Connection Info would display a player’s rank/experience to better balance custom games
I have seen some posts asking for this in the forums, though I need to voice my concern about this. While it is true that displaying the player's rank and experience will allow for a better balance in custom games, in turn it will make getting into a game of demigod much harder. Right now when I join a game, it can take a few minutes to find the number of people required for the game. Most of the time in a minute we have enough, but people constantly drop out due to impatience. With the player's rank and experience being readily available I see one of two things happening.
1. The host will kick anyone that doesn't fit into his desired skill level. A good host will put that level into the description, but there will be lots of cases where people will be spending time looking for a game that they would fit into.
2. A player will join an open custom game and see that some players on the opposite team are really good, or one of their team mates sucks and will quit.
Either of these issues will be ok if there were 20,000+ people playing the game at any time, but when I look at the game stats, I only see around 2,000 people playing demigod. I believe this feature will only become the tool of grief and could cause demigod to lose some of its current playerbase (which would make the issue worse).
I think when matching people up for a skrimish, the skill level of the player should be taken into account, and when a team skirmish system can be made where a team of 2-5 players join a skirmish together and get matched with another team that is roughly the same skill level.
Great updates, really looking forward to them.
Connection info, probably missed the boat But can it show percentage of player disconnects and also if it had any way at all of determining players upload ability to number of players in game that would probably kill lag once and for all
This can be even worst IMO. I know Talsworthy that you want this so you can make sure that you aren't going to play with a guy that will rage quit, but then if you happened to have a period of time when you crashed out of the game a lot, people are going to start kicking you, even if the problem was due to demigod, not you rage quitting. From my perspective, giving this information to the players will just be used as a source of grief.
I play Sins of a Solar Empire, but mostly with my friends, and we usually quit out of the game when we feel one side is going to win, I probably played 50+ games (I play one game a week since launch), but my record only shows as 10 games played. When I tried to join a public game, I got booted because they said I was a noob. Imagine if the game said 40 disconnects? Online people can be jerks (even me sometimes
). If we give people the means to grief, they will.