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[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3

By on December 23, 2009 7:54:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Favormod offers over 60 new items (including 15 new summon-ables - Towers and Units), both achievement and standard shop items. All achievement( favor) items are each only 1 point to make it accessible to all. And all new units have been re-skinned. Several set items with unique effects have also been added. All items have their own unique icon and several new casting, buff and spell effects have been added.

Favormod also offers a wide range of abilities that are not available in vanilla Demigod. For more information pls watch the video at the bottom of this Post. 

For instructions on how to install mods see here:


[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3 - Yet More Bugfixes


NOTE: it it highly RECOMMENDED that you use FAVORMOD with both Uberfix AND Enhanced AI -- these are all packaged in the auto installer below.

Or you can install Pacovs Community Mod Pack (includes this version of favormod) here - Self Installer:

RECOMMENDED DOWNLOAD - UPDATED daily, pls make sure version numbers match though.






EDIT: This video does not accurately reflect the current version of favormod, it is missing most of the skins, new effects and spells as well as about 15 items.


WATCH in 720p


FavorMod 2.0D Video:

+47 Karma | 627 Replies
December 10, 2010 4:32:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

would it be possible to have 2 favor mods?

I'm sure its possible and I totally get why you'd want this, but it can be a pain to have to maintain 2 separate mods... we come up with a tweak to this or that, then he has to update the code in 2 spots, essentially duplicating everything.  I like your idea just fine and agree with the premise of continuing to polish the existing version and re-balance it as appropriate, but I don't any programming would like the extra maintenance. 

December 10, 2010 4:54:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

what i plan on doing is releasing items now in incremental form (ie maybe 1-2 per update). this way it gives you guys some time to test and see if they are gamebreaking/bugged etc.


There *should* not be any more 10-15 item updates as this has caused alot of problems for me balance wise in the past (see i do learn from past mistakes .

December 10, 2010 5:38:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

noticed the golum does not indicate how much mana it costs in the tool tip.

December 10, 2010 5:48:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Removed Phantasm (pacovs weapon) for now until i can come up with alternative/balanced changes for this item


Ok NEW item:

Favor item:


20% Chance of doing 2x Damage with Spells.


---> this required a hack of the global DealDamage function (as no original functions were able to modify the ability for a 'Spell' to critical hit or the multiplier). Therefore, it may not apply to everything. If you guys do some testing on this item, can you look for spells which are not given this bonus?

This item also affects AOE spells --> damage multiplier here is individually calaculated for each unit, so the chance is 20% for each unit in the area on each tick.

DOT damage (ie Spit) is calculated on a per tick basis - ie spit may have 6 ticks of normal and 2 ticks with 2x damage.

Also if you think that 2x (or 20% proc chance) is too much of a bonus let me know so i can alter it before release.


EDIT: Ty pacov. Have fixed golem tooltip now

EDIT 2: also if you guys could keep a look out for items which have incorrect cast action for the time (ie stop casting before end of cast bar or do not have a cast action at all), have buffs that show incorrect tooltip/no tooltip/incorrect buff icon for that weapon, fail to show abort text, or do not produce a sound (and you think they should) on cast/for the actual items ability (for example lightning) that would be FANTASTIC. +1 karma for all bugs reported about these things .

EDIT 3: NOTE FOR SELF: icon update for all items that currently are using ingame (and used) icons some time in the next 1-3 versions of favormod




December 10, 2010 6:05:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

can you upload a copy of the installer for me pls (script) i figure that your using inno 5?

Found how to delete destination folder using the Inno installer.

new section:

Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\bindata\mods\Enhanced_AI\*"


Here is the script I am using for enhanced AI (based on bmans original inno guide):

