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The "Generals" Discussion 2.0

All things Generals, Development and Discussion

By on December 22, 2008 6:04:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The "Generals" Discussion 2.0

    Since Beta 1, we've been dealing with Assassins and we know them and love them for what they are. The introduction of Beta 2 brought a new side of the game into the light, Generals, and though we know they are far from finished this thread has been erected as a staple to help them grow into becoming something fun and unique to play. Join our discussion, express your ideas, and remember one fact when considering feedback:

  Important Notes 

* Consider how Generals can become more unique, within the bounds of what is already existing in the game of course.

* This is not the first thread of its kind, the original thread is found here: Demigod Journals: Generals

* Please provide clear feedback, following these guidelines:

   - Title your ideas.

   - List them in short, concise bullet points.

   - Give details, in order, well below the list of bullet points.

   - DO NOT quote other people's ideas in full length and type: "I agree"

   - DO NOT quote other people line by line to "break down" their arguements.

Current List of Generals

Some Materials for this list originated from this thread: General Generals 

For more details on each General, pleaese visit link provided above.


Lord Erebus


Queen of Thorns


Primary Concerns from Community

  • Generals are, at present, nothing more than Assassins with the option of additional units.
  • Plays exactly like an Assassin.
  • Can do everything an Assassin can, but thensome.
  • Doesn't even remotely feel like an RTS element.  


   There is a lot of feedback from the community again Generals, this is why I'd like to make this thread more of the focus of that dicussion. In order to start things off on the right direction, I'll provide my feedback here as an example of the guidelines I've listed above. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort to expand upon the game in this open form of communication between community and development.

 ~ Orlean Knight


Suggestion: Generals and Assassins play 100% Differently


   Right now, my largest concern with Generals, even though they are a new element that is far from complete, is that they share too many things in common with an Assassin. I feel that they should play very differently, and get rewarded in different ways. Assassins should play very differently from Generals, and in essense be almost two different games. Complicated indeed, but I think I have some ideas that may get things moving into that "gereral" direction.



Things I feel that are WRONG with Generals

  •  Generals hold their own against Assassins.
  •  Generals have to enter the battle and lead their minions.
  •  Generals can not develop or adjust their minions.
  •  Minions are not a General's real strength.
  •  Generals can wear equipment.
  •  Generals have combat abilities to battle against Assassins.
  •  Generals have no unique form of income.


Things I feel Generals MAY resolve these issues

  •   Generals should be no stronger an Giants.
  •   Generals can command and control their presence throughout the field, without leaving the base.
  •   Generals can upgrade and adjust their minions attributes like the Citadel.
  •   Minion's are the General's presense on the field.
  •   Instead of Equipment, the Shop has sections for Generals to develope thier Minions.
  •   Generals should have abilities which focus on healing and buffing grunts and minions and maybe area attacks.
  •   Generals can earn gold to Upgrade Citadel, but a General's power pool could be generated from the death of mindless grunts.



   When I think of a General, I think of a miliatry tactition who doesn't stick their neck out in the face of combat. Instead, they focus on amasing strength in numbers of having youthful muscle run out and do all the fighting for them. A general shouldn't leave the base, and if they do it should be for two reasons:

  1.  The enemy is breaking into the base, and more defense is needed on the front lines.
  2.  Your team is pushing hard on the base and they need an outpost to keep the push going.

   A General should symbolize the measure of your war effort, and can have a lot of power when it comes to the direction and motivation of units on the field. Like in most RTS games, the General is the player themselves, the mouse pointer and the screen. The physical form of the General should only be a means in which to halt a player's command of an army for a duration of time. Making them a target which sits safely inside of the base behind defenses.

   Unlike the Assassin, the General should use minions alone to try and take down enemy Demigods. Their Minions alone are their strength, and their only real physical fighting power. They can develop minions in the base using the shop as seen below:

Image Explaination:

  1. This modified General Shop shows several unit types on the left that a General can summon via the Star Icon.
  2. Selecting a unit shows upgrades for that unit type alone. Allowing you to increase armor and damage for choice units based on your play style.
  3. The skull is an additional upgrade which adds effects to units on death. Making Assassins think twice before killing your minions.
  4. The blue icon at the top is an idea, it represents Souls that Generals can collect and invest into upgrades.  


