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First Demigod ad goes to press

By on October 15, 2008 10:36:02 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums


The first Demigod ad has gone to press. 

As someone who has been a fan boy of Gas Powered Games since Chris Taylor founded it 10 years ago, I am getting a very good feeling about the direction Demigod is taking.  I feel almost (okay completely) evil in that what is available to the beta testers is such a subset of what's actually available internally.  But Beta 2 which is due out in a few weeks aims to begin changing that.

Demigod is going to be a challenge to market because it's not a typical real-time-strategy game and it's not really an action RPG either. It's a blend.  People who like Defense of the Ancients (DotA) will likely understand the game the best but even there, it's not DotA either, it's its own thing.

But one thing is for sure, Demigod won't be lacking in promotion. With any luck, Demigod will be one of those games that is actively played for years to come.

+912 Karma | 13 Replies
October 15, 2008 1:25:02 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Demigod is going to be a challenge to market because it's not a typical real-time-strategy game and it's not really an action RPG either. It's a blend.
Sounds liek twaht you said about Sins of a Solar Empire.  That's turned out fairly well now, hasn't it?

The advert is stunning.  Great work.

October 15, 2008 1:33:30 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Sounds liek twaht you said about Sins of a Solar Empire.

Not only would I like to preserve your butchery of spelling, but it's also interesting that if anything Sins was probably harder to market. It had some big ads in magazines and some preview exposure on the net, but it was still mostly a sleeper hit, in part because it was IC's flagship game and nobody knew who they were. Demigot turned many attentive ears as soon as it was remotely compared to DoTA. That, plus having Chris Taylor and GPG attached to it is already in the "well known" territory. I think Frogboy just (prudently) tries to plan for the worst, to make sure it all works out

October 15, 2008 1:48:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I want a bigger pic of that new map!!!


And while I am giving demands, I want the new beta now!!!

October 15, 2008 2:18:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


October 15, 2008 2:30:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Not only would I like to preserve your butchery of spelling, but it's also interesting that if anything Sins was probably harder to market.

Agreed. Plus sins helped you guys get a lot of attention that you didn't have going in. Forgboy just likes to make everything look hard so he can look glorious when it all works perfectly . Beats doing it to avoid looking bad hands down .

October 15, 2008 3:30:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Giant living castle was certainly an awesome idea.

Also, I disappear for a while and suddenly half the people forget how to spell?


October 15, 2008 3:34:10 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Trigeminal,
I want a bigger pic of that new map!!!

October 15, 2008 3:47:49 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Also, I disappear for a while and suddenly half the people forget how to spell?

Wuts speeling?

October 15, 2008 4:00:21 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

tis nice

October 15, 2008 4:36:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting fR1Xi0n,


Thanks for the links, I try to look at the images but don't remember those.  While looking through the IGN pics, I found another map pic.




October 15, 2008 11:05:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I REALLY like that ad. It catches your attention with the giant castle man, and has pictures of a new map


As for Beta 2... EXCITING! 

October 18, 2008 8:43:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Also, I disappear for a while and suddenly half the people forget how to spell?

Wuts speeling?

lol at everyone trying to 1337 5P34K

PS awsome add, cant w8 till beta 2

October 18, 2008 11:20:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Not only would I like to preserve your butchery of spelling, but it's also interesting that if anything Sins was probably harder to market.

Agreed. Plus sins helped you guys get a lot of attention that you didn't have going in. Forgboy just likes to make everything look hard so he can look glorious when it all works perfectly . Beats doing it to avoid looking bad hands down .


Heh heh heh.

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