also, if you've got a nightmare AI on your team buying you Curr III the moment it comes available, that kinda throws off the balance for consumables quite a bit IMO so maybe Eviction isn't that overpowered in a normal 3v3 game.

Other than that, I can see a few items that might be underpowered but I probably just haven't figured out a use for them yet. 

It might be overpowered giving Queen access to BotS.  Cow's build plus endless mana is an scary thing... of course, Pacov will just evict me back to the crystal anyway so no worries.  

Thanks for the hard work Exx, the mod is getting really fun... Favormod Fridays for now on guys?

Edit: Wraith Gloves, has anyone gotten them to work?

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January 29, 2011 2:00:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Bug - seemed peculiar... like maybe it didn't work for a bit then started.

Choose team player as my favor item.  I'm about level 4.  I buy girdle of the ancient (which should give me 20 hps).  I check and I'm at 4.3 hps in the display and in reality as well.  When I hit level 6, I pick up poisoned blood (playing as erb) to get the +15 hps.  All of a sudden I'm jumped up to 40+ hps.  hmm... I go back to base to heal.


Then I walk away from the crystal and check my hps... its 4.5 again.  So... I should have +15 from poisoned blood and +20 from girdle of ancients, but instead I have 4.5.  And, for whatever reason, it seems to change up and jump ALOT during combat. 

edit - the MOMENT i get back into combat (or perhaps just having another allied dg near me, my hps jumps back up).  So, I'm guessing the problem is related to team player. 

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January 29, 2011 4:58:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

To make it easier for you, I'm just going to start compiling change request, bugs in this post, suggestions in this post.  This covers any of my posts since the last update

Change Requests:

  • Lock assassin favor items to assassins and general favor items to generals.  This isn't a huge deal, but blade of the serpent on QoT results in infinite mana and hp on a qot and is a bit too much of a buff
  • Reduce helm of fortune to +3 gold per tick for the owner of the helm.  Leave the other settings the same
  • Increase eviction cast time to 3 seconds.  Increase cooldown timer for it to 45 seconds
  • Buff suppressive fire.  Add on a 30% attack speed reduction when it's proc'd.  Reduce the proc rate to 40%.  It has great effects, but its not valuable enough to pick as is
  • Cow requests a change to albatross - he would like the "melee animation taken off because right now its extremely hard to micro them away from towers and what not when they want to flying and suicide all the time."  So, the bottom line request is to make it easier to keep them away from towers
  • Cow requests a buff to panic stricken guantlets - he would like to see the passive ability changed so that for every 2% of health lost, your attack speed is increased by 1%.
  • Cow and I disagree about merlin's magic missle - he believes the damage needs to be nerf'd - I believe the item needs some sort of passive buff to increase its viability.  He might be right, though.  I mostly just get it for the attack range bonus... after playing a bit more with this, I agree with cow - the damage needs nerfed a bit, but it also needs a passive buff imo. heh... i just did the math... 3 magic missles doing 30x hero level (so if I'm level 10, each missle does 300 dmg)... a total of 3 missles =  900 damage.  And it also does an additional 150 per missle... so 900+450=1350... follow that with a snipe and you have over 2k damage.  NERF BAT.  How about 3 missiles doing 20x hero level?
  • Update the description for hedgies item - A quick summary followed by details (Item can do blahblahblah).  Its just a bunch of numbers in the tooltip
  • Flag mines... I am so confused about these.  So, I can use them to mine an allied or enemy flag... just not neutral (this is true - not sure if its intended).  Also, the effect seems to wear off is the flag changes hands... or after X amount of time.  No idea what X amount of time is, or if that's intended.  Anyway, clarification in the tooltip would be great.  I person think its an item that costs 450 with a unique purpose.  Maybe it shouldn't expire... or if it does, give it a long time frame (1 or 2 min before it fades away).
  • venom stone nerf - noticed something that might be quite terrible, but hopefully I'm wrong - venom stone - if it proc's it says it does 5% of max health for 5 sec.  This is the max health of whatever I am attacking... a citadel, for instance.  This effect MUST NOT apply to the citadel... ever.  See the attached replay... just ff to 4min48 seconds and watch in slow mo after.  should be clear... eg I take out the citadel in less40 sec with a bare bones build on normal towers with extremely low hp:  Also, this should be written so it is clear that it can damage for 5% of the max health of what you are attacking... at first I thought I do 5% damage of my max health.
  • Update nightmare's description if its says 2x35 damage (eg 70 damage per attack)... if this doesn't scale, its a horrible item... but if the tooltip is correct, then you should just say 70 dmg per attack. 
  • Thumper needs buffed - before it was an item that was OP.  Now it is an item that I would not choose.
  • Increase flame tower to max of 5.
  • replicator - when the effect is cast and I look at the stat pop up - it says "healed and armor increase."  The tooltip says nothing about an armor increase.  Also, update the tooltip so it says max 2 replicators plz. 
  • Cardinal requires an additional buff - it's generally useless as it stands. 
  • Static orb requires a buff.  Either increase the damage done per level or add some other passive. 
  • Buff Ice shard to + 35 damage


