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Offensive Game Title Post Deleted - Problem Solved?

By on September 28, 2009 12:45:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So, my non-vengance-related and completly good-natured-and-socially-conscious post complete with picture for proof on player 127721 (hosted game with a racially offensive game title) was deleted by SD with no comments. I would like to know if an action was taken, other than deleting my post. Thanks.


[edit for clarity]: My question still remains: will SD be taking action against players who use racially offensive game titles? I don't really care if you tell me or anyone what action was taken, but I think it will benifit the community to know that an action is being taken. I do not think anyone here wants to see a destructive atmosphere tolerated.

+4 Karma | 10 Replies
September 28, 2009 1:17:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Why would they tell you? It should be about disciplining the player, not ensuring you got your vengeance or whatever.

September 28, 2009 1:26:36 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Issues of player behavior are handled between Stardock and that individual.  Generally we do not comment on what (if any) actions are taken to parties not directly involved.

September 28, 2009 1:44:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Not quite sure why the thread was deleted though, given the "HALL OF SHAME" thread that was initiated by SD.

September 28, 2009 2:12:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Zoomba,
Issues of player behavior are handled between Stardock and that individual.  Generally we do not comment on what (if any) actions are taken to parties not directly involved.

Fair enough. I was just suprised that it was deleted entirely. However, my question still remains: will SD be taking action against players who use racially offensive game titles? I don't really care if you tell me or anyone what action was taken, but I think it will benifit the community to know that an action is being taken.


BTW, this has nothing to do with vengance. I merely saw and took a screen shot of a VERY offensive game title, and posted it on here asking that something be done about it (the player has a history of offensive game titles as I later found out). A simple threadlock with a statement of "problem resolved" or equivalent would have sufficed.

September 28, 2009 11:38:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I wouldnt mind knowing the official policy on this as well, we all make poor decisions from time to time and some jokes are handled better than others, is this game going to turn into an "im reporting you" fest? and that being said for in game text, do replays show chat? or are photoshoppable screenshots the weapon of choice?

October 21, 2009 5:11:29 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Was the game name that bad or did i beat you that bad? where is the picture? I really dont care if someone cant take a joke.

October 21, 2009 5:27:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting 127721,
Was the game name that bad or did i beat you that bad? where is the picture? I really dont care if someone cant take a joke.

A game title called "i hate niggers" isn't a joke. But hey, if you think it is, why not walk up to a black person and see if he/she finds it funny?


October 21, 2009 5:40:44 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting 127721,
Was the game name that bad or did i beat you that bad? where is the picture? I really dont care if someone cant take a joke.

Being an jerk to people, and then saying 'just kidding' isn't a joke.

At some point your Mama should have told you that 'just kidding' doesn't make 'it all better'.


October 21, 2009 5:41:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

127..: Consider this your warning.  

Hateful game titles are not a joke.  Our servers. Our rules. 


October 21, 2009 6:44:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting 127721,
Was the game name that bad or did i beat you that bad? where is the picture? I really dont care if someone cant take a joke.


There was a picture, and the post was deleted (probably so as not to offend even more people). Grow up a little...

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