Granted, I know that running as a third party in the real world with its current political climate is a sure fire way to not get elected president, it would be nice for a fictional simulation of the race for president to allow for such a choice. In fiction, anything is possible. So why couldn't a third party win in a video game?
I'd like to see the independents included. They have impact. And there is strategy in the parallel running of independents, and other wildcards to weaken an opponents base. And there is potential for an independent to take the highest office. There just needs the proper impetus. Perot came close. Had he not dropped out, he would have garnered a great many votes. There is a history of third party influence. But I can imagine some difficulties with adding them to the game.
Perhaps 2012 is the year of the independents. In the past I've supported both parties. Just been a matter of finding who represents best. Sometimes the pickings are slim, but the field was often broad. That's changed. One party has become radicalized. The other ineffectual and scattered. The radical party solidifies its stranglehold. Entire industries are parts of its power base. The titans of these industries hold unelected seats, in high public office. Our Ag bills being written by the giants of Agriculture. Much more. Consolidation of great power. One result of which being seen in congress. One party ineffectual against the established power of its radicalized opponent. It's a new climate. With greater stakes.
People have feared an independent vote was a wasted vote. Or a vote that might help a "bad guy" win. But when one party can totally stymie the other, even while having less seats in a house... people lose confidence. "One guy or the other, whats the difference anymore!?". The party_with_power owns it. The 'party in power' grows irrelevant.
A Third Party?
A climate for a third party develops. A perfect storm of sorts. Seen on the streets. Heard through mainstream and social media. A diverse and varied presence across the net. There is significant population comprised of adherents from both parties, who feel disfranchised from party representation. Enough to tip the scales? I don't know, who's out there running? Frackin media whoreouts. The affected public is gonna have to do some of this. The unaffected public will split a third of the vote evenly. One half a 1/3 to each of the two parties. So what about the majority 2/3's? Will they be diluted to apathy and 2 party voting. Or will enough be affected towards change, to create a raucous rally of a viable third party alternative? Show couch sitting media babes of all stripes, that there is momentum behind an alternate. A third choice whose popularity is rising. Someone worth a look. A real candidate with growing support. Grassroots gone Wildfire.
Wouldn't it be fun to duke it out in game, as an independent versus the RNC and DNC?