  • Team Player appears to be bugged.  It works as described when in combat, but has the nasty effect of removing regen bonus when no on is near you.  For example, I had an erebus that chose poisoned blood (+15 hps).  When I'm out of combat and near no other dg, my hps = 4.5.  
  • Merlin's magic missle - This has a graphical error, It leaves a green aura where the user cast it and it stays on the map for a while you can have literally 5-6 of these aura on the map at a time
  • Eviction seems to work even on an erb in mist form.  If I go to mist while eviction is being cast, eviction is still cast and not interrupted.  However, I am not returned to base until I exit mist form. 

New item request:

  • I would love to see an item called recall that, when cast, would force automatically teleport your teammates to your location.  It should have a long cool down timer (60 sec) and a) have a long cast time (not as useful) or be a temporary effect in that teammates are ported out after X seconds (maybe just back to the crystal) or c) draw in exactly 1 random teammate to your position.  Could be fun... could also be horribly unbalanced. 

If you get a chance and have the time, a quick updated release with the changes to eviction would be appreciated so we can test it out.  Thanks!

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January 29, 2011 6:14:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Better Than Pacov's Change Requests:

  • Remove boring old favor items from the game and leave Cloak of Night for assassins to use.  Blinky Beast and Teleporting Torchbearer might be fun to play.  But Pacov's right about BotS on Queen, Occ, and Oak... they are scary!

Bugs Found:

  • Edit:  Wraith gloves work as intended apparently.  Sorry!
  • Flame Towers prioritize attacking enemy flags until they are yellow or captured.
  • Edit:  Claymore mines give a 25% chance to increase your attack rate by 15% but its cut off in the tool tip.  Not a big deal since you can read the buff effect when it procs.

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January 29, 2011 6:53:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Played some games with all those main mods on and my opinion on several of those things.

Eviction is really overpowered as people already stated. You can be a complete weakling, but if you have eviction (let's say on regulus), you can evict multiple enemies in a short period with that cooldown reset item (yeah, costs a of bit money, but still in a 3v1 fight you could actually win some time for your allies to ressurect...).

Then about some other items.

Favor item Vampire Mits (+ 7% increased attack speed, +4 hp on strike permanently, +1% max hp damage on strike to yourself). I don't know if it's supposed to be like this or not, but it's really interesting item... I might say it's overpowered, because you can get so much hp in late game. I as auto attack reg with max range was just hitting everything as much as possible, getting more attack speed, etc, + had monk, so no hp issues early game, while later got life steal items to negate that bad side effect). Tried this item with Ancients set, which might have been good (other items I think would be better though, because I had no hp items at all, so was easy to kill). These items however gave some speed, enemy speed reduction, life steal/gain, so wasn't so bad (huge minus is that maim works on me every single hit!- so I am always slower than I'm supposed to be). Well late game I had ~6-7k hp without any hp items... Pretty good as reg. And while wielding something like Ashkandor and being not in close range makes me dangerous enemy, but difficult to kill target. (I can iamgine this hp boost on ub or qot... even oak)

