Here are my thoughts - I'm not used to having hedgie jungle. We all differ a bit with how we run things (ex - I don't trust Bryff's adc brain, but I generally trust his top lane brain). Anyway, he decides to leave the novelty lane alone which keeps an annie/thresh lane in the game and eventually overpowers us.
I'd be the 1st to admit I did not play well enough. But I disagree with hedgie's decision to not take dragon control from that team. Final comment on this - while I disagree with how hedgie decided to play things, it doesn't mean he's wrong - just that I would have done things differently with a gimmick lane. Completely possible that he did things great and I just played too smeh an adc - so hopefuly this doesn't come across as an f u.
So, i'm not "blaming" the game on you, and i'm under the assumption that you are not blaming the game on me.
i will point out that obviously, it's my job to smite baron and missing a smite on baron does lean more on me making a mistake than anyone else. However, Elise does have much better burst than a 130 AD, 30 AP Skarner. So we're looking at a 70-30 sort of odds. Even though that's in our favor (and my screw up if i miss the smite), turning on the 25% elise when she walks on a trap + not attacking baron when she's about to E in drops that risk to extremely low. Remember also that suppression stop smite so if she comes in, i can ult her and then we're safe to kill her and then baron (i had ult up).
Additionally, i tend to focus much more on tower + kill rotations over dragon rotations. i'm sure you noticed this in my Fizz game as well. Dragons are not "free". There's a pretty heavy risk associated to doing dragon if you're not sure where the entire team is. Generally you end up losing half-2/3rds a creepwave + some health/mana. Many games are lost due to bad dragons. Many less games are lost when you trade a kill + top tower for a dragon.
A TF + TP top against our ignite top means that pressuring botlane just isn't going to work very well. Additionally, since it's Annie, not a "true" ADC, tower and dragon pressure is a lot less important right? If Annie does well in lane (2/0 kind of well, not 10/1), she's going to get kills and have a CS advantage over you, but she isn't going to transition them as much into dragons + towers.
Additionally, even if Annie gets really fed, Skarner really isn't a champ that can do a lot about that. If i ult her, she's probably already unloaded everything onto the team, so it's kind of irrelevant if she's strong/weak. However, a Lux is going to be able to waveclear and keep them from pressuring towers. A good bind is on either TF or Annie should pretty much instantly wipe them.
This is kind of how that game went down:
1- We've got an Annie/Thresh botlane. You start traps, which means your level 1 is super weak. Not sure if that ended up mattering.
2- First ganks:
a- i go top while Bryff is extremely low hp. Bryff kinda just suicides into Darius for the "free" kill. Darius is smart enough to not burn flash, so he's not a free kill. Since Bryff has no TP, and Darius does, Bryff dying is in Darius' favor. Darius gets to TP to a huge creep wave (perhaps my fault for not pushing it into tower correct), and after i do golems/wraiths i come back top and Bryff is level 5 to 3. i manage to burn flash but that is. However, the level descrepancy is a huge issue and will plague bryff for the rest of the game.
b- meanwhile, Elise ganked mid twice. Lux drops down to ~10% hp and loses flash. Elise and TF flashes are down. i end up scaring TF to base. Afterwards, i intercept Elise on the way to ganking top and kill her.
At this point, Lux and TF end up hitting 6 (i give Lux first blue). Even though Lux is a kill + assist up, she's equal in farm.
There's three lanes. Right now top lane is doing pretty bad. i've got a few options:
1- i can continue to camp TF/Lux. (espiecially since Elise is focusing midlane).
2- i can try to recover botlane
3- i can try to recover toplane.
i focused on #1, with a second emphasis on #3.
There is a huge, massive risk with going botlane because of the 4v3/5v3 potential. In fact, the two big mid-game plays that lost us a huge amount of tempo was because i went bot. (once when i came to "protect" you while killing bot tower which just lead to false confidence and us overextending, the second time when Lux+Zyra fucked around with red for half a year while we were dragon and we got aced).
Trying to help Rengar has some of the risks as going botlane, but not quite so bad. It's a 2v2 or 3v2 at worse. Of course, Darius is really good at turning that into a double kill, but we were lucky enough to not have had that happen much that game.
Really, i just should have stayed mid /even more/. This at least would have let us keep some additional dragon pressure (compared to going top) and i could have tried to take early towers mid and hopefully Thresh or Annie would have rotated out of your lane and given you some room.
i do know that your logic that "Rengar is behind, Darius has teleport, we should do dragon so that Darius 'wastes' TP and then Rengar can catch up" is not a very good argument, just because that's a really good way to give Darius a triple while fighting 4v5 + dragon. The only way that could have happened was with a bajillion and a half pink wards, and nothing stops the support from throwing down a ward midfight.