Soul Power - rank 1 is fine, ranks 2 and 3 offer only an additional 20 points of damage each, they scale very poorly and it is not very helpful to take them.
partially agree about its not much usefullness but i dont agree they need buff
oak is already too strong at high lvl imo
Summon Yeti - the Yetis seem kinda poor, all things considered. this skill costs alot of mana as well. i would consider changing the strength of the Yetis and changing the mana cost.
yetis have no skill (QOT pets have range, oak /erebus self grow) and the very problem is sedna only works with a lot of passive ability, she is very weak offensive and witout speed and aura and silence and heal she is dumb
while QOT erebus are very strong both with pets and without there is no really a good spec for pets with sedna
they yeti should gain some cool skill like defensive on sedna herself or offensive, or some kind of small CC like a slightly snare dunno
Queen of Thorns
Uproot - there's alot wrong with this skill. needs a broad based review. the biggest issue with it is that it shouldn't have 4 ranks, this makes it far too costly in terms of skill investment for an ability that becomes progressively less useful as the game goes on.
thats about the same about every skill
skills are strong at start while at the end stats and autoattack matters more
at start this is anyway a VERY strong skill for its purpose, maybe i would just cut it to 3 ranks
Compost - i'm not sure how this skills up with ranks, or even if it does. this also seems incredibly narrow as it boosts minions that are already boosted better by a different passive and it boosts a spell that almost nobody uses. this might become more appealing if Uproot was improved but i think that Compost in general needs to do slightly more.
well i tried the skill and its pretty weak
the real problem is these talents are NOT competitive to the last ones which give every stat to every pet,
since this skill need to chargeand can fade it should be way more strong imo
Improved Conversion Aura + Coven - it takes a fairly massive skill point investment to use Erebus' minions effectively. i'm thinking these skills should be merged in some fashion into a single 5 point skill line, similar to Oak's Raise Dead Ward skill line.
erebus skills are strong
erebus pets are strong
fully talented pets are REALLY strong a pain in the ass
its fine like it is now
Deep Freeze - the cooldown lockout effect is excellent really, i'm just questioning whether the Shatter damage is at the appropriate level. it seems like its too low considering how difficult and mana costly it is to set up a 2x or 3x shatter.
TB is a aoe char
you are right but making the combo too strong would mean he could kill 2 3 demigod at once sometimes
seems like he's in pretty good shape for the most part. i dont' play him much though so please post some feedback on Regulus. i do feel like all 4 of his active abilities are strong and at least 2 of his passives (Maim and Sniper Scope) are also very strong. anything that i'm missing?
even for regulus is the same as other talents
you really need the first lvl of range then its useless
there are better skills to spend point in
as for active abilities they are all pretty good
Unclean Beast
Ooze - the health drain is a terrible price to pay. sure the effect is useful but its so difficult to sustain and it just keeps getting more and more costly as you level up the ability. i would suggest fixing the cost of Ooze at 25 health per second for all levels.
the real problem is that other talents are just better
this skill is not much useful
imo they should nerf a slightly bit poison and autoattack and buff a bit other things like this