  This is an idea I have, I'd like to know what others think. But I feel there needs to be a proxy for the General on the field, and I feel that could be in the form of a Soul Reaper. This unit is the only thing I can think of that would actually be something 'new' that the artists would have to generate, so therefore it makes the suggestion questionable. But even so, I'll illustrate the idea as best as I can so help others judge whether or not something like this is a good idea or not.

Soul Reaper

   This proxy can be a critical unit which, like the Oak's ward, can draw in souls from units that die near it. These souls can then be utilized by the Generals back the base to invest into various unit upgrades. These Soul Reapers become a prime target for shutting out the production of a General's units, and also makes them very precious for the General to keep alive. I would imagine they wouldn't be able to defend themselves, but instead have a good sum of HP to absorb some damage, and they protentially even be upgraded. This idea is variable, I just felt it'd be interesting and different.


Experience Points and Abilities 

  Well if a General is not in combat, how would they accquire experience to develop their abilities? This question could be answered with the soul idea listed above, but just incase no one takes interest into that idea - there would need to be a sound alternative. I feel the minions under a General's control could be able to amass experience points just like other Assassins. When they kill something or capture something, that experience is transferred into the General who can gain levels and put points into developing abilities that heal and buff their minions and grunts. Also, potentially Area Damage skills can be used as well to frighten off Assassins who try to hinder your army's movements.

   Protection spells seems like very good alternative to attacks, such as putting up a shield against the Torch Bearer's Rain of Ice for instance. A high level Rain of Ice can sunder a whole army, but if a shield is thrown up to cushion the blow, the General's army can still push on and lead the charge. These abilities can be cast anywhere within a minion's range and proximity as the General remains in the base.


Fortifications and Outposts

   Another idea that would make Generals interesting would be to turn them into physcial outposts, think The Queen of Thorns taking root and opening her bud. She is underguard by her Honor-Guard while in this mode, these units can be deployed by her and are seperate from her minions that she produced back at the base. This mode leaves the General very vulnerable, but can become a big help to a team on the move. Because a General can then spawn units from their location to quickly aid in the battle, furthemore magical orbs can appear which can be remote links to the Shop and the Citadel for friendly Demigods to use so they don't have to run all the way back the base and keep the forward push strong.

   I would also image a General in this state can emit an aura the increases the defense of Towers of Light, making them a suitable defensive line against Grunts.


Death of a General 

   A General's demise should not spell the end of his/her units. Instead, they will no longer have a leader to command them. Minions in this state can go "rogue", attacking anything and everything in thier proximity, even friendly Demigods. This should make Generals think twice about leaving the base and making themselves vulnerable to attack. Once a General comes back to life, they'll regain control over whatever survivers are left of their once proud army.


Unit Flexibility 

   Aside from just be able to purchase units and upgrade them, Generals should be able to choose from a wide range of different types of units, including Angels and Giants, which will allow them to make an army more tuned to their play style. If they want slow, lumbering tanks on the field - allow them to summon Giants early on, but of course restrick their numbers. I'd like to see many different units, allowing for Generals to make an army they really can call their own, and plays the way they want to.


And that to me, is what I feel a Genral should be about. Any questions? ^^





+70 Karma | 183 Replies
December 23, 2008 9:23:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

  No doubt Stilbine, Eva, and a number of others have the right idea when it comes to Generals. At present, they are too RPG driven, and we know it's not something we want to play when it comes to Generals. Some people believe they are fine as they are, wanting to take thier Demigod into battle, etc. But this is the silver lining, is it not? We're supposed to have four, perhaps even five Gernals at some point, and there is an opening there to vary their gameplay styles.

   You could have one or two General types built to be more in field, and have their abilities reflect that. Such as a shield for Oak that protects him from long range attacks and spells. He can go into battle as a back-line, increasing the power of units with aruas and spells. Assassins will have to be cunning to try and kill a General in the back line, and may have to charge in to do it - likely a suicide mission. Other generals can be purely designed to be defensive structures in the base, allowing them to command and control units from afar.

