This mod is a revised version of Peppe's AI Skirmish mod, version .22 ( It further refines Peppe's excellent work by fixing a few outstanding issues. The mod is designed to make single-player skirmishes more challenging and enjoyable.
Current Features (v .23):
- Teleporting: AI demigods will no longer teleport very short distances. Demigods are likely to carry at least 1 teleport scroll, but a little less likely to carry more than 1. Generally, AI demigods teleport more intelligently.
- Flag Capturing: Greatly increased desire of AI demigods to capture and hold flags for warscore. Also, coded custom flag-capturing routine for most maps. AI demigods battle for flag control more and are more aggressive at capturing portals (and recapturing their own portals and other important flags).
- Tweaked AI builds for Rook and Regulus.
- This mod is best played on Nightmare difficulty, with the Conquest win condition, and with 2v2 or larger teams. However, the AI improvements apply to other difficulties and win conditions. The AI in the single-player tournament is unchanged.
Known Issues (v .23):
- Occasionally starting Regulus, Oak, or Unclean Beast in the number 2 slot on either the Light or Dark team will result in the demigod not leaving the health crystal at the beginning of the game. I am not sure why this is, and it does not occur every game. The solution is simple: Don’t place any of these three demigods in the number 2 slot.
- On a few maps, AI demigods can be overly aggressive about going after portals in enemy territory. Generally, AI demigods are good about avoiding enemy towers and staying away from tower-protected portals.
Place the Skirmish_AI_v23 folder in your Mod folder in your Demigod game directory. This is usually found in C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Demigod\bