Is it really worth specing into? You would have to skip out on the "Reformed Health Care" Debuff Aura, opposing Demigods are allowed to take health/mana potions for free, but there is only 1 rank, it heals for 1000 HP and has a 10 second cast time.
We're totally stomping those nations with socialized health care! Honestly, why do you feel our system is so effective? I'm not being facetious, I honestly don't understand it. Look at the CIA factobook on infant mortality rates:
We're behind pretty much every European country we make fun of for having socialized medicine, we're behind Canada too. If you're not rich, I don't see any metric that could possibly convince someone that our system is better than what you're making fun of.
Even if you are rich it's not as though you can't buy better health care than your fellow countrymen in those countries anyway. One of my friends in Holland is very rich and he picks and chooses the services he wants to acquire through the public system and pay for on his own.
Seriously, if you have any articles or books (that are in paperback, 30 bucks a pop is too much) that defend our current system then link them. I'll read em.' The only argument I've seen against it is that we can't afford it, which may be totally true, I really wouldn't know. If it is true though, I'd really like to know how those other countries afford theirs.
On a sidenote, I'm a veteran and my health care in the military was pretty good, better than my Blue Cross Blue Shield healthcare I now have. I just don't understand you guys.