   The thing I do not want to see for generals is the ability to build structures. Towers of Light are tough to kill anyway, at least when I play with the Towers on Full Power, which I believe should be the stock and standard for this game. Making a push beyond the tower is the point. But a General should be able to bolster the strength of presently existing structures, either with spells, purchasable units, or their own aura. This way they can not defend all structures, only those within their defensive proximity.

   I can see a game going fine in a 1v1 solo match for Generals even if they were base bound. I feel if GPG can figure out a way to have a General win a game without ever leaving the proximity of the citadel, they'll succeed the expectations of Generals for their customers and it should be their primary goal right now. Only after they achieve this would making more battle friendly Generals be more of an option.

   What we need is another Beta Phase where it's just experimental Genrals ideas, toss out the Asssassins for a while - they work, but their Balance is their key issue right now. Just give us all Generals for awhile, that needs to be the next step in this game's evolution.

   If that requires a postponement of the game, I'm for it. I would just hope Stardock agrees with such assestments.

December 23, 2008 9:34:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Stilbine,
If Assassins are the RPG side of the game, and Generals are the RTS side, which one should get equipment?

Honestly, its rather silly. After all, I'm not equiping my commander in SupCom with gauntlets of Fell-Dur.


No, but you are upgrading him (You are upgrading your ACU aren't you?) So yes, items do fit.  Though I wouldn't mind generals having different items; that's not to say that I mind that the generals have the same items.  Basically, even with the same items, you're gonna spec a general differently than an assasin.


The general's minions really need to level up with them though, or at least have a skill to upgrade minions.  AOE spells from assasins are devastating.


@ Evanescent & Sparika: we should forget the promises made about generals 6 months ago.  Making the generals play more like generals is something that needs to be changed based on what they currently are, NOT what we thought what they would be.

December 23, 2008 9:41:12 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

A quick response to all this:

I have to disagree with you OrleanKnight, I think Demigod would benefit by having the Generals be more team-focused. One way to do that is to lower their number of attack abilities and replace them with structures or buffs (wards perhaps). I think Oak is by far the deadliest force in the Beta right now. That ability of his to weaken targets makes him an effective Assassin, (i just know it as 2! 2! 2! I spam the hell out of that spell).

However, you are right on the money OKnight about focusing on the Generals balance issues. The Assassins are fine, they need minor tweaks in comparison with the Generals.

Great thread, btw.

December 23, 2008 9:45:41 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

   Insanetitan, Generals currently are Assassins. If we can considering changing them to be within the bounds of what the currently are, we might as well just let all the other Assassins be able to purchase to Minions too.

   What we're trying to stress here Insanetitan is not that we want them to be more like we thought they should be, it's that we really don't want them to share any relation with the Assassins at all. The idea of Demigod is to offer two different gameplay styles, not slight modifications between the two. That is what makes Demigod, as a game, sell in the minds of the consumer. However, it's a very complicated thing to pull off, and the community is offering their insight to help the game be the best it can be.

   Gear and Equipment if the best example of a gameplay difference. It just doesn't make any sense to me why Generals should be able to purchase equipment, even for 'defensive' measures. That should be purely dependant on their skills and abilities and how you desire to adjust them. And when I mean abilities, I do not mean a few seconds of slight stat increase, I mean a good buff that holds over you for a solid 5 minutes and has a long recast time.

   Do away with the Equipment for Generals, it's just not right at all and should be purely an Assassin's pleasure.

December 23, 2008 9:59:27 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I am in agreement that the generals do not feel like generals.  I would suggest the following:

  • Give the General the ability to control the creep you spawn at.  Ideally giving the ability to use way points to control the path they take to the opponents citadel.  This would start to give the RTS feel.
  • Give the minions the ability to use way points.  Again giving them the RTS feel.
  • Greatly lower the attack ability of the General.  He is to similar to assassins currently.  The general should be more buff/debuff/heal/control units type of play.  Attacking should be more of a debuff.  Keep or increase his ability to stay alive.
  • Start the General out with the ability to cast level 1 minatour spell. Again this gives him the feel of controlling troops.
  • Move the minion (minatour, cat, priest) spells to the spells.  This should make it easier to balance.  You would probably have to give more points to the general class to offset.  Currently if I play a general I skip buying minions and just upgrade the citadel since it helps more. 
  • If Generals do not get to control the creep, then I would suggest they get more minions.  This would give them the feel of a General.  Currently he feels more like a tank/summoner.
  • Hotkeys for each type of minion would be nice



December 23, 2008 10:09:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I purchased the game because their promises me a double style gameplay.

