This is just an indie student game project.
Plus, this game has a grand total of 3 units, and when I tried to play online there were 2 players in the game...
That was it. I waited in the lobby for about 20 minutes, but no dice for a third player
Not looking that successful so far
There is no "we steals your moneys involved" and it will be free for a long time (at the very least). I haven't seen such a fast TBS game you can even play competitively before, and some people enjoy it quite a bit, so it's there if anyone wants to play it. There aren't many people playing it atm so it's best if one brings a friend to play against.
I consider posters that only create a account to post advertisments for other games to be spammers.
It does look a lot like just another ad, but we're two guys who work on the game in our free time, so we don't have much time to get personal every time we try to tell people about our game. Also, this was not my first post on these forums.
I'm, sorry but the name Conquest is already taken by an awesome game called Conquest Frontier Wars. The best/oldest (sorta) space game around!!! Won't get my vote (or money)....
I've played CFW and was a big fan of it back in the days. It never got the credit it deserved, but it is not the only game out there with Conquest in its title and we did by no means try to "steal" it. If you had bothered to try the game or know anything more about it before judging you'd know why it's called like that.