Before my internet went down (i was in mid reply when it happened lol i wrote this)
--> ANSWERS upto Reply #504
sorry guys,
i have been having interent problems (we are due to get someone out monday/tuesday to check our phone line). My posting might be intermittent at the moment so I will try to get back to everyone when I can.
"Thanks for the hard work Exx, the mod is getting really fun... Favormod Fridays for now on guys?"
Wow, that would be AWESOME! ty all for feedback!
k eviction:
"Let's increase the cast time by a second to give folks a chance to interrupt. And bump the CD to 45... maybe even a little higher."
Stacks per slot reduced to 1 (down from 2)
cooldown increased to 45 (up from 30)
casting time increased to 2.5 (up from 1.5) -- this is .5 of a second decrease over the time it takes to summon a portal
increased cost to 675
Limited use to every 2 minutes to an an individual demigod
This should hopefully put it back to being less overpowered
As for mist: As soon as you turn to mist you become untargetable. This should automatically cancel any demigods spells. I think it might have been a fluke of lag or you got him before he completely misted as I link this throught the standard demigod warp function (just change the target and where they go). That said, if it happens again let me know and I will investigate further.
Helm of fortune: will leave as is. While this item is ok, I don’t feel it will be viable if I nerf it. It is mediocore at best atm and with nerfs to eviction detailed above I think it will curtail a lot of the overuse of this item.
Suppressive fire:
I think that you guys are missing the point with this item (not sure I made I how this item works clear, but it has had a buff from 15% à 20% anyway – tooltip is wrong v.228 has damage reduction at 15%). This item reduces the TOTAL damage output of a single target (and it works on every unit, including towers). This includes spells, AA damage, abilities, items etc (everything that does damage).
I believe (although I havent been able to test it) that this item will also work on reducing the effectiveness of enemy heals produced from the affected demigod (as heals are just –damage). This includes consumables such as health potions.
Flying Angel lightning dudes:
I would love to see there melee animation taken off because right now its extremely hard to micro them away from towers and what not when they want to flying and suicide all the time.
Ok now albatross will no longer attack creeps or towers (they will still divebomb demigods and AA them so that they can be killed by melee units (only fair i think). Flight controls have been increased.
Note that in order to move angels around (micro them) do not click on a creep you want to attack, instead move your albatross unit close to them, and the proximity aura (or the chain effect) will very likely select that unit and strike it with chainlightning. Albtross maintain an ability to attack other creeps but will not do so automatically anymore.
Merlins magic missle is OP at the moment. Hitting someone for 900 damage at level 5 is OP, It should be about 200 damage at level 1, 400 at 4, 600 at 8, etc.....
For now it has been changed to:
fdamage = hero:GetLevel() * 30 + 110
K wat i was thinking that i will do with this is that at each 4th level you deal an extra fireball (starting with 1 at level 1). Damage for each fireball will be the same (300). this means at level 20 you will be dealing 300/600/900/1200/1500 damage at levels 1/5/9/13/17 respectively.
Fixed buff animation
“Wraith Gloves, has anyone gotten them to work?”
For this I go the full despair set and take tb, this will give you reduced cooldown and you will no longer need a helm (with the despair set and gloves I defy you to run out of mana lol). Pick up the other items as needed. I tend to go ability damage (duelists pendant) and nimoths armor. Also a wand of speed is never amiss with tb.
“Other than that, I can see a few items that might be underpowered but I probably just haven't figured out a use for them yet. “
List them! All feedback is good, and I would like to know what you would like to use more.
Fixed gloves: My math was WAY off, I dunno what I was doing but it has been fixed now. Also increased to 2.5 as suggested. permenatly
OTHER ITEMS THAT HAVE BEEN ADDED SINCE FRIDAY (worked on it even tho i couldnt post back)
REFLEX -- added to achievement shop
Increases Evasion cap by 30 and adds +10 Evasion and 25% Evasion',
Guardian Platemail -- added to chest armor shop - cost 4100
33% Magic Resistance aura (reduces damage of abilities) (note this is a multiplyer of Magic resistance below)
15 Magic resistance
25 Weapon Damage
Gloves of the Death Eater
20% chance on hit to heal for 50% of ability damage (on ability damage proc)
+15% ability damage
-10% cooldowns