Agree with OrleanKnight except for gear and building.

  • Generals should build structure: this way they can choose beetween ressource, unit construction, helping assassin. They support the war effort by building structure. BUT they don't spawn light tower all around the map. Generals are restricted to certain area (outpost idea, delimited around a flag capturable (and all the structure with it).

Note that structure can be very expensive, depending of their type.

  • Generals should buy equipement, they are demigod, they are hero. For gameplay and entertainement it is an important thing to equip my demigod no matter he is assassin or general.
  • Generals have to participate battle not staying in the citadel, what's the interest of having a demigod if he can't equip and fight ?
  • RTS aspect should be easy so RPG player can play general without problem.
December 23, 2008 10:32:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You are doing it wrong. Towers don't need to be nerfed, general should NOT stay in their base. 


I for one actually tried to play the game general style. I bought very little items, din't use things like Last Stand and for the rest only bought minion upgrades.

It was great, I took a neutral portal and used them in conjuction with my own minions to kill the towers. In 2 min I had wiped the entire right field of towers, giving my creeps free roam in the enemy base. Whenever an assasin tried to sneak up me, stunned/shielded myself, used a debuff and began running circles around them. I beat one after another. When I got near the one of the enemy portal I capped&locked it and won the game before any catapultasauri saw the game.

They're not perfect though. The demigod specific minion should be much better and if possible given an ability. Another thing is that we need limited collision detection between Demigods with Demigods and Demigods with the minions of the General, not for the normal creep though. General should be on the field but not in the frontlines, their abilities need some tweaking but for the most part their auto dmg should be nerfed, and possibly hp, although I'm not sure about that one.

Universal Gadgets should be able to heal towers. Last but not least: make Portals either destructible or make give us ways to deactivate them for a long time(something around a minute or more) so you can take that time to make a big push.  More units or basebuilding things are always good. In Lategame Generals lose their power as they hit the ceiling if they maxed out all their minions. The only remedy for this is, is to go the assasin way: buy lots of artifacts and kill everyone.

Generals needs some work, but they can be played as you are describing, the problem is that you can also take assasin items and play like an assasin. Their demigod-specific minions need work and the ability to summon Catapultasaurii, Angels, and Giants would be neat too. Better yet give us one or more new units!


More to come later. 




December 23, 2008 10:33:06 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Sparika, saying Generals have to participate in battle may be taking away from their General-Feel. I'd say the best route would be to make some Generals more suited to participate in battle, and others more suited to stay in the base. Let the player decide what they want to do with the General.

Lifekatana, you said "give us ways to deactivate them for a long time" - by them, you mean Portals. Well, at present you can. You can capture an enemy portal and lock it down for 30 seconds. May not be a long time, but long enough to at least ensure you get one good wave of units out of it before the enemy takes it over again. Also, you support the Assassin-type play style of the General, that is well and good, and I feel we should keep that to some degree! I'm not saying we should whipe it out altogether. I just feel there needs to be more to the Generals, and not just an Assassin knock-off.

If you don't wanna stay in the base, that's fantastic. You should be able to choose a General that is more offensive. If I want to stay in the base, I should be able to choose a General more built for that.

The power of choice is the key importance here. We don't "have" to have this or "have" to have that. With so many Generals, they all should differ somehow.

December 23, 2008 11:17:12 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Afaik the basic game style of assassins was meant to be an dota-like gameplay, and game style of generals was supcom-like gameplay. What is supcom gameplay like? ACU(aka General) is managing base and economy issues, while units produced thanks to ACUs efford do the fighting. This principle should be converted to Demigod.

