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Is Derek Smart the Star Citizen End Game?

By on September 4, 2015 11:17:58 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums


Join Date 08/2008

If you haven't been following the Star Citizen project, it's a good time to check it out, it is after all the largest crowdfunded project to date.  Since it is an unusually successful outlier in crowdfunding scene, it's going to garner a lot of attention, not always positive.   At the end of the day, any press is good press(much like this forum post), keeping the project rolling, keeping the hype wave and massive development team funded, the carrot of completing the "dream space game" being one reason dollars have been funneled into it from many sources.

Also, a theory that any investment by say venture capital firms that are interested in seeing kickstarter's reputation tarnished in a major way may have skin in the game as well.  

Then Darek Smart comes along, a gaming industry "closing man", who likes to gut games to ensure that the investors get their money's worth and a game makes it to market.  This man, and his type, are a big reason for mediocre games in the market.  The thing that troubles me about his interaction with star citizen is that they actually publicly acknowledged him.  Most companies I know tend to keep this sort of thing quiet, yet it seems that star citizen was finding a slowdown and a little bit of drama could help them.  Except Darek Smart, being who he is, is an interesting person to publicly acknowledge, and is the type of person that never should be given that kind of public focus(trolls need to stay under their dark bridges).  I now am troubled that the endgame of Star Citizen will be that Darek Smart get's paid by the backers to dig Chris Roberts out of the big hole he has dug himself into.   Perhaps the original Roberts' plan was that Chris Roberts makes a successful comeback to the game industry, make a lot of friends by giving them our money, Testing a new business model that survives on creating hype to fund a game and hires Mr. Smart to do what he does best, clean up the issue.  One of the ways to clean up this issue would be to misdirect the attention of the masses that funded the game to issues that don't matter, like say legal action that makes it seem like Mr. Smart isn't that intelligent when in reality what is actually going on is a fabrication by a few law firms under hire by star citizen. One could almost see them testing their audience to see if they can get away with it right below their backer's noses.

This is definitely a counter theory to what is being presented by the other media outlets, but I would caution that these same outlets have also been getting paid a lot to by star citizen to keep the hype machine going...

I really hope that this perspective is wrong, yet there is enough information now that it actually has some merit.  Troubling indeed.  

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September 10, 2015 12:54:57 AM from Galactic Civilizations III Forums Galactic Civilizations III Forums

Quoting AlLanMandragoran,

Quoting Wintercross,
In my opinion, Derek is just jealous that Cloud Imperium is going to pull off the game he's wanted to make his entire career.

As a guy who has zero skin the game (I have never played Star Citizen or played any of Mr. Smart's games), this is exactly how Mr. Smart's blogs came across to me as I read through them. It feels like he is pissed off that Roberts easily procured millions in funding to make the game Mr. Smart always wanted to make but couldn't, likely due to lack of funding. It almost feels like deep down he is pissed at himself for not taking advantage of the opportunity but is projecting the internal frustration out on Roberts.

With that said, could Star Citizen's crowdfunding be the gaming industry's equivalent of a Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme? Perhaps but I feel it is unlikely. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.

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September 10, 2015 10:37:14 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

As a guy who has zero skin the game (I have never played Star Citizen or played any of Mr. Smart's games), this is exactly how Mr. Smart's blogs came across to me as I read through them. It feels like he is pissed off that Roberts easily procured millions in funding to make the game Mr. Smart always wanted to make but couldn't, likely due to lack of funding. It almost feels like deep down he is pissed at himself for not taking advantage of the opportunity but is projecting it on Roberts.

With that said, could Star Citizen's crowdfunding be the gaming industry's equivalent of a Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme? Perhaps but I feel it is unlikely. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.

Blogs are a great way to prove a state of mind, if there is a legal character that a person want's to present and build ahead of time they would do so effectively with a blog, since it could be said that they were risking their reputations and that would validate their character in the eyes of many.  It's also easy to vent emotions on the internet, if that is what he is doing it would make the character all the more believable.  I'm not saying with certainty this is the case, yet any intelligent person who is also a scummy businessman would do this, and this has been done before.  It all really depends upon how intelligent Mr. Smart is, and his agenda. He is smart enough to convince a small group of professionals and investors to be a "rescuing CEO" for a company.  

I likewise hope it's not a Ponzi scheme, because if it is I would then be willing to put my support behind tight regulation of the video game industry. 



I watched the video, I would say that it seems that Mr. Smart is more of a business man than a game designer, which it looks like he's scheming already on steam, i'd expect him to scheme some is he scheming like his public internet persona says?  That is a very important question we need to watch for.

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September 10, 2015 11:40:24 AM from Servo Forums Servo Forums

Ponzi Scheme means a specific thing it isn't a generic term for scam. A Ponzi Scheme is when you use money from new investors to pay the returns to old investors to give the illusion that you are making money and back up your claims of high returns. CIG got willingly given free capital they never have to pay back. So, what investors would he convince? It isn't a publicly traded company.

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September 10, 2015 11:57:08 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Ponzi Scheme means a specific thing it isn't a generic term for scam

Actually, it is a generic term for a scam, and that is how it's been used in this thread.  Most people know in the general population that Ponzi Scheme is a scam.  The details are easy to google.  This new Star Citizen Scheme could be come to be known as the "Robert's Scheme", or the "Smart Scheme".  You heard it first from me.  

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September 10, 2015 3:39:22 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

If this isn't an odd attempt at a joke, you really do need your meds adjusted.


To add to your strangely disturbed fantasies where your posts in this thread resemble reality about as much as an 80's sci-fi flick, the term Ponzi Scheme was coined based on the works of Charles Ponzi. He was a particularly ambitious criminal that defrauded a significant number of investors and became nationally infamous, by using new investors to pay off old ones, while not actually making any returns.


Notable examples of a Ponzi Schemes include Bernie Madoff, who made all other Ponzi Schemes before his look like a joke, and the Social Security Administration, which a great many people still haven't realized is a scam...


It's an extremely specific term for a scam, it doesn't even cover similar scams, like pyramid schemes, which use newer participants to pay earlier adherents by giving them a percentage of their sales.



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September 10, 2015 9:54:18 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

So, it has come to nit picking about a ponzi scheme definition and personal attacks.  That's it? I accept your implied defeat.

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September 10, 2015 10:03:51 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Clearly the mere invocation of Derek Smart's name causes the discourse to descend into chaos.  Derek Smart, Dark Lord of the Flame(war).


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September 10, 2015 10:50:54 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

The pessimist in me is getting depressed that anyone could be this irrational.  My optimistic streak has been killed off for good, no one would carry a joke this bad, this far.

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September 11, 2015 10:38:36 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Quoting psychoak,

The pessimist in me is getting depressed that anyone could be this irrational.  My optimistic streak has been killed off for good, no one would carry a joke this bad, this far.

It's not a joke and never has been, and it has been obvious from the original post. I'm a "Rear Admiral" investor in Star Citizen.  Your optimism can only be killed by your own "hand", nobody else is responsible for what goes on within your brain except for you.  I have acted with perfect rationality, rational thought has been a source of constant study throughout my life, the classics are quite good at helping a man become a free thinker.  

Asking questions are an important part of free thinking.

I could recommend a few books for you, if you want.

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