We all know that DG has some consumable that are used non-stop (sigils, scrolls, locks, etc.) some that are used situationally (pots early game, UG, totems) and some that are rarely used (i can't even remember what they are, which should prove my point.) Anyway, I had some ideas for new consumables that would help with some over-all balancing issues (maybe, or they might create new one) and also add a little more variety and fun. I haven't looked through all these posts, so forgive me if these have been said before. All of these might need to be balanced, they are just suggestions.
1. Potion of Speed: 200g, increase speed by 20-25% for 10 seconds.
2. Potion of Slow: 150g, decrease opponents speed by 15-20% for 10 seconds.
3. Potion of Interrupt: 300g, Interrupt ability. Stun for 1 sec.
4. Potion of Blink: 250 g, same as Cloak of Night.
Some people might say that these would take away the monopolies that some Dgs have on these abilities. Yeah, exactly. But it doesn't make them worse. Now Sedna and TB would have 3 interrupts/ stuns, IF they were willing to give up a consumables slot and go crazy. But mostly I think it would make more Dgs and builds viable, like Reg or DA, who would be a lot more useful in the portal wars, or Occ, who would be insane if he was carrying interrupts. But you're giving up ports or sigils or locks to carry them, so there is a trade off.
I know this is just a pipe dream, but maybe, maybe, if we see Dg II we could see something like this.