Hey all.
I personally cannot wait for Generals to come out. I've tried to get what I could find together so we would have one place for what we know
If I miss anything, let me know.
General Generals:
We've seen the three different types of minions that all Generals are going to be able to use.
"No matter which character you play as, the minions are all the same and come in three basic classes." Source
So, what are they?
Section of Store for Minions
(There are 4 levels of each of the Idols)
Now, we see each of these on the battlefield in THIS video.
Minotaur Captains:
Pic 1
Pic 2
Siege Archers:
Pic 1
High Priests:
Pic 1
Pic 2
We also know (from the same video) that the item itself isn't a one time use.
So it also seems like the different levels of idols increase the number of units it summons.
High Priest Idol I
700 Mana, 3 Second Cast, 60 Second Cooldown.
"Use: Summons the least amount of High Priests."

Concept Art

Oak uses Spirits:
He gains them with a totem he throws on the ground.
The totem has an area it covers and has a chance to convert nearby bodies to spirits.
Activatable Abilites Image
2. Image
4. Raise Dead Ward Image
They showed us a single ability of Oak in THIS video.
Raise Dead Ward I Image
220 Mana.
0.2 Second Cast
10 Second Cooldown
"Oak places a ward that attracts the souls of the fallen. The ward has a 20% chance to Convert a -Cant Read
- a spirit under Oak's Control. Oak can have 3 Spirits Active."
Skill Tree:
Some Ability Names:
Raise Dead Ward (Raises Spirits)
Soul Power(Passive) (Dmg Increase)
Rise Again? (Self Rez? Achievement for 30 in a game is: Resuscitator)
Beneficiary? (Money Gain)

Vampire Lord/Lord Erebus:
Concept Art

Lord Erebus uses Vampires:
He possibly gains them through Enemy Creeps. GameReplays shows us that he (should) have a 35% chance of conversion.
In the recent interview, they mentioned that the Vampire Lord gains them through kills.
Activatable Abilities: Image
1.Bite (Single Target Lifedrain) Image
2.Mist Form Ability (Hurt all+left in area) Image
4.Hand of Extortion? (Steal Mula)
They showed us a single ability of The Lord in THIS video.
Bite III Image
1,000 Mana
Instant Cast
10 Second Cooldown
"Lord Eberus bites a Target, draining 500 health.
For 5 seconds after the bite, the target's armor is reduced by 600 and base run speed is decreased by 60%."
Skill Tree:
Some Ability Names:
Hand of Extortion (Steal Money)
Soul Stealing? (Bite Attack/Lifedrain)
AE Stun (Passive Proc?)(a Short Duration AE Stun) Image
Mist Form (AE Self + AE Dmg)

It also seems one of his abilities gives him a buff. Never saw anyone else get the buff, but havnt gotten the chance to 

Concept Art

Sedna uses Yetis:
From what I've seen so far, she has a single Yeri summon spell. Image
Activatable Abilities:
Some Ability Names:
Healing Wind
Some Sort of Summon Yeti Ability (1 at a time it seems)
Not a whole lot of info yet 

Queen of Thorns
In Bud / Out of Bud
Concept Art

Queen of Thorns uses Ents:
From everything we know right now, we watch Ents come out of the ground, and there ALWAYS seems to be a group near QoT.
My guess is she has a spell that summons a group, rather then Sedna and her single Yeti Summon. Image
Activatable Abilities:
Some Ability Names:
Money Tree (Money Making Spell)
Uproot? (Aparently disables/damages structures?)
Some Sort of Passive/Active Boost to Thorns
Image 1
1. The air around QoT seems to be filling with Dark lines and leaves. No guess yet on that ability. Possibly having to do with the lightning in the background?
2. This one I'm only pointing out to show how far away that Ent is. It's possible there's another QoT, but if not it shows that you can order your unique minion (At least QoT seems to be able to). I havn't seen anything else that shows we can. (Ents/Vamps/Sprits/Yetis to be clear)
3. Just pointing out a General Unit. 
Image 2
1. I think this to be QoT's standard attack. She's surrounded by Grunts, but only the one marked 2 is getting thrown away.
2. The Grunt thrown into the air, seemingly by the root.
3. I just thought that looked funny.
Unfortunatly, that's all I have on the QoT ATM. 
(Comments that enforce being able to order units)
"Unlike the Assassins, Generals are far weaker in direct combat (one-on-one, any Assassin can kill any General) but what they lack in sheer destructive capability they make up for in strategic versatility, particularly the ability to be in more than one place at a time through the agency of their minions."
"Or by splitting off, the player can strike on multiple fronts while leaving his or her General vulnerable to assault. "
"This type of demigod is still very powerful, but its greater strength comes from the units under its command. The character can summon various forms of minions, and give them orders. "
"A general, although less potent on its own, can either focus its minions on a single target, or look to control various parts of the map."
Edit: Confirmed by THIS video, Generals will be able to order units (At least the 3 generic minions) individually.
Thanks to Demigod Guru. I had a list of achivements.
GameReplays shows us in an artical a hint at what some abilities might be!
Working on more. But thats what I got tonight.