Not surprising, the Sins of a Solar Empire engine (the Iron Engine) required a significant upgrade to deliver these spectacular enhancements in scale.
Well, again, i don't agree... seem that Stardock underestimate the power of the Iron Engine in it's actual state...
The screenshot below was taken in Entrenchment ( in game, not a Maya render )... with a Kol too for scale purpose... the space station is somehow a little bigger that a Titan...

Well, the entrenchment sins engine have not problem for render the model who is around 50k triangle ( well, around 1/2 of the poly are used for the 122 double barrel turret and the 76 torpedo tube )... for the texture, due to UV optimization, i use 3 set of map... one sized like capital, one sized like frigate and one sized like fighter... use at least 33% less memory that actual starbase and allow very high detail like show in the next screenshot ( as today, only the ring, weapons and back section is fully textured )...

I will not use these topic for promote any mod but these spacestation is for a mod who have more that 10 faction and who run on entrenchment ( and so, don't enjoy the already existing diplomacy engine upgrade )... Of course any upgrade of the Iron engine for Rebellion is welcome, it simply mean that modders will be able to push further the limit...
It is right to say that any upgrade/expansion have lead SOASE to new limit that we have enjoy each time... but i need to say that you seem to always underestimate the capabilities of your own product... In the case of Rebellion, the major chance is the move from shader 2.x to 3.x ... it can be revolutionary at the fx level and lead to great improvement at the level of particle effect... high scale model and more faction is not revolutionary since actual or older iron engine can already make it...