In Demigod you cannot build any buildings, and i think that's ok. The only thing the general should be able to rebuild are the towers. He would do this possibly using some expensive item, which would highlight for him all empty spots where were originally towers standing.

Next thing that has to change are skills. Right now Erebus and Oak have area of effect and/or direct damage skills, which downgrade them on an assassin level gameplay. But you should know that killing enemy demigods and creeps isn't the only way that the general can help their team. For example medic from Team Frotress 2. He usually has almost zero kills, but still he is usually the class that is responsible for teams success. He keeps teammates alive and he provides them with temporary invulnerability to clean enemy sentry posts. So Generals shouldn't be able to take down enemy demigods on their own. They have their troops to do this job. Generals should be able to heal(i suppose there is already general for this job), protect and boost friendly units(and themselves). Some more front line skills could involve disabling enemy buildings, locking captured flags, increasing friendly building efficiency(gold production, tower damage) or providing extended line of sight.

Some thoughts on general minions:

  • Generals should be able to control only their minions(via regular select-send method), but there could be an area charm skill(Erebus maybe) that would make a small group of creeps controllable.
  • UI needs counter of alive minions
  • Next to "select minotaurs, archers..." should be "select all" and "select General".
  • An attack-move command is missing(patrol, guard, hold ground etc. too, it should be an rts-style gameplay after all)
  • There should be more diversity in minions, not just "minotaur lvl1, lvl2, lvl3...". These upgrades should be made somewhere else and minions should be splitted to anti-creep, anti-demigod, anti-building etc.
  • I dont like the idea of unique minion summoning(spirits and revived creeps) based on probability. Generals should summon their unique minions like regular minions.
  • Unique minions should have unique ability(strength/toughness are also unique abilities, but i would expect to see something else on other unique minions, like healing, area slowing, area damage etc.)

Thats all for now. Sorry if i steal someone else's ideas, i didn't read all posts here. This is just how i see things should be.

December 23, 2008 11:53:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OrleanKnight,
   Insanetitan, Generals currently are Assassins.

That is true, and should certainly change, but:

Erebus and Oak are great visually and conceptually - take away their ability to purchase the "general items" (minions), leave them with their special unique minions (nightwalkers, spirits), call them Assassins and be done with those two. Having Assassins with a few minions doesn't exactly break the game - and you can concentrate on making real Generals without having to scrap two awesome Demigods.

Is it really such a huge issue if Demigod doesn't have 4/4 Assassins/Generals at release? If we can't get Generals to work (and they don't want to scrap their awesome Sedna and Queen of Thorns ideas) just leave them out to be implemented after release.

The release date won't change - so the only alternative to finishing them later is rushing them through now. And that'll only hurt the quality of the game.

December 23, 2008 11:58:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting DatonKallandor,
Erebus and Oak are great visually and conceptually - take away their ability to purchase the "general items" (minions), leave them with their special unique minions (nightwalkers, spirits), call them Assassins and be done with those two.


*Laugh* Actually, I couldn't agree more. Right now we've six Assassins and no Generals. In order to not waste materials, time and effort, just balance them out as Assassins and conceptually build more Generals.

December 23, 2008 12:09:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I agree the generals play very "assassin-like" in this incarnation and I'd certainly like to see their playstyle differ much more. I don't however think you need such drastic measures as have been mentioned so far to achieve that.

The things I don't see as a problem with the current system are :

  • The summoning units system as opposed to barracks
  • Experience and gold earning system

The summoning mechnic itself is fine and is actually a more unique system than the traditional barracks system in most RTS, it's also already implemented and a shame to waste. Earning experience and gold in the same way as assassins means both demigods have the same goals if very different means of achieving them. If they had different goals they could end up ignoring each other while they focus on achieving their different goals.

As I see it the main points encouraging a general to play like an assassin are :

  • The generals themselves are stronger than a full set of minions (skills and basic attack).
  • Unit effectiveness diminishes as demigods level (AoEs get stronger, demigods can outrun minions, minions don't get stronger).
  • The general can spend far more gold upgrading himself than minions through items.
  • The benefits of leveling up only slightly help minion power.