Code: xml
  1. ; Inno Setup script for Demigod mod
  2. ; Instructions for use:
  3. ; 1. Download and install Inno Setup:
  4. ; 2. Edit this file by searching for the ***** comments and following the instructions.
  5. ; 3. Click the compile button above.
  6. ; 4. Make sure you test!
  7. [Setup]
  8. ; ***** The Name of your mod
  9. AppName=Peppe's Enhanced AI
  10. ; ***** Version number that will be embedded in the setup.exe
  11. VersionInfoVersion=0.26.22
  12. ; ***** The Name of your mod including version number
  13. AppVerName=Peppe's Enhanced AI v0.26.22
  14. ; ***** What do you want to call the setup.exe file? (do NOT put the .exe on the end)
  15. OutputBaseFilename=Enhanced_AI_v0.26.22
  16. ; ***** You are the publisher right?
  17. AppPublisher=Peppe
  18. ; Looks for the DG install folder
  19. DefaultDirName={reg:HKLM\Software\Stardock\\Demigod,Path|{pf}\Demigod}
  20. DirExistsWarning=no
  21. EnableDirDoesntExistWarning=yes
  22. DisableProgramGroupPage=true
  23. Uninstallable=no
  24. ; ***** Where do you want Inno Setup to put the setup file?
  25. OutputDir=.
  26. [Files]
  27. ; ***** For SOURCE, point to where your mod files are located.  For DESTDIR, it will put it in the DG\bindata\mods folder.  You just need to put the foldername your mod will exist in within the mods folder.
  28. ; The EXCLUDES line included in this example will exclude .SVN folders (subversion junk), ~ files (GVIM junk), .ISS files (INNOSETUP script files), .EXE files (your setup file!).  Add any other file patterns you want to exclude
  29. Source: D:\Stardock\Demigod\bindata\mods\Enhanced_AI\*; DestDir: {app}\bindata\mods\Enhanced_AI; Excludes: ".svn,*~,*.iss,*.exe"; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly replacesameversion recursesubdirs
  30. [InstallDelete]
  31. Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\bindata\mods\Enhanced_AI\*"
  32. [Code]
  33. var DGNotFoundWarned: Boolean;
  34. function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
  35. begin
  36.   DGNotFoundWarned := False;
  37.   Result := True;
  38. end;
  39. { See if this folder looks like the Demigod folder }
  40. function IsValidDGFolder(const Folder: String): Boolean;
  41. begin
  42.   Result := FileExists(RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot(Folder) + '\bin\demigod.exe');
  43. end;
  44. { Do not show the select dir page if we found the Demigod folder. }
  45. function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean;
  46.   var DGPath : String;
  47. begin
  48.   case PageID of
  49.     wpSelectDir:
  50.       begin
  51.         Result := RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\Stardock\\Demigod', 'Path', DGPath);
  52.         If Result Then
  53.           Result := IsValidDGFolder(DGPath);
  54.         If Not Result Then
  55.         begin
  56.           If Not DGNotFoundWarned Then
  57.           begin
  58.             DGNotFoundWarned := True;
  59.             MsgBox('Could not find your Demigod installation.  Please select the main Demigod folder', mbInformation, MB_OK);
  60.           end;
  61.         end;
  62.       end;
  63.   else
  64.     Result := False;
  65.   end;
  66. end;
  67. { Make sure the folder the user selected is correct! }
  68. function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
  69. begin
  70.   case CurPageID of
  71.     wpSelectDir:
  72.       begin
  73.         Result := IsValidDGFolder(ExpandConstant('{app}'));
  74.         If Not Result Then
  75.           MsgBox('The folder you selected does not look like the main Demigod folder.  Please select the main Demigod folder', mbInformation, MB_OK);
  76.       end;
  77.   else
  78.     Result := True;
  79.   end;
  80. end;
  81. { Remind the user to enable the mod from within the game. }
  82. procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
  83. begin
  84.   case CurStep of
  85.     ssPostInstall:
  86.       MsgBox('Remember to enable the mod from within the game using the Mod Manager menu!', mbInformation, MB_OK);
  87.   end;
  88. end;


December 10, 2010 6:12:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

whoa HOLY.....


TY Peppe!

December 10, 2010 6:27:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok next item i want to make will be this:

Item: 'Clickable' Wand

On Use: Targeted Allied Hero (including self)

Duration =10

Item Cost = 2300

Cooldown 40

Spell Shield - Creates a magical barrier which blocks a single enemy spell cast on target.

(includes interrupts)


Following that i hope to start fixing icons then work for release for tonight .



December 10, 2010 7:04:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thinking about a buff for golem.  Been playing around with him and he doesn't quite seem strong enough.  Can you provide the current stats from the lua if you get a chance?  Otherwise, I'll do a search in a little bit.  Thanks!

December 11, 2010 12:30:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

sorry i got side tracked yesterday with family x-mas stuff. 


Did you figure this out yet?

(its probly the most complex favor item lol).

December 11, 2010 1:41:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

hmm after about 5 hours trying to get spell shield to work i am going to drop it for the moment, until i can work out how to detect a stun before it affects the demigod.


onto icons!




December 11, 2010 1:43:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

No - I got sidetracked with other stuff as well

Say a tooltip that would be useful to update, though, as I'm not ENTIRELY sure what it does.  Your girdle of the ancients item.  It indicates a regen value of 20; however, I'm not sure what that means.  Is that hp and mana regeneration = +20 per sec?  If you could clarify in the tooltip, that would be great.

December 11, 2010 5:37:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Idea - but its a tricky 1.  Can you add an item to the CITADEL?  It gets even more tricky.  I'd like it to be something that could be bought multiple times, but if need be, we could make it a 1 shot item (like you buy fs1 once, then you by fs2 - you only buy 1 level at a time).

