Yeah, telling you the truth: I just found your game cause I am a big DotA fan ^^
I looked for a selfrunning Game (since DotA is just a Map for WC3) like it. After I saw your game in the Shotgun Magazine I was interested in your project. It looks realy lovely/awsome and will add new features to this gameplay style (AoS). But before I abuse my right too Preorder a Box of DemiGod, I have a few Questions about the game it self:
- How Many Heroes/Demi Goods will be playbale ? (compared too DotAs 80 Heroes I guess less but it would be nice to have at least 10 "Goods" and 10 "Evils")
- Will there be a Building-Tech-Tree for the Gerneral or the Castle ? So that he can upgrade some units/Terrain Effects etc. by his own Decision ? (in DotA the creeps will be automaticly upgraded every 10 min, to balance that the hero do more dmg with high levels)
- Will somekind of level Editor released after the is finished ? (so that the community can make their own maps, if not I hope you will make at least some Updates for the game ^^)
- Which System will be requrired at least ? (would my 2,8 Ghz AMD Athlon and 1024 RAM be enough)
- Will DemiGods have different game Modes ? Forinstance, DOtA has -ar (all player get random heroes), -ctf (you can capture a flag) and some more. Perhaps you can add such a kind too 
- In DotA are neutral Creeps for farming in the junggleas some other to get money/exp. Will something like that also be integrated in DemiGods or will be Pushing the only way to get it ?
- Arte there somekind of runes/ extra spots who give you boni planned (others then artifacts) ?
- DotA is a teamplay based game, in a normal game plays 5 player against 5. How would be "Teamplay/Cooperative" handled in DemiGod ?
- Are there shops too or just founding items by loosing creeps ?
- What happens when your "God" died ? Will he be revived after a short time or his game over and you lost totally ?
Thanks for Answers and Good Luck with the Game