My solutions :

Demigod strength - Of a general and his force, the general provides the majority of the damage and as he levels up it just gets worse. I propose drastically reducing the generals damage output, by half or more. Not just by reducing the damage of his default attack but also changing most of the direct damage skills to deal less damage and emphasising the secondary effects (Stronger slow, greater armour reduction, bigger armour bonus for friendly units, better health drain ratio, etc.).

The general's health and armour however should remain about the same to stop them being too much of a soft target, they should be toothless compared to an assassin, not fragile.

The only other change that might be nessecary would be to make all generals slower than assassins and increase minion speeds. So the generals have a chance to finish fleeing assassins without being able to escape/kite too easily when the situation is reversed.


Minion strength - The primary solution is to have the strength of a generals minions increase as he increases in levels. Increased HP, faster regen, increased damage, increased armour and increased speed. This is would be one of the general's main incentives to level up, if he keeps up in levels the combined fire of his units will still be as frightening at level 25 as it once was at level 5.

Also, reduce the summoning skill cooldowns to ~10 seconds, make them summon one at once and make the casting time even longer than it already is. That way a general replenishing lost units must be immobile and vulnerable for a long period for each unit he replaces, so each minion loss in an indirect way dissables the general for a short time.


Uses for gold - Get rid of the totems and start the game with the ability to summon all 3 units. A general is his units, don't make the ability to use them in the first place an expensive purchasable. Instead restrict all the current items to assassins and add a range of general specific items that increase various aspects of his minions, so he can customise his army somewhat through them. They can take up slots just like the items do on assassins so there's a choice about which 5 items you want but the items should primarily help the minions with few (if any) secondary benefits for the general himself.

Adding some consumables that have a use to generals would be nice too, with area of effect buffs or a cheap quick summon item.


Those changes don't require too many (I hope) drastic changes to the current system but would certainly shift the playstyle of generals strongly towards his units and give the diversity between generals and assassins we all want.



December 23, 2008 12:14:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Stupid forum ate my comment?  ANyway:

If you don't wanna stay in the base, that's fantastic. You should be able to choose a General that is more offensive. If I want to stay in the base, I should be able to choose a General more built for that.

Generals should build structure: this way they can choose beetween ressource, unit construction, helping assassin. They support the war effort by building structure. BUT they don't spawn light tower all around the map. Generals are restricted to certain area (outpost idea, delimited around a flag capturable (and all the structure with it).

Afaik game style of generals was supcom-like gameplay.

We are reinventing the wheel here, and it will still be square. 

The Devs have spent several months reworking the Generals because a Supcom-style RTS Command Unit *cannot* be balanced in a game with RPG-type characters too.  Giants: C.K. doesn't count.    

Generals need to lead from the front to be effective because otherwise Assassins have to fight through a bunch of fortifications to get to them.  This isn't a matter of preference or playstyle - it's a balanced mechanic vs. a broken one. 

Generals could have some interaction with buildings, healing, buffing or debuffing, but as soon as you break out the RTS Construction kit you have broken the game again. 

Currently Generals are Assassins with often-incidental pets, agreed.  All you need to do to correct that is

1.  heavily nerf or alter General's direct-damage abilities

2.  heavily buff or alter General's minion-buffing and support abilities

3.  introduce General-specific non-persistent items that are centered on minions, and limit viability of Assassin items for Generals and vice-versa (Assassin items are 40% less effective when equipped on a General, etc.  You still have choice to equip, but diminished returns)

 edit: or yah, most of what DroopytheDog said


December 23, 2008 12:16:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OrleanKnight,
   Insanetitan, Generals currently are Assassins. If we can considering changing them to be within the bounds of what the currently are, we might as well just let all the other Assassins be able to purchase to Minions too.

   What we're trying to stress here Insanetitan is not that we want them to be more like we thought they should be, it's that we really don't want them to share any relation with the Assassins at all. The idea of Demigod is to offer two different gameplay styles, not slight modifications between the two. That is what makes Demigod, as a game, sell in the minds of the consumer. However, it's a very complicated thing to pull off, and the community is offering their insight to help the game be the best it can be.


