We know Demigod is a good game.
I agree here. It is a good game. But even the perfect game will have trollers and flamers. And it sometimes has NOTHING to do with the actual game. Some people get hammered on so much in real life that they need to flame SD so they can stroke their e-peen to feel good. Someone on this thread said that you should be held accountable for what you say regardless to the media and I agree with that.
I_killed_a_dwarf for example THINKS he is writing his posts in a polite manner but his "tone" always screams "fuck you SD/GPG". He has the impression that if he paid for the game then he is stardock's boss or something.
Look, the game isn't perfect, i'll give him that. He seems to be under the impression that being an ass "gets shit done" when it does not bring anything constructive to the game and makes the community worse. The basic rules of good posting are (as far as i have seen)
1. If you want to post something, the search key is your friend. Use it to find out if any posts cover your desired subject and post in them ONLY if you have something new to add.
2. Do not insult other members of the forum regardless of how big jerks they are. If politeness does not work just ignore them. Fueling the fire will guarantee a flame war and a locked thread.
3. Don't double post, edit is there for a reason (although this rule is not that important).
That's just off the top of my head. The community gets ruined buy just a few people that don't respect even one of those rules (ok, except the double posting crap). On the other side, locking pacov's thread was not a good approach. But then again, there were a lot of questions so pacov will have his hands full a while. When frogboy answers them, then we will just open a new thread and try to IGNORE trollers and flamers (remember, the thread got shut down because we started arguing with the whiners......IGNORE them, and everyone that posts something that has nothing to do with the thread, that is the way to stop a flame war before it even begins).
Look, i understand, you come home from work/scool or a nagging wife/girlfriend and want nothing more than to reduce some demis to puddles of blood and gore with a hammer slam. You try and start a game and shit happens. You get so angry that you want to explode. You think about starting a flame thread. STOP right there......go online or at a store, get porn, jerk off. I am serious. Spank the monkey, tug the trooper, peel the banna, tap the keg, whatever you want to call it. If you can't control your anger that's the way to go........or ram your head against the wall repeatedly. (lol would be a nice headline : "Porn industry saves Demigod online gaming community").
Also i would like to add that as far as i see, every single problem with the game HAS ALREADY BEEN ADDRESSED. Ping spikes, invalid game states, auto-matching etc already have their threads. If you have a legitimate new problem or have something new to add to an existing thread, by all means post it for it will make the community better. If you just want to vent, then find some other outlet.