The Forums Are Now Closed!

The content will remain as a historical reference, thank you.

User Information
Nick Name:
Aesir Rising
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Member Since:
User Profile
United States
Activity Stats
Last Active:
June 29, 2008 12:37 PM
( Offline )
From Who Reason
being helpful
In a world of strangers, some rate better karma than others.
Getting/Using CD
"and MySpace themselves into identity theft." haha awesome comment!
Look out Microsoft, Google is coming for you again
good contribution. Thanks!
Pre-release modding starting package!  (or at least the 3D parts)
"Undead armies are a dying breed."
Spell List for Elemental (well probably)
Thank you for putting in the time to help! I'll give it a shot!
Civ3 on a netbook, no support
+1 for joining the club, even if late.
Pre-Ordered and in it for the Long Haul: Sound Off
For being a fan of X series and Egosoft :)
Anno 1404 / Dawn of Discovery DRM
you get it
Sick of support from India/Pakistan
Haha, nice post :P
elemental forums - please change colours
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