At first I thought we could schedule the games independantly like I did that one tournament game the last tourney. Meanwhile I am not so sure. Tried 2 days ago to ingame pm (chat) all players for two games and then yesterday for a third game. The results:
Hemp (2), IN1 (2), Zex (2) and Jona (1) didnt answer at all, the numbers in () are the days I wrote them ago.
Homer answered and gave me times he is available. This is what I would like to have.
doggu answered very quick but "what game? I dont follow" and "sorry count me out I am on my way to work", but meanwhile I also have a good answer from him, so doggus answer was also something I can work with.
dreamcatcher tells me yesterday he can play tuesday and wednesday night. Great. Night where? We need a little more information then just that. But at least he answered within a day.
tatical also answered within half a day and said he can tell me on friday exactly when he can play. Thats of course also acceptable.
Overall I came to two conclusions:
1. Having like half US and half Euro players it is unlikely to get a game going during the week as when the US players come home from work/school the euros go to bed. This is being made even a bit more complicated as doggu is from Australia.
2.It will be very, very hard to schedule every game seperately so we need to make fixed times to play. This time has to be weekend and early in the day US time (like noon and later). Not everyone should be expected to be there the whole time of course but starting from noon US until evening US everyone should show up once every weekend at least (two chances as its sat and sun).
Dont think we will pull this off in any other way.