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Looking for, ahem, skilled noobs :)

By on October 10, 2010 9:39:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 10/2010

Actually, that's not a complete oxymoron. I'm new to the whole Demigod online multiplayer business. Currently, I have played a dozen online matches. Unfortunately for me, my winning ratio is ~80%. Unfortunately -- because such stats cause two reaction types: (a) in noob-only games that I tried to join: "WTF, man, you're not a noob! 80% wins! kick him NOW, host!"; ( in skilled-only games: "IN1 who? is this your second acc, huh?" (last night I tried to join a game hoted by marchiandu, with DarkLiath and 4Nana in: the host has begun to interrogate me as to my "true identity" to the point I felt really awkward and decided to leave!). Oh, almost forgot. There is a third possible reaction type: the intermediate level players tend to accuse me of being a "noob basher"

Anyway, I'm looking for someone, not really a pro player, more like a reasonably skilled newcomer that can be my more or less permanent game partner. Demigod is a good game that can be a lot of fun, but nothing is more frustrating than being in the same team with some 400+ matches veteran Rook obsessively fighting to death for a brilliance flag on Cataract while leaving the fortitude-gold lane totally unguarded and spending money leisurely on those cool shiny items instead of getting the necessary citadel upgrades in time. Of course, those guys refuse "to take orders" from noobs, so such matches are a rather unpleasant experience

Sorry for a rant, got frustrated a bit,


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October 13, 2010 6:26:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

However, Sedna already has one of the lowest max hp out of all the characters (not level 1, but level 10 or so),

If you don't count TB, QoT and Regulus, that is. She's on par with UB until level 10 or so, I think.

 as well as the lowest armor.

I've probably misunderstood you here... Lowest armor?   Sedna starts out with highest natural armor rating after UB and Oak. By end-game (circa level 15), QoT in closed mode and Erebus begin to surpass her very slightly, but that's it. Maybe you refer to natural armor + armor from items, but that's not that she's forced not to take armor-enhancing items or something...

The cooldown is 45 seconds, but each team's natural Celerity flag on Cataract reduces cooldown by 15%.

Yes, that much I understand. Excuse me if my phrasing was faulty. What I meant to say is that in practice it's 38 s, and (almost) never 45 s as listed (45 s cooldown is routinely cited as one of the biggest cons to using BSW -- not that 38 s is not a long cooldown).

BSW translates to 1000 hp / (45 * .85 + 2) == 24.845 hps, assuming no points in MP and on Cataract with Celertiy flag

You mean: assuming you are not on Cataract with Celerity flag? I see 45 in your formula.

Nevertheless, I find your analysis extremely insightful and educative, don't get me wrong.

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October 13, 2010 9:51:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

BSW translates to 1000 hp / (45 * .85 + 2) == 24.845 hps, assuming no points in MP and on Cataract with Celertiy flag

45 base cast time * 85% cooldown (celerity flag) + 2 second cast time (cast time does not count towards cooldown).

If you don't count TB, QoT and Regulus, that is. She's on par with UB until level 10 or so, I think.

Doesn't contain Occulus or DA. Major things to pull from this is that she is the lowest melee health hero, which is what I was talking about. The dynamic between ranged and melee isn't as huge in this game as other games but it does have an effect.

Also, in reality the demigod stats aren't a HUGE thing. The difference between armors of a level 20 UB and level 20 Rook is "only 600" which is made up with a single 400 gold item. Mana regen between level 20 Oak and level 20 TB is 6 mps.

However, when I say "Sedna has low armor" it is a smplification of a few things:

1) early game, armor is rather insignificant as there isn't a lot of mitigated dps going into you at any given time (not "completely insignificant," mind you. But not a priority and "armor stacking" is sorta silly). Not to mention Bite pushes Erebus way ahead of her, armor wise.

2) mid game, Sedna is dependent on having 2 helms + Unbrekables, which leaves only 2 potential slots for armor. This isn't anything rare, mind you, very few demigods can go with only one helm.This is also when levels start to pile up.

3) once catapults come out, since Sedna lacks a good AoE, she feels catapults and giants more than other demigods. This compounds the problem. If you have a piece of paper for armor but nothing ever hits you (Rook) it's not nearly as much of a pain.  


