Looks very interesting, I'll be sure to try the demo when it is released. There are a few things I'm not entirely sure I'll like though:
First, the strategic map seems a bit cluttered, with buildings just about everywhere. Maybe the mechanics behind it are ok, no way to tell atm, but a Civ4-like covering of every tile with an improvement usually ruins the 'fantasy world feeling' for me.
Second, I don't like the look of the battles, with a handful of guys facing off, towering over a map that has hills, lakes, and forests. The scale is just off. Either have the battle on a much smaller scale map with individual trees and stuff like that (like Age of Wonders), or scale up the unit size so it looks like companies of units doing battle (more like Warhammer). Now it just looks wrong.
Third point ties in with my previous one; I read in an early preview that this game would focus more on recruiting a few units and developing them, rather than building armies. Is that still the case? Because I'm not a fan of the HoMM style warfare, with wars being fought by a few stacks of ten people on either side. Sure you could imagine that each figure represents an entire unit, but it's not the same.
That being said, I really like what I've seen from the setting, and the dev's idea about events and storytelling sound great.
Imper1um, are there any plans to make this game easily moddable?