Anyway, here's what I'd like to see.  This new item will essentially be an allied structure shield. It would make all allied structures unable to take damage (but hopefully still able to fire) and regen at a rate of say, +120 per second for 10 seconds.  If we could make it infinite use, then super.  But if not, perhaps we increment its power per level.  This could be a fun, game changing way to save your citadel if its going down or make a comeback, but the price should reduce its usage at least early game to save towers, etc.  Whatcha think?

December 11, 2010 6:32:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

UPDATE - new icons


Pls let me know if there are any you think dont make the cut (i am not great with making them so i am happy to replace ones that dont fit or are ugly)!!


Still have a few more (about 8) to do but the vast majority of the items have been given new icons.



OK golem is VERY complex.

First off there are 3 lvls of golem that you will be able to summon through-out the game. The aim of him is to be a support demigod (damage/meatshield), and when giants come out, to be able to compete with those. Note golem is the only current summonable that does not have the scale per /lvl damage and health buff.

All levels of golem provide 6% health steal to all allied units in radius 20.


1. Clay golem has no other special abilities - i think that he is summonable till lvl 5.

he has fairly high damage (150 per hit) and average attack speed.


2. Baby golem i think that he is summonable till lvl 11.

he has fairly high damage (160 per hit) and average attack speed. 

he has a hammer slam ability (activated by an aura 8 radius/pulse 6) which does

50 direct damage to unit and 300 splash damage.


3. Babylon Golem summonable at lvl 12

he has fairly high damage (200 per hit) and average attack speed.

he has a much more powerful hammerslam ability

(same aura) which does 50 direct damage and 600 splash damage.






Regen  -- it is what the actual mechanical buff is called (i thought that this was the name of the ingame tooltip buff lol. Regen = HPS

I will fix all instances where this occurs



Finally for citadel changes: 

I can modify the citadel -- think enfos. however, we are limited to a single tab (what is already there, i have tried to make a tabbed citadel shop (and failed on a number of occassions) but the coding for this would be a very significant time investment and rather difficult).

Also making a 1 use affects all tower would likely cause large balance problems (especially with items like architects mechanism) -- you could keep your towers up with a citadel buff until you have put enough buffs onto the towers with the favor items and they become indestructable.


I could however, see if i could make a wand type item (would you want it to have a certain number of uses?) that would provide the ability to shield a tower for X seconds (where x is what you think would be appropriate -- maybe 30 seconds, cooldown 60). Adding regen would be easy, however i think that maybe 20 HPS would be more appropriate (for the duration of the shield).


thanks pacov.








December 11, 2010 6:57:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hmm just found this might have a bug.

I will take it down for now and put the old one back up for a bit until i get it sorted


December 11, 2010 7:03:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok fixed reposting atm


December 11, 2010 7:05:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i have limited time and I'm not sure if I downloaded the old version or not.  Will check in later.  Exe updated.  Just add a message here when you have it uploaded again.  The original link i posted earlier in this thread will always be the link to the exe.

December 11, 2010 7:07:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

the bug was just an item without an icon


new reuploaded now




December 11, 2010 7:17:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

oh btw, i havent been linking your .exe cause i figure most ppl are going to download your ALL IN ONE.exe file from your thread in the main page (i do ).

And i figure it makes it easier for you if it is not in a .exe format for you to add to that complilation (if not let me know ).


Edit: Fixes for next version:


Now displays text Critical! when abilities gain a critical hit bonus with arcane mastery


Ok i would like to make another set. (critical hit biased)

1. Duelist Curiass (EXISTING) cost 2500

350 armor

500 health

10% chance of 1.5x critical (weapon proc)


2. Duelist Pendant cost 2600

15% chance of 1.5x Critical (weapon proc)

15% chance of 1.5x Critical (abilities)


3. Duelist Treads 3400

10% evasion

10% movement Speed

15% chance of 1.5x Critical (weapon proc)


Set Buff: Vital Strike

15% chance of 1.5x Critical (abilities)

100% critical Hit chance  (2x Damage) on enemies with less than 20% health





December 11, 2010 10:05:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

updated exe.

December 11, 2010 10:41:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

^^ updated main post to recommend you community mod pack.

December 11, 2010 11:35:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

cool - haven't had a chance to play much, but I really like the new icons you came up with.  Cool stuff.

December 11, 2010 11:39:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

TY pacov


Ok after some more testing with new item (arcane mastery), i am seeing some unusual behaviour. - on aoe spells, damage multiplier is spreading.