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October 13, 2010 11:27:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

45 base cast time * 85% cooldown (celerity flag) + 2 second cast time (cast time does not count towards cooldown).

Ah, I see. I'm a linguist, not a mathematician

Yes, I've seen the graphs. Practically, I've never felt Sedna lacks armor, to be honest. Melee attacks and towers hardly ever scratch her (if she doesn't neglect the right gear completely). However, her HP is definitely sub-par, and since she is a high-priority target and, as noted, a melee DG, this is a huge disadvantage.

BTW, I've done a complete conversion to a duelist Sedna (BotF, Pounce, early Silence), and yes, it is probably the best Sedna build for +- skilled games (pure ninja in 2v2 is fun, but very fragile; hybrid ninja/duelist performs very well, but I don't think BoS are worth the slot, in the long run (no pun intended)). With the duelist I even manage to get a fair share of kills + heal the teammates very well. In the last game I got lucky and killed 3 (!!!) enemy DGs that were completely overextended at once (too busy knocking our Rook down). So I'm very happy with the duelist Sedna (even though my skill with advanced tactics like fake TPing, luring with late BotF, etc. has definitely grown, as has my understanding of skilled item choices/buying priorities, so maybe it's not the duelist per se that's performing so well...). 

That said, I feel I should take a break for a couple of days. Why? This game is wearing my poor nerves down Believe me or not, out of 6 games I've played today, 2 were invalidated victories (host diconnected the last moment), and 3 were 'quasi-victories', where either I or my partners suddenly disconnected and we got a technical defeat handed to us while our giants were coming out of enemy's locked portal. No kidding. I'm not a stats freak, I enjoy the game and the challenge it offers, not the numbers before % symbol, but that was an extremely frustrating and unrewarding experience...

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October 14, 2010 1:03:52 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

No kidding. I'm not a stats freak, I enjoy the game and the challenge it offers, not the numbers before % symbol, but that was an extremely frustrating and unrewarding experience...

I completely understand.  Its nice to actually get a win if you win, you know   Oh well - you get used to demigod and you eventually accept that some folks will use exploits and you eventually learn to avoid them.  Pro tip - don't play any 1v1 games unless you are the host - its super easy to make a 1v1 game vanish (frankly, the ONLY guy I would trust in a 1v1 game as host is zen_god).  You remind me of prussian-havoc based on how you speak, btw.  Rawrrr thinks I'm crazy, but that's who you sound like to me.  But no matter, I hope you continue to get experience and eventually start feeling comfortable in high level games.  DG is a great game and I trust you will enjoy it for sometime. 

Please remember that you are certainly welcome to participate in our games while you are still learning.  You seem like you have a decent grasp and are picking up strategy, so that's great.  I think where you will fail (AND then shine) is after you get several high level games and see how the more experienced folks play.  You have to accept that you will likely get your butt kicked, but if you give it some time, you will learn from that and become an ever better player.  A lot can be learned from watching replays of high level games (and the upcoming tournament should provide SEVERAL high level matches and replays), so I trust your experience will skyrocket in the near future.  Best of luck and hope to catch you online at some point.   

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October 14, 2010 1:15:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

eh ya.  I just started not caring about invalid gamestates when they were somewhat frequent.  As long as you know you won it's all good.  The DC's suck when it's like.. 15 minutes in and the game is just about to get good but nothing has really happened.

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October 14, 2010 3:25:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You remind me of prussian-havoc based on how you speak, btw.  Rawrrr thinks I'm crazy, but that's who you sound like to me. 

Well, that's a nice conspiracy theory, I'll give you that. Switching from Erebus to Sedna... However, I'm sure prussian-havoc would know how to attach priests to allied DGs and which mods to download, at the very least 

Oh, and about those priests prussian-havoc presumably knows all about: is it just me, or is their DG targeting really buggy? I mean, they sometimes just get stuck and stand doing absolutely nothing somewhere mid-route, when I am sure my Rook has got one following him!

I think where you will fail (AND then shine) is after you get several high level games and see how the more experienced folks play.  You have to accept that you will likely get your butt kicked, but if you give it some time, you will learn from that and become an ever better player.

