Demigod isn't perfect of course. No game is. I have a laundry list of things I want to see changed and with the upcoming modding, I am hoping to see those changes happen.
That said, let me tell you why I think Demigod is the best new strategy game of 2009.
1. It has the best game mechanics of any RTS of 2009. The balance between citadel upgrades, flags, and personal items are just wonderful.
2. The fact that it is really easy to learn how to play but that a well coordinated team can own 3 experts who don't play well together.
3. The multiple ways that most of the Demigods can play.
4. It's beautiful. I can zoom out and see the whole arena or I can zoom in and see stunning graphics. Demigod is that rare game that looks terrific but whose engine is highly practical too.
5. Sheer polish. If you have a moderate system that plays fine today, fear not, the game looks incredible at 2500x1600 thus it won't get dated soon.
6. It's continuing to get better. If you read the forum posts, you sometimes forget that the game has only been out about 6 months and has received continual updates throughout its life with more updates in the works. It ain't going anywhere.
Just some quick thoughts on the matter.
1. Balance hmm... from what i saw most of the games you get 3 items from each category in the shop. Rest of items are either overpriced or underpowered. Same with faovor items - only 30% of them are usefull. Citadel looks better with graveyard being buffed - which we yet to see. If u want to call this game rts i belive u got far more to do to beat Dawn of War 2 for that title. If someone wall call it rpg u got even more to do to beat Dragons age.
2. Is it? There is no toturial, no help screen, no thing to learn from. U have any idead how many noobs told me they dont know where is their favor item (how to choose one). Seriusly make a screenshot with pointy arrows explaining what does every thing do, it is maxx 2 hours job. I dont think that noobs got any chance againts experts coz they dont understand what items are good, when to buy urself item or upgrade citadel. Example i played 3v3, all noobs except me (i hosted the room they asked if they can stay, i said if u team is fine with it why not) we beat them on kills, and they had war rank 8 when we just get 6. If they would get catas then we would have no chance to recover, but they didnt know about it, coz no one explain what does warrank do.
3. 2-3 builds per demigod, which again if u noob and for example u dont stack speed as regulus or hp as rook u end up feeding. How many useless skills we get in the game such as yetis, regulus dead eye,qot tribute, best bestial wrath?
4. Graphics looks good, so does dragon age (u can zoom in and out too) But this is one of fev RTS that dosnt have any kind of click able minimap. Sure u can zoom out but it dosnt feel the same. Older games that looked tereffic and had free camera are: Black and white 1,2 (world was changing depending how good or evil u have been - beat that!)
5. Shouldn't it be point 4.1? Again look at dragons age, rts: black and white 2, DoW 2, Tiberium wars - ohh and all of these games have storyline, cutscenes (tiberium wars got real actors) and ofcourse tutorials for noobs.
6. Not better - playable. And it still got lots to go. 'game been out 6 moths' - eactly my point, its shitload of time to fix bugs that people keep reminding you about. 6 months to put in missing fire tb attoatack animation (or more coz patch 1.2 is delayed). What about desync exploit, What about pantheon (playing vs ai gives u expierience points example- Prussian Havoc), What about patching (i died countless times coz i couldnt move when creep was blocking my way or bad cornering, or stopping on the tower). Where is clan wars, where is matchmaking system, where are fixed notes?
seriusly think about making fev slideshows for noobs to explain them what does citadel do, where to buy equipment, what is favor points, what is warrrank points. I mean something is better then nothing right?
Oh one more thing, I dont want to hear from ZhenDon or Spooky how hard you have been working on this thing and how gratefull i should be. Thanks i see that in almost every post. If u have something constructive to say for a change please do.
I know you guys belive stardock is next IBM and it will change the way people think about computers, but u dont need to remind me that. I also know how rude, impatient, stupid, hopeless and bad people who ask for something to be done are.