I've seen a number of posts around and thought I would compile a few PMs I have sent to people who have PMed me questions. With images from the always helpful OrleanKnight. This should answer almost any and every question.
Beta 2 RELEASED today, 12/18. If you preordered you WILL get in today.
1. If you have preordered, download impulse from stardocks website.
2. Enter the email you used when purchasing Demigod into the impulse registration, this will allow impulse to auto-import your Demigod serial number once your credit card is charged. If you don't do this, you will have to manually enter the information once you receive an email from stardock. The email will be titled "Thank You for Shopping with Stardock" and your serial number will be half way down the page.
3. Click the blue orb, and enable "show pre-release versions".

The reason you can not see Beta 2 is because although you ordered it, you have not technically paid for it. Stardock does not charge you for the beta until the next phase starts. Since Stardock ordering database (think purchasing department) and impulse accout registration do not interact, it is impossible for them to show your pre-release beta until you phase starts. Very annoying and why I have complained to stardock about this very problem. Please add to another thread of mine about this problem here.
4. Click the blue orb and hit preferences. Under advanced settings, then folder settings, set you install directory for games. For me it is C:\Games.
5. Wait. As soon as beta 2 is released, your credit card will be charged in the order recieved by stardock. If I recall correctly, as per previous stardock betas, it first goes by token, credit card, and then pay pal. Each group is subdivided based on date of order. So a token order will always be before a cc order and a credit card order will always be before pay pal. Of course a cc order on 10/20 will be before a cc order on 12/2. Keep in mind, no matter when you ordered, if you ordered before thursday, you WILL get the beta on thursday. To keep track of where they are in credit cards and progress of downloads and people's thoughts, log into demigod irc. Tons of people will be there on release day.
6. Then login into impulse again or click the "check for updates" under the blue orb, demigod will be listed on the My Games Tab.

Here is what you will see on the My games Tab. You won't have the other games unless you bought them or you neame is OrleanKnight

7. Then you can click the icon and tell it to install.

8. Then wait for a fast download and asy "Hands Free" Impulse install. Presto change-o, you can play with the rest of us. Look forward to playing with you all soon. Hope that is what you were looking for.