And now... Some strange things about this item. Why it's not written in description that upon death whole hp boost disappears?    Played again to make sure and with rook ~8700 hp, normal hp items, ~11 level died. Then ressurected with ~7100. Or that I can kill myself? (3v1 fighting me badly, and i before death hit enemy and "Darkliath has suicided"). Well.. Maybe it's a strangely well balanced item: huge hp boosts, chance for no gold on death, BUT losing boost upon death... Interesting 


Played a bit more with it and I think that it is better than blood of the fallen (not looking at that debuff upon death) for caster demigods  which mainly were using skills: TB, DA, QoT, Oculus, Reg (even not auto attack), Sedna, etc. To be honest I think it's something like upgradeable version of blood of the fallen, which later surpasses it (1% hp damage back, but like ooze it has advantages... like slightly bigger monk heals, armor/damage reduction with that additional hp, sigil, hp flag).


Now about another set. Duelist's. So it does give criticals with attacks, spells, however... Three items and only one of them gives some hp. So if I want to use crit skills I need to get at least one mana item. That's four items. Then last one? Hp, which I have low anyway or mana to get more out of those spell crits? Even if I get orb of defiance for hp boost, two helms or helm and some hp item doesn't protect me from dying... I could take favor item for hp also... But there's a favor item for spell crits too, so tried with it in combination which ended with huge failure. I think maybe boost those items with some additional mana (maybe even increase prise if so), because at the moment, I have no ideas when those items would be worth using (besides duelist's cuirass, which already has armor + hp + crits and is only 2500 gold).

Additional fun note. With Ub self crits are fun. Getting 75-100 damage crits every few-several seconds probably is not so good with this set, especially with very low hp

I have another bad thing with those sets. Even if worth using for a moment (auto attack regulus with that... ancient's set though not better than average items) later it becomes useless. If you change one set item, whole set becomes useless... So I don't know... Maybe boost those items, so that they alone would be not so bad? And why there aren't anything new at artifact shop?!

Some more. Broth of battle (cooldown reset consumable). I don't know about this item... It is quite cheap 380 gold and  lets you do some veeeery dangerous or annoying things. Beginning. Reg takes mana helm, that potion and thunder as favor item. So I can deal to anyone damage of ~(550+250)*2=1600. So it's about 1600 damage at the beginning in something like 4 seconds. And that is assuming demigod is not damaged at all. Yeah he might heal, but still, it's highly dangerous. Later in game I could use 3 snipes/thunders in a row (1000+250) * 3 = 3750 damage. 380 * 3 Is only 1140 gold and for the kill I would probably get more + assissts. And that is only weakling regulus. How about three spits? Shield whole team with oak's shield? Swap with da multiple times + spine + warp strike? Multiple stun with Erebus/ub/rook, silence, freeze? This needs some changes in my opinion... Maybe double price or something...


One more favor item. Those Merlin's missiles. Similar to thunder, but a lot more damage and no way to light the place to snipe. Add those missiles to snipe and cooldown reset item... Level 20 hero can snipe 1000 damage + 750*3 = 2250 missile damage. Reset cooldowns and do until you kill an enemy. As it's skill damage, it's not easy to reduce damage, and it is incredibly huge one. Even at the beginning 180*3 = 540 is too huge.

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January 30, 2011 6:10:34 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Bugs Found:

* Wraith gloves do not absorb mana. They might drain it from the enemy, will have to do some experimenting in the next game to see if it occurs.

What is the full description for this item?  I have been toying with the idea of adding three new energy-related buff affects to the UberFix for mods to use:

EnergyAdd - equivalent to life steal, where a fixed percent of your damage is added to energy.  This would also work exactly like Blade of the Serpent, except it would be available to use in any buff at any percent you want.
Example usage for +10% damage added to mana: Affects.EnergyAdd.Add = 0.10

EnergyLeech - same as above, except it also steals energy from the target based on damage, and only adds that amount.  This sounds 'better' because it also steals, but it would only work against Demigods who have mana, because it adjusts the amount of energy added to the amount stolen (which is zero for non-demigods or demigods who are out of mana).
Example usage for +10% drain on hit: Affects.EnergyLeech.Add = 0.10

EnergyDrain - a one-off energy drain, except unlike using a -energy buff, it not only takes from the target, but gives that amount to the instigator.  Exactly like EnergyLeech, except it drains the amount specified in the buff instead of draining a percent of damage on hit.
Example usage for -200 drain on target: Affects.EnergyDrain.Add = 200


All three are tested and working and have float text properly displayed for the appropriate parties, with the ability to turn it off for EnergyDrain (Affects.EnergyDrain.NoFloatText = true), and all code is non-destructive and doesn't interfere with any existing buffs.  Add and Leech have optional total percent caps available that can be set by a mod (similar to what the UberFix does with Evasion and Speed).