Essentially, I see the things the same way. I'm always ready and willing to get my butt kicked (that's not to imply I have a masochistic streak, heh ). But I'll say it again: as soon as I'll feel totally comfortable with the basics, I'll be glad to play some higher level matches. Of course, I do understand that one can learn a lot via replay even from being totally stomped by pro opponents. However, I prefer to get my basics to the level where they will become a second nature: being a pushover, even during a training session, is no fun at all (for both sides, I daresay).

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October 14, 2010 8:49:33 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

A question for the leading sednalogist (rawrrr). Is there a way to make a duelist build viable on higher levels? It works great if the game ends before everyone reaches level 15+. After that it has tough time competing with more combat-oriented DGs. Of course, I may be totally wrong: it can be just my lack of skill/experience.

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October 14, 2010 11:25:27 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

hedgie is by far the leading 'sednalogist'  Easily best sedna I've ever played w/ or against.  But the build that works best in higher levels is max heal / healing wind / silence with 1 lvl of pounce until you get those other 3 up.  

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October 14, 2010 11:32:08 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well, no surprises here, then :/ She's just not a high-level oriented DG, I guess. But maybe hedgie will be inclined to add something insightful. With a formula or two, of course 

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October 14, 2010 1:50:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What do you mean that she isn't a "high level orientated"? Do you mean that she isn't good in "high level" games (high skill levels?) or do you mean that she falters at high levels, compared to other Demigods? 

Sedna is one of the few demigods with 20 good skills, and she has an excellent level 15 between Silence III and Magnificient Presence III.   

- Pounce is overall meh, for a large variety of reasons, but once you have max Magnificent Presence it's decent. On the other hand, for what you get out of it for just a single point (a cheap interrupt on short cast time and cooldown that does a bit of damage), it's pretty good. 

- Inner Grace is a newb trap. It does have its purposes for specific builds and matchups. But it's not that great overall, compared to her other skills. 

- Healing Wind is basically the reason to play Sedna

- Counter Healing ... varies drastically. It's essential in Sedna mirriors, but sometimes it's pretty much useless (with/against a Rook or when you have tons of AoE on your team burning the monks for you).

- Silence is probably one of the strongest Level 5 skills in the game. The first level is rather expensive, mana-wise, but each level after that adds a whole second for only 100 mana. It also stops sigils, shields, heals, teleports, and you can also use it as a ghetto shield III to secure locks or ports. 

- Magnificient Presence is underrated. It's certainly one of the very very few good level 5-10-15 passives in the game. It doesn't have quite as noticeable effect as, say, Healing Wind, either. However, it's really quite good for a variety of reasons. 

It desychs your heals from enemy abilities. It drops the cooldown on Silence. Once you have max MP, pounce has a cooldown of 3.5 seconds, allowing you to Pounce, Silence III, Pounce and still interrupt a port-out (Max MP, Silence and Pounce also ensures that you get a kill against any one who drops below ~2000 hp unless they are faster than you). 

Additionally, a full MP+Silence Sedna with both Celerity flags + an Ice TB with Frost Nova III can completely 100% render opponent demigods from using skills. 


For this reason, Sedna is actually not highly disadvantaged when games get to high levels. 

However, there are a few things that limit her potential: 

- Lack of AoE makes her very much susceptible to creeps, which means she can't solo any lane against... much of anyone... once giants come out. This makes her feel a lot weaker than she is. She can and will beat most other demigods out of a lane. 

- She is gold starved by her lack of AoE, and following a buddy around tends to limit her levels. So, she ends up having worse equipment and being at a lower level. Getting Nature's Reckoning in a 2v2 is a wise investment (in 2v2s, my first two items are Scailmail and Nature's Reckoning, then Scaled Helm and Unbreakables). 3v3, getting NR is a bit less important unless there is another Sedna or an Erebus is on the enemy's team. You can also invest in the 550 gold siege idols to help you farm. They do mark for gold, and they give you a little bit of damage too. 


However, Sedna does a LOT of damage per hit, and has such naturally high regen that she can somewhat forgo pure late-game HP stacking. Eg, Askhandor + Narmoth's Ring on Sedna can be pretty powerful because it puts her regen through the roof, and she will crit for a LOT of damage. However, Girdle of the Giants is overall the best artifact for her (gives her attacks natural "splash" allowing her to actually fight people in a lane again). 

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October 14, 2010 3:43:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Oh, you never disappoint! No formulae, but I can live with it, methinks.

