Hey guys it's Zen_God again. And this time I'm not offering but asking for your full support on this one. I started a movement called "Zen_God". More about it you can find on the site (copy paste) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zen_God/310293755704106 or click on the external link.
Now how does that have anything to do with Demigod? Believe it or not, Demigod made me a better human being. Other Demigod fanatics have so too. Every game is accepted except video games in our society. I want to change this as part of the "Zen_God" movement to make the world a better place and will use Demigod as my personal example.
So before my post goes live on "Zen_God" I want your guys opinions, fears, ideas, worries and support if you feel the same way I do
Don't forget to like it on the facebook site
Mission statement:
Always made a better world inside my head. Today make a better world for everyone's head. Like this facebook page, spread the movement of making a better world, and comment whatever you think is right.
Zen_God – You and Us
Zen_God wants to make the world a better place. Zen_God does so by creating a platform to express serious issues in a fun matter. It is from utter importance to keep it short, interesting, and simple in order to compete with the other flashy media that is overwhelming important detailed issues.
However, each issue approached by the Zen_God movement will provide links to more detailed information. Most of the links will lead to role model individuals and organizations, that are contacted by the Zen_God movement.
Zen_God's slogan is: You and Us. Every one may express anything on their mind on the Zen_God page, daily live stream, YouTube channel, twitter, etc. The Zen_God movement will collect all ideas and speak in one voice for those that are using its platforms.
“We want to have fun and laugh, but want to keep the topics serious and important to speed up the betterment of the world”
“Everyone agrees when asked: We want the world to become a better place and make things right. Rarely, however, anyone agrees on how to do so. Zen_God steps in to combine the world's wishes with actual practical applications for everyone.”
For the detail lovers:
-Come up with your own ideas of how to make the world a better place.
-post your opinions on the posts on this page. BE HONEST!
-Make the world aware of this page to have an impact through Zen_God's voice with this link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zen_God/310293755704106
-Follow Zen_God on twitter: ZenGod2012
You cannot defeat the Zen_God