I'm willing to add support for any new buff affects you guys can think up, as long as they won't break any existing items or abilities.


Additional fun note. With Ub self crits are fun. Getting 75-100 damage crits every few-several seconds probably is not so good with this set, especially with very low hp

Exx, if you want a quick-fix to this, add a check for 'not data.Instigator == self' to the three duelist's checks you've got in ForgeUnit.DoTakeDamage.  Assuming you want the healing crit to be able to affect self, otherwise just add it to the main check at the top.

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January 30, 2011 2:10:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm also adding an extension to BuffAffects to allow very easy, non-destructive modification of ability healing and damage.  It's basically an export of the damagedata table used in health buffs to a global function in BuffAffects that lets mods run their own checks on the target, instigator, and buffname and modify the damagedata accordingly.

For example, it could be used to very easily boost healing output on a target with Healing Wind by +50%.  Just hook the function like so:

Code: c++
  1. local prevFunc = ModHealthDamageData
  2. ModHealthDamageData(data, unit, instigator, buffDef)
  3.     prevFunc(data, unit, instigator, buffDef)
  4.     if data.Amount < 0 and HasBuffType(unit, 'HSEDNAHEALINGWIND') then
  5.         data.Amount = data.Amount * 1.5
  6.     end
  7. end
..and it'll modify the output of any healing buffs affecting any unit that currently has Healing Wind.

This would allow you to greatly simplify the systems you've got for boosting priest healing, etc.  While I'm sure you're not in a hurry to re-code all of that, it should make adding similar things very easy in the future.

I'm gonna try to finish this absorption re-write (which is a lot more trouble than I thought it would be) and get a test release out to make this new stuff available.

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January 30, 2011 2:11:24 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting miriyaka,

Bugs Found:

* Wraith gloves do not absorb mana. They might drain it from the enemy, will have to do some experimenting in the next game to see if it occurs.

What is the full description for this item?  I have been toying with the idea of adding three new energy-related buff affects to the UberFix for mods to use:

The item description is a 50% chance on hit to Drain * mana and to Absorb * mana.  The absorb function does actually work as intended.  It was just when I first tried it out, their were no blue numbers popping up which is the usual indication that you're gaining mana.  The amount you gain is so minimal that its tough to notice it working if you have any sort of natural mana regen.

Sorry to bring it up without proper testing, I just didn't wanna forget.

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January 30, 2011 9:24:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

sorry guys my internet has been down, 


Just came back to my parents house for the week so i will be able to continue this later today


(i am not ignoring everyone -- my phoneline went dead)



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January 30, 2011 9:25:24 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

no prob, bro.  Updated my post with a new item request. 

edit... hmm... does favor mod work WITHOUT uberfix?

Maybe I'm just being nutty, but I don't think it does.  Give it a try and tell me if I'm crazy. 

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January 30, 2011 10:07:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Before my internet went down (i was in mid reply when it happened lol i wrote this)


--> ANSWERS upto Reply #504


sorry guys, 


i have been having interent problems (we are due to get someone out monday/tuesday to check our phone line). My posting might be intermittent at the moment so I will try to get back to everyone when I can.

"Thanks for the hard work Exx, the mod is getting really fun... Favormod Fridays for now on guys?"

Wow, that would be AWESOME! ty all for feedback!


k eviction:

"Let's increase the cast time by a second to give folks a chance to interrupt.  And bump the CD to 45... maybe even a little higher."



