Note: I run Linux, but unlike many other open-source advocates, I don't have an inflated view of the significance of the Linux market to game developers.)
That's where I am. I have 6 computers in my house. Two run Windows: My wife's laptop, and my gaming rig. If games ran on Linux, I'd ditch Windows on that machine - but only because I have the ability to support my machines. Linux is
not a mainstream OS, and won't be for a long time, if ever.
Fox451: Funny enough, Steam and many of its games already work pretty well under Wine,
There-in is the problem. "Pretty" well. I hear that argument from my fellow linux users all the time. I don't know bout you, but when I spend $50+ on a game, I want it to run
perfectly, not just "good enough."
I had some games installed through Wine on my laptop for use on the road, and you know what? I said "screw it" and put a Windows partition on it just for games. It's easier and works better.
Zoomba: To get developers porting games to linux, there has to be a guarantee on the return on investment.
Ah, and there-in lies the rub: The culture and development of Linux apps is geared towards an open-source and -more often than not- free system. This makes it even less likely that a developer will see an ROI for Linux games.
Bottom line - I use Linux for much of my day-to-day computing, but for games I stick to Windows. Getting ticked that Linux doesn't have more games is like getting pissed at Wii for not having as many FPS as Xbox. They're two different cultures, and were designed for two different purposes.
Einlanzerous: OpenGL for gaming sucks. Linux for gaming sucks. Mac for gaming sucks. Even most advocates of all the above mentioned garbage consider Windows to be at the least a Gaming Console.
People might be more receptive if you didn't attack so openly. Just my 2 credits.