I actually wasn't talking to you (no offense).  I was talking to those asking for the pure RTS gameplay promised 6 months ago, which is completely unrealistic at this point.


There's been plenty of good ideas here to change generals without redoing the entire framework, you just don't agree with them.

December 23, 2008 12:24:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

5 minutes difference says I got there first kestrel. (Mwhaha)


Also to make the post worthwhile I figured I should elaborate on options for general-centric items. They could have some pretty interesting effects in addition to straight stat buffs for your minions, and most the benefits for the general himself should be about survivability.



Minotaur Emperor crown -

General gains 250 armour

Minotaurs attack 10% faster

Minotaurs gain 5% chance for 2x critical strike


Marching boots -

General gains 5% dodge

All minions move 15% faster


Minion master talisman -

General gains nothing

All minions gain 15% damage

All minions gain +30 hp regen


Those are quick illustrative examples, they might need to cost hardly anything or millions of gold to be truely ballanced. It's just to show how they could work.


[Edit] I do however like your ideas kestrel and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

December 23, 2008 12:24:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

There've been RPG/RTS hybrids that have worked perfectly before - the claim that it's impossible is simply wrong. Look at Spellforce - they had full blown RTS, and full blown RPG. Both of which worked on their own, and in mixed situations.

Incidentally, I still think General Favor Items should be unique minions, of which, since you only have one slot, you can only have one type in any given match.

December 23, 2008 12:47:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

There've been RPG/RTS hybrids that have worked perfectly before - the claim that it's impossible is simply wrong. Look at Spellforce - they had full blown RTS, and full blown RPG. Both of which worked on their own, and in mixed situations.

Really?  Aside from Giants I don't know that I have ever played a balanced multiplayer game that put an RPG character against an RTS-style army.  If that exists then you got me.  (I never played it, but wasn't your Spellforce RPG character in charge of an RTS army?  How does that apply to a situation where one set of characters has no RTS army and the other does?) 

Maybe I should say that it can be found to be difficult to balance these two elements *against each other* in Demigod, specifically, and in my opinion piling all the traditional trappings of an RTS on the framework we currently have might be a Bad Idea (TM). 

Nice items, Droopy   It would be cool if both Assassins and Generals had access to all items, with debuffs.  That way if you really wanted you could buy a whole bunch of minion-buff items and push lanes as Unclean Beast, or get alot of DPS and play Erebus as a hunter-killer.  You won't get the full effect of the items, but they will still make a difference.   

December 23, 2008 12:54:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I agree that Generals should differ in how they play, but I don't think the way to achieve that is to have some stay at the base. If you want to play a General as you'd play an RTS, your General should still be in the battle, especially early game. If you look at SupCom, DoW, or WC3, they all have commanders that feature highly in the early game.

You can say, quite rightly, that DG is not any of these games, so let's take the case that a General does stay at the base. This necessarily requires that minions can go toe to toe with an Assassin, and can cap flags. If this isn't the case, then the Assassin has map control, which should mean that the General loses, in any game. Given that minions are now a match for an Assassin, what happens if you take your General out into the field with the minions? With a little bit of dancing/kitiing, you should be able to take out the Assassin easier, right? Or at least, cap the flags as you have the advantage; therein being the problem. I can't see a scenario where General at base >= General in field.

Also, by staying in the base, there is no risk for the General. If an Assassin dies to another Assassin, the winner gets gold/XP. By having a General in a positon in which it is extremely difficult to kill him, with no detrimental effects to his ability to win the game, the Assassin is at a disadvantage - the General has a chance to kill him with minions, but the Assassin hasn't any hope of killing the General.

Generals need to be different from Assassins, but having them as base builders is not the way to do it IMO. I like the idea of a customisable upgrade system for minions though, and I especially like the idea that Generals shouldn't get equipment (if Generals get minions, Assassins need something unique to them too).

December 23, 2008 1:07:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Viq-MkII,
Also, by staying in the base, there is no risk for the General.