Stacks per slot reduced to 1 (down from 2)

cooldown increased to 45 (up from 30)

casting time increased to 2.5 (up from 1.5) -- this is .5 of a second decrease over the time it takes to summon a portal

increased cost to 675

Limited use to every 2 minutes to an an individual demigod


This should hopefully put it back to being less overpowered

As for mist: As soon as you turn to mist you become untargetable. This should automatically cancel any demigods spells. I think it might have been a fluke of lag or you got him before he completely misted as I link this throught the standard demigod warp function (just change the target and where they go). That said, if it happens again let me know and I will investigate further.

Helm of fortune: will leave as is. While this item is ok, I don’t feel it will be viable if I nerf it. It is mediocore at best atm and with nerfs to eviction detailed above I think it will curtail a lot of the overuse of this item.

Suppressive fire:

I think that you guys are missing the point with this item (not sure I made I how this item works clear, but it has had a buff from 15% à 20% anyway – tooltip is wrong v.228 has damage reduction at 15%). This item reduces the TOTAL damage output of a single target (and it works on every unit, including towers). This includes spells, AA damage, abilities, items etc (everything that does damage).

I believe (although I havent been able to test it) that this item will also work on reducing the effectiveness of enemy heals produced from the affected demigod (as heals are just –damage). This includes consumables such as health potions.


Flying Angel lightning dudes:

I would love to see there melee animation taken off because right now its extremely hard to micro them away from towers and what not when they want to flying and suicide all the time.


Ok now albatross will no longer attack creeps or towers (they will still divebomb demigods and AA them so that they can be killed by melee units (only fair i think). Flight controls have been increased.


Note that in order to move angels around (micro them) do not click on a creep you want to attack, instead move your albatross unit close to them, and the proximity aura (or the chain effect) will very likely select that unit and strike it with chainlightning. Albtross maintain an ability to attack other creeps but will not do so automatically anymore.


Merlins magic missle is OP at the moment. Hitting someone for 900 damage at level 5 is OP, It should be about 200 damage at level 1, 400 at 4, 600 at 8, etc.....

For now it has been changed to:

            fdamage = hero:GetLevel() * 30 + 110


K wat i was thinking that i will do with this is that at each 4th level you deal an extra fireball (starting with 1 at level 1). Damage for each fireball will be the same (300). this means at level 20 you will be dealing 300/600/900/1200/1500 damage at levels 1/5/9/13/17 respectively.

Fixed buff animation


 “Wraith Gloves, has anyone gotten them to work?”

For this I go the full despair set and take tb, this will give you reduced cooldown and you will no longer need a helm (with the despair set and gloves I defy you to run out of mana lol). Pick up the other items as needed. I tend to go ability damage (duelists pendant) and nimoths armor. Also a wand of speed is never amiss with tb.


“Other than that, I can see a few items that might be underpowered but I probably just haven't figured out a use for them yet. “

List them! All feedback is good, and I would like to know what you would like to use more.

Fixed gloves: My math was WAY off, I dunno what I was doing but it has been fixed now. Also increased to 2.5 as suggested.  permenatly


OTHER ITEMS THAT HAVE BEEN ADDED SINCE FRIDAY (worked on it even tho i couldnt post back)

REFLEX -- added to achievement shop

Increases Evasion cap by 30 and adds +10 Evasion and 25% Evasion',


Guardian Platemail -- added to chest armor shop - cost 4100

33% Magic Resistance aura (reduces damage of abilities) (note this is a multiplyer of Magic resistance below)

15 Magic resistance

25 Weapon Damage


Gloves of the Death Eater

20% chance on hit to heal for 50% of ability damage (on ability damage proc)

+15% ability damage

-10% cooldowns

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January 30, 2011 10:24:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok i will be looking over these bugs:

UB self crits

Reducing damage of merlins magic missiles again from multiplyer of 30 --> 25

Adding Mana gain float text on draining mana

Broth of battle (note you can only have 1 of these in your inventory now) will be increased to 500 cost

I will reset general vs assassin distinction (but IMO there vast shift in builds kinda negates this problem as a  QOT with BoTS limits her to previous builds and i dont think takes full advantage of the new items)


A couple of notes on sets:

Sets are there to buff the vanilla item set to get players to purchase previously neglected items. I understand that if you sell 1 the whole item set becomes useless, however, when i play using these sets, i usually sell the whole set in order to gain access to an artifact etc.



edit... hmm... does favor mod work WITHOUT uberfix?