What do you mean that she isn't a "high level orientated"? Do you mean that she isn't good in "high level" games (high skill levels?) or do you mean that she falters at high levels, compared to other Demigods? 

The latter. High level in a pure RPG sense. Not high skill level, God forbid.

- Inner Grace is a newb trap. It does have its purposes for specific builds and matchups. But it's not that great overall, compared to her other skills. 

- Healing Wind is basically the reason to play Sedna

Just my thoughts.

- Counter Healing ... varies drastically. It's essential in Sedna mirriors, but sometimes it's pretty much useless (with/against a Rook or when you have tons of AoE on your team burning the monks for you).

I usually find myself getting it at level 8. Intermediate skill opponents tend to rely way too much on monk healing, and they don't know Sedna, so it's basically a way to get a few freebie frags (tactically, that is; evidently, the strategical applications amount to much more than that). My approach is probably going to change the moment I 'go pro', though.

- Silence is probably one of the strongest Level 5 skills in the game. The first level is rather expensive, mana-wise, but each level after that adds a whole second for only 100 mana. It also stops sigils, shields, heals, teleports, and you can also use it as a ghetto shield III to secure locks or ports. 

Just my thoughts. I get it at level 5, and from what I hear it's NOT going to change the moment I go pro

- Magnificient Presence is underrated. It's certainly one of the very very few good level 5-10-15 passives in the game. It doesn't have quite as noticeable effect as, say, Healing Wind, either. However, it's really quite good for a variety of reasons. 

Yes, I really like this one.

Additionally, a full MP+Silence Sedna with both Celerity flags + an Ice TB with Frost Nova III can completely 100% render opponent demigods from using skills. 

For this reason, Sedna is actually not highly disadvantaged when games get to high levels. 

By "this reason" you refer to all the advantages described, not to that hypothetical synergy with Ice TB and 2 Celerity flags, I trust?

- She is gold starved by her lack of AoE, and following a buddy around tends to limit her levels. So, she ends up having worse equipment and being at a lower level. Getting Nature's Reckoning in a 2v2 is a wise investment (in 2v2s, my first two items are Scailmail and Nature's Reckoning, then Scaled Helm and Unbreakables). 3v3, getting NR is a bit less important unless there is another Sedna or an Erebus is on the enemy's team. You can also invest in the 550 gold siege idols to help you farm. They do mark for gold, and they give you a little bit of damage too. 

However, Sedna does a LOT of damage per hit, and has such naturally high regen that she can somewhat forgo pure late-game HP stacking. Eg, Askhandor + Narmoth's Ring on Sedna can be pretty powerful because it puts her regen through the roof, and she will crit for a LOT of damage. However, Girdle of the Giants is overall the best artifact for her (gives her attacks natural "splash" allowing her to actually fight people in a lane again). 

This is extremely insightful and helpful. I've begun to think in this direction, but was a bit afraid of taking unnecessary risks (to hell with the rating, it just does not seem fair to experiment mid-game as far as my teammates are concerned). I'm actually going to fully rethink my trusty, but very standard and unimaginative item choices in this light. Thank you!

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October 15, 2010 12:00:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

How strange that the top post in the Demigod Multiplayer forums applies to exactly me...

I played over 500 games i believe in this game...yet i haven't played a real game in about 13 months...But i just downloaded it to my new laptop, and i really want to start playing it again...not done downloading, but i hope to get some games in tonight...assuming we can get balance and start a game ^^

LoL will still be my main game, but it has enough downtime so i can play this some more, and i play LoL with quite a few old Demigod players (Veritass, usedcondom, phukm, memoryD, foxSD, mcgreg, waldo1979, bfaster, just to name a few^^), maybe i can convince them to come back and play ^^

Wish me luck, i really do miss this game, i really hope i can get to play some, and not spend an hour waiting in the lobby.


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October 15, 2010 4:11:19 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hey DaBRUM.. I remember your name for sure.. was way back in like october or so before I stopped playing for a while tho.  You should hop into some of the high level games if you're feeling back on par (easiest way is to hop on lagwar vent " port: 50216 no password").  Definitely some good games to be had.  

This is RAWRRRR btw.. dunno if you remember me or not >.>

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October 15, 2010 4:18:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hedgie or Rawrrrr, I have another annoyingly trivial noob question! Oh joy!