I apologize if I didn't explain this clearly enough, as I thought I was very clear on it. The risk to the General would be in the minions he/she produces. In this fictional scenario, the minions could be able to accquire rewards for the General and capture flags, kill assassins, etc. But when a minion is killed, it's like breaking one of the General's fingers that is fixated to the long arm of control across the map. Killing a minion should have large penalties on the General, and if all of them die it should be very much like an Assassin who is killed by another Assassin.

This would make General versus General gameplay potentially waged as a battle of minions, which makes much more sense to me.

December 23, 2008 1:12:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I  agree with droopy the dog except that I think generals attack shouldn't get worst, it should either barely go up or just not go up. It will make it so generals do what they should do help their units. All u people that say generals should stay in base because thats rts are not very smart. Take almost any rts the heroes help out with mostly their spells but can very well fight. Also u should not be able to build towers right now because the tower system is perfect. I do think that we should defintly get a good look at generals so as to better judge them. To those who said generals were going to build I have something to tell u. Game producers can change their minds to make things work better. yes generals need alot of attention but by the community. I think it would be awesome if stardock gave us multiple versions of how the generals could play and we can say which is best or what ideas from each is best. but right now if u eliminate assasins out of the equation it wouldn't work. Assasins are fine so we should use them to find a way to make 1 team with a general and 1 team with an assasin equal if they were of the same skill. Its like simple algrabre and generals are our variables.

December 23, 2008 1:14:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

There's a point on implementation, I envisaged the items gloablly affecting only the general's own summoned minions, not the portal spawned grunts.


I suppose the alternative implementation is making them aura based buffs that affect all units in an area.


As a point of personal taste I'd rather they were only to buff the generals own summoned minions, to stop groups of itemed up generals and grunts being considerably more powerful than the sum of their parts.


So there's a point up for discussion!


[Edit] 3 posts between me and kestral, here's the quote

It would be cool if both Assassins and Generals had access to all items, with debuffs.  That way if you really wanted you could buy a whole bunch of minion-buff items and push lanes as Unclean Beast, or get alot of DPS and play Erebus as a hunter-killer.

December 23, 2008 1:14:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

@ oKnight, why even have a unit in that scenario called "the General?"  What purpose does a base-bound General serve in this game? 

@ Droopy, I hear you on minion-limited buffs, but as it is right now grunts don't affect gameplay (with the exception of catsaurs) and they should.  If you make the items general then you open it different play-styles and builds a bit more.  Maybe you could make General's items buff minions 100% and regular grunts 50%, for example. 

December 23, 2008 1:14:43 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I personally don't think Generals should just sit in the base, but they should be close to where the action is.  Maybe give Generals a WIDE radius aura, that would make the General want to be close enough to combat to buff them, and enough to keep them in possible danger is an Assassin dare treads that far out.  Generals should still have a fear for dying in my opinion.

Also, like in my other Generals thread, I noted that Generals shouldnt get XP from kills, but instead get trickled XP for how much of the map is controlled by their side.

December 23, 2008 1:14:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OrleanKnight,

Quoting Viq-MkII, reply 18Also, by staying in the base, there is no risk for the General.
I apologize if I didn't explain this clearly enough, as I thought I was very clear on it. The risk to the General would be in the minions he/she produces. In this fictional scenario, the minions could be able to accquire rewards for the General and capture flags, kill assassins, etc. But when a minion is killed, it's like breaking one of the General's fingers that is fixated to the long arm of control across the map. Killing a minion should have large penalties on the General, and if all of them die it should be very much like an Assassin who is killed by another Assassin.

This would make General versus General gameplay potentially waged as a battle of minions, which makes much more sense to me.


Umm, that makes no sense to me.  The analogy means nothing without knowing how you go about achieving this.  Also, what's the point of the general at this point?  He has no need to be on the battlefield, so why have him?  Spells can just be general buts that you click from a building.  Basically, your ideas, you can put your general in the back of the base and forget about him.

December 23, 2008 1:21:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

none I'd say and yah maybe I didn't say it but i think generals items should only effect its units but any skills should affect all. back to generals bas bound. If your not gonna use them why have them, this game is not an rts it has similar styles as rts though. Making demigod generals into entire factions in rts game would kill generals.

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