--> this has been fixed for next version


--> For myself,( on my laptop)

#############2.1.4 damagebuff resets data.Amount after dealing damage to one unit

function DealDamage(data,target)
    #########EXXCENTRIC FM V2.1.4

   local damagebuff = 1

    if Buff.HasBuff(data.Instigator, 'AchievementArcaneMastery') then
   if data.Type == 'Spell' or data.Type == 'SpellFire' then
      local rand = Random(1, 100)
      if rand > 79 then
    data.Amount = data.Amount *2
    damagebuff = 2
    if not target then
        error('DealDamage called with no target')

    if not data.Amount then
        WARN('DealDamage called with 0 damage amount')

    if not target.BeenDestroyed or target:BeenDestroyed() then
        if not target.BeenDestroyed then
            local stg = 'Globals.lua, target doesn\'t have a :BeenDestroyed() method: ', repr(target)

    if target:IsDead() then

    if not data.DamageFriendly and IsAlly(data.InstigatorArmy,target:GetArmy()) then

    if IsBlip(target) then
        target = target:GetSource()

    if not data.DamageSelf then
        local inst = data.Instigator
        if inst and (not inst:BeenDestroyed()) and IsProjectile(inst) then
            inst = IsProjectile(inst):GetLauncher()
        # Don't damage the instigator
        if inst and inst == target then

    local newdata = table.copy(data)
    local targetArmor = target.ArmorType or target:GetBlueprint().Defense.ArmorType
    if not data.IgnoreDamageRangePercent then
        newdata.Amount = CalculateDamageWithRange(data.Amount)
    if targetArmor and armorTypes[targetArmor] and armorTypes[targetArmor][data.Type] then
        newdata.Amount = newdata.Amount * armorTypes[targetArmor][data.Type]

    if newdata.Amount != 0 then
        if not newdata.Vector and newdata.Origin then
            newdata.Vector = VDiff(target:GetPosition(),data.Origin)
        #########EXXCENTRIC FM V2.1.4
    if damagebuff == 2 then

    data.Amount = data.Amount/2
    damagebuff = 1

function DamageArea(data, dmgEntities)

    #########EXXCENTRIC FM V2.1.4
local damagebuff = 1
    if Buff.HasBuff(data.Instigator, 'AchievementArcaneMastery') then
   if data.Type == 'Spell' or data.Type == 'SpellFire' then
      local rand = Random(1, 100)
      if rand > 79 then
    data.Amount = data.Amount *2
    damagebuff = 2
    if not data.Radius or data.Radius <= 0 then
        error('DamageArea Radius <=0')

    if not data.Group then
        error('No entity group(s) specified.')

    local absorb = GetShieldHits(data)
    local entities = dmgEntities or GetEntitiesInSphere(data.Group, data.Origin, data.Radius)

    local instArmy = data.InstigatorArmy

    for k,entity in entities do

        if entity:IsDead() then

        if not data.DamageFriendly and instArmy >= 0 then
            if IsAlly(instArmy,entity:GetArmy()) then

        if EntityCategoryContains(categories.NOSPLASHDAMAGE,entity) then

        if data.IgnoreTargets and table.find(data.IgnoreTargets,entity) then

        local damage = AbsorbDamage(entity,absorb,data.Amount)
        if damage < 0 then

        local dmgData = table.copy(data)
        dmgData.Amount = damage
        dmgData.Vector = VDiff(entity:GetPosition(),data.Origin)
        DealDamage(dmgData, entity)

    for k,absorb in absorb do
        local dmgData = table.copy(data)
        dmgData.Amount = absorb.Absorbed
        dmgData.Vector = VDiff(absorb.Shield:GetPosition(),data.Origin)
        DealDamage(dmgData, absorb.Shield)
        #########EXXCENTRIC FM V2.1.4
    if damagebuff == 2 then

    data.Amount = data.Amount/2
    damagebuff = 1




 Description = '<LOC ITEM_Achievement_0735>On Use: Summon 1 Golem. Type of Golem Summoned Is Dependent On Player Level (Upgrades at levels 6 and 12). Higher Levels Of Golem are Able to Use HammerSlam Ability (50 direct damage 300/600 Splash Damage). Babylon Titan Knocks Back Smaller Infantry With this Ability.',



Description = '<LOC ITEM_Chest_1058>Part of the Ancients Set. while weaing the Armor, Gloves and Ring of the Ancients you will gain an additional 10 Health per Second and 30 Weapon Damage and the Ability to Heal 250 Health on Hit (5%)',




December 12, 2010 2:01:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

flame towers feel pretty well balanced as far as hp scaling goes... HOWEVER - should "flames" occur at some point?  Noticed there is no fireball period, just arrows now.

December 12, 2010 5:11:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

please adjust architects mechanism so that the regen aura for towers is bumped to +6 per sec.

existing favor item buff request as well - change blood soaked wand so that it restores 1000 hp and 1000 mana on use. 

December 12, 2010 6:57:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

All above fixes have been implemented but this:


existing favor item buff request as well - change blood soaked wand so that it restores 1000 hp and 1000 mana on use. 


I need to nondestructively hook this so it might take me a bit to remember how lol.



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