Forgive me, for I am going to sin by disagreeing with you

I find it rather interesting. Objectively, it is very unstable: uber in certain situations (heals yourself and both allies at once during a difficult battle; gives the whole catas-giants wave a second life end-game), practically worthless in other. BTW, you have commented in another (much older) thread that BSW Sedna gets interrupted all the time. Well, from my limited experience: it's very hard for the opponents to concentrate on interrupting mass healing Sedna while being pounded to death by an allied Rook. I mean, if BSW Sedna decides to tank for some reason and then uses the BSW for its mediocre self-heal (which is sort of idiotic, the purpose of this item is totally different), then yes, she might get interrupted (though I did use it under such circumstances and got away with it: 2 s cast delay is not THAT horrible). In a nutshell: BSW
should not be used as a
personal healing item, unless the alternative is dying. As far as I can see, BSW can only be viable for a healer Sedna. Any other character will be forced to use this item as a self-heal, and then, yes, it will end up being a weak choice and an underwhelming item designed specifically for insolent noobs
I have significant expierence with BSW. Mostly on Oak and Erebus. A little bit with Senda.
You can use BSW as a personal healing buffer. Silence also helps you use it without risk, since that prevents interupts. However, Sedna already has one of the lowest max hp out of all the characters (not level 1, but level 10 or so), as well as the lowest armor. She also has significant dependence on monks. Blood helps mitigate her low hp and and also synergizes with monks (BotF translates into 800 hp * .15 / 8 seconds + 5 hps == 20 hps, on top of the 800 hp buffer. This increases when controlling the HP flag. BSW translates to 1000 hp / (45 * .85 + 2) == 24.845 hps, assuming no points in MP and on Cataract with Celertiy flag).
If you have low hp, you will be focused. Unlike Queen, who is ranged, if you are hiding behind your allies, you aren't dealing damage. Sednas without Blood or Cloak of Night are at extreme risk whenever she goes into melee ranged. If you are focused, you don't need to use BSW to keep your allies alive.
I have found one good build for BSW. 2v2, get a UB with Heaven's Wrath, you get BSW. You both push HP side, using Wrath to farm the other side, then you switch. Basically, apply constant and brutal pressure to one side of the map without having to really suffer the consequences of it (via low leveling). This works best when on Light Side so that they can't ninja your gold flags.
However, me and irek did that nearly a full year ago and the average player skill has gone up significantly since then. Additionally, sigils weren't quite super-popular yet.
That is indisputable. However, BSW keeps your allies alive better, which is a purpose of a healer/support. With all due respect, people criticizing BSW tend to forget it's a freebie MASS HEAL (!!!), dammit. Like, every allied creature in 15 m radius gets +1000 hp, yes? Otherwise, 2 sec delay 1000 heal is somewhat unimpressive mid-game+, sure. Oddly, I have no issues with its cooldown (which is not 45 s as listed, by the way - I think it's 37 s). It is a good item, just a bit situational. And yes, only an idiot would not agree that BotF is usually a much safer choice.
I disagree. If you have Blood, you may not need to blow heals on yourself. Your monks help you recover faster. All in all, Blood enables you to utilize your heals on everyone else while still staying around in the fight. The cooldown is 45 seconds, but each team's natural Celerity flag on Cataract reduces cooldown by 15%.