--> possibly nott. Mithy has created a vast array of new accessable functions which i have utilized.

Question: would you like it to be? I figure everyone who is using it has both mods active. I am pretty sure you can set up a dependency so that favormod will only boot with uberfix enabled -- should i look into this?

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January 30, 2011 10:25:24 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Updated my post... want to see me end a game at 5 minutes or so using a favor item?  FF to 4 min and 30 sec or so and watch the ub.

This is a game breaking one.

I'm a fan of favor mod Fridays

Question: would you like it to be? I figure everyone who is using it has both mods active. I am pretty sure you can set up a dependency so that favormod will only boot with uberfix enabled -- should i look into this?

Well, if it is required, we need to make it VERY clear.  I'm pretty sure that at least 90% of the folks that are getting favor mod are getting it by downloading my installer.  The last thing we want is for new folks to try out a mod and be like WTF when it causes issues (eg doesn't work) and its a mod we endorse.  So, if it needs uberfix, then it needs to be clear.  I think mithy provided some code recently that indicates forces you to UNINSTALL certain mods... but I'm not sure if we can require that someone installs certain mods.  Mithy?


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January 30, 2011 10:37:44 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok fixed so no longer requires uberfix (it was just a single variable)

Checking out your replay now

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January 30, 2011 10:40:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Good stuff... i'm hammering away on your mod now looking for exploits - made more updates to my big post.

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January 30, 2011 10:48:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok so if i apply a max damage to venom stone, it will be more in line with your projected idea of this item? 

ie if 5% of maxhealth * 5 >= 1000 then

damage per tick = 250


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January 30, 2011 10:52:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok i will be back in about an hour

--> i will work on the rest of the fixes then and hope to have a functional release out by some time tonight (it is 2pm here atm)


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January 30, 2011 10:54:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Not sure about the math - give it a go and I'll test it if you like. 

I'm guessing you can't just exclude the citadel from taking the additional damage, then eh? 

I'm also not sure if what you are proposing is a substantial nerf on the item.  I CURRENTLY don't see it as an op item vs dgs. Its a little strong vs towers, but not op. It's clearly op against the citadel (eg a single dg can bum rush your citadel at any time... imagine a dg with a full or mid level kit taking a swipe at your citadel as it is... there would be nothing you could do to stop him outside of evicting over and over. 

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January 31, 2011 12:35:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

"I'm guessing you can't just exclude the citadel from taking the additional damage, then eh? "


i can, i can also exclude all structures as well if that tickles your fancy, (IMO it does WAY too much damage to towers as well (about 1250 a proc on standard towers)

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January 31, 2011 12:45:37 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i can, i can also exclude all structures as well if that tickles your fancy, (IMO it does WAY too much damage to towers as well (about 1250 a proc on standard towers)

you might be right.. i say keep the formula as is, but remove it from the citadel for sure... if you want an alt (somewhat nerfed) formula for towers, etc, then cool... but if you removed it from towers completely, I wouldn't take this item w/o a buff.

I'd suggest maybe dbl normal attack damage on towers if proc'd.  Keep it as is for dgs imo.  It might be ok to have it do dbl normal attack on citadel (could get nasty with a crit if its cast on the cit, though). 

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January 31, 2011 12:56:33 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm off to sleep.  I should be able to provide some testing tomorrow.  G'night!

edit - 100 downloads of this version of the mod since release.  Off to sleep for real. 

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January 31, 2011 2:35:29 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok first new fix:

Ability damage items can no longer increase the amount of damage a demigod does to themselves unless the value of the damage is less than 0 (ie a heal). 


* Cardinal :  This has already recieved what i consider to be a pretty HUGE buff - 25 minion damage


Due to popular request : Achievement Shop is now working as it used to with generals with general items and assassins as assassin items


Venom stone will no longer proc on citadel


Fixed nightmare tooltip: They actually do:

hero lvl * 2 + 17 per projectile --> 9 projectiles per wave

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