Would OoD protect the WotS effect from being cancelled by any damage received? I mean, is the DG using OoD considered not receiving any damage by the game engine, or is it just a 100% damage reduction technically? Oh, and another thing, just to be sure: WotS aura has a 15 m radius, right?

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October 15, 2010 6:13:27 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I can answer shortly what i know about these ^^

Orb of Defiance is equal to shield skill of oak with with a disadvantage of inability to do anything while in that form.

So as oak can use Wings of the Seraphim while shielded and regenerate hp without worrying about canceling the effect (only during the shield time though), so you can do same by using Wings of the  Seraphim before using Orb of Defiance and if no one canceled it before shield effect is casted, then it won't be canceled at least until the shield wears off (you cannot be damaged while shielded).

+ healing the target with Wings of the Seraphim in use, won't cancel his regeneration anymore  (thanks to patch 1.3).

About radius I don't know by yards, m, or other number but it's quite decent (you can see it by moving mouse cursor over the favor item and you'll see a circle around you of it's effect range)

However. It's just my opinion that it's only good for oak or queen, because her shield also counts as receiving no damage.

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October 15, 2010 8:30:21 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thanks, Dark! That kind of answers my question, though I'd be grateful to Hedgie should he provide the exact radius for WotS aura (I don't have WotS a the moment, not enough FP Yep, yep, I'm such a noob...). You are in an appropriately professional mood today, I take it?

BTW, how do I report a player to avoid? I know it sounds stupid, but you be the judge... Here's a story: a certain guy (~200 games with not-so-bad win ratio) proposes to go 1v1 Erebus-Sedna on Prison. I concede the first game quite early, since I feel the Pounce/BotF build isn't going to get me far in this case; then he proposes to do it again, I agree, go a speed ninja build, get it handed to him nicely by accumulating a whopping warsore advantage, and as soon as my giants begin to tear his defences down, he quits. Mind you, if only the second match ever happened, I would have left him alone. Rage quitting I can understand, we are all human. But in the context I described this really sounds more like a systematic noob farming...

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October 15, 2010 10:53:48 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting 4Nana,
Hey DaBRUM.. I remember your name for sure.. was way back in like october or so before I stopped playing for a while tho.  You should hop into some of the high level games if you're feeling back on par (easiest way is to hop on lagwar vent " port: 50216 no password").  Definitely some good games to be had.  

This is RAWRRRR btw.. dunno if you remember me or not >.>

Yup, I remember you, started playing with you on usedcondoms vent like, right before we all quit...

Not so sure I am ready to play high level again ^^ I literally havent played a real game since i guess october...Probably wouldn't go so well

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October 15, 2010 12:24:10 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yup, I remember you, started playing with you on usedcondoms vent like, right before we all quit...

Not so sure I am ready to play high level again ^^ I literally havent played a real game since i guess october...Probably wouldn't go so well

well - you should stop in on the vent sometime if you like, even if you are a bit rusty.  We get a lot of good games in and the atmosphere/attitudes are pretty good. 

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October 15, 2010 2:14:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting IN1,
Hedgie or Rawrrrr, I have another annoyingly trivial noob question! Oh joy!

Would OoD protect the WotS effect from being cancelled by any damage received? I mean, is the DG using OoD considered not receiving any damage by the game engine, or is it just a 100% damage reduction technically? Oh, and another thing, just to be sure: WotS aura has a 15 m radius, right?
well.. my post was eaten by the blasted forums.  Anyway.. darkliath pretty much summed it up.  Also, best way to figure stuff out is to just test it in single player or look at the source code (if you're into browsing through code.....)

i.e. Did you know that taking an enemy portal will give your entire team xp every time a creep wave comes out? Plus, on cataract it controls a gold mine, and provides the same amount of gold as a gold flag.  Pretty awesome.. did some more extensive testing on this to figure out all the details on xp / w/e and hedgie browsed the source code for w/e lol.  

Idk how big the aura is tho.  I would asssummmme that it's just the size of the circle.. which is a mere 7-8 yards (smaller radius than you can pounce someone in).  

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October 15, 2010 9:45:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

(if you're into browsing through code.....)

If I were, I wouldn't have bothered the veterans with all those questions 

i.e. Did you know that taking an enemy portal will give your entire team xp every time a creep wave comes out?

No, of course I did not know that. What am I, prussian-havoc or something to know these things? (Honestly, though: I've read about it here. In some old thread without firm facts and figures, there it was more speculation-like.)


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October 16, 2010 12:39:51 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Update: I have figured a way to browse through code, thanks for the idea.

PS: I'm a bit shocked... While playing ninja Sed vs a 500+ games player with 50% win rate, I was told, in all seriousness, to "stop running away" and to "fight like a man"! :/ Does Sedna really look that masculine? Or is it Sila?

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October 16, 2010 1:07:32 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

heh - side note - prussian-havoc was a guy who had an arrogant tone that knew very little about game play (he was/is ladder rank #1, but couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag).  I wouldn't expect him to know anything about attaching monks, etc.  And you clearly sound nothing like him.  So, no need to reference that whiz going forward, even for comedic relief.  Obviously, my mistake.  Unless you are a conspiracy fan, of course. 

At the very least, you and I find this amusing

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October 16, 2010 1:18:21 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yes, having a comparatively rich thesaurus and not being afraid to use it is commonly taken for being arrogant these days, especially in online game communities  You are 32 years old, though, so I wasn't expecting you to fall for that. Anyway, no offense taken Just for the record: I would have probably named myself RUSSIAN-havoc. If I were a pretentious prick, that is. 

One last time, concerning p-h: I've seen his stats, they look astronomically high, indeed. How did he get these? By the process widely known as 'stat whoring'?   

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October 16, 2010 1:27:48 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

BTW, how do I report a player to avoid? I know it sounds stupid, but you be the judge... Here's a story: a certain guy (~200 games with not-so-bad win ratio) proposes to go 1v1 Erebus-Sedna on Prison. I concede the first game quite early, since I feel the Pounce/BotF build isn't going to get me far in this case; then he proposes to do it again, I agree, go a speed ninja build, get it handed to him nicely by accumulating a whopping warsore advantage, and as soon as my giants begin to tear his defences down, he quits. Mind you, if only the second match ever happened, I would have left him alone. Rage quitting I can understand, we are all human. But in the context I described this really sounds more like a systematic noob farming...

well - its not necessarily noob farming.  I'd wager he'd play anyone, but would simply cause the game to magically vanish any time he expects a loss.  Unfortunately, anyone that wants to can force the game to not hit the stats in a 1v1 with relative ease.  The best solution, of course, is to host your own game so that can be avoided - but folks like that will often refuse to play a game unless they can control the win/loss stat.  I've found that some feign ignorance when confronted with this (oh I didn't know the game wouldn't appear in the stats, etc). 

Anyway, in the past, people have simply opened threads indicating players to avoid.  You'll draw attention to that player and those of us that browse the forums will be aware.  However, anyone that does not, will likely still play this person and they will continue that behavior.  And even some that read you post will let you know that "they don't care if this person does that" and so on.  If it were me, I'd create a simple post and, obviously, avoid his games if I even remotely care about win stats.  Here's an example of a post that was a bit of a flame, but communicated the basic message well enough:

All said and done, I personally avoid 1v1 games to avoid such a simple exploit.  Well, that and I don't enjoy 1v1 all that much

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October 16, 2010 1:41:53 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting IN1,
Yes, having a comparatively rich thesaurus and not being afraid to use it is commonly taken for being arrogant these days, especially in online game communities  You are 32 years old, though, so I wasn't expecting you to fall for that. Anyway, no offense taken Just for the record: I would have probably named myself RUSSIAN-havoc. If I were a pretentious prick, that is. 

One last time, concerning p-h: I've seen his stats, they look astronomically high, indeed. How did he get these? By the process widely known as 'stat whoring'?   

Well, you are an interesting fellow.  You even sounded a little incensed by my comments, but I suspect you are just goofing about a bit like me, so fair enough. 

But as you like - prussian-havoc rose to ladder rank #1 some time ago by fighting AI in pantheon games.  Ad nauseum.  At one point ladder experience was given for this practice.  So, while giving ladder experience for beating mediocre AI is a bit of a misstep (you'd think the player v player ladder would indicate the best players vs players), the main issue, which I believe led to the death of pantheon games, was what happened as a result of that individual exploiting a weak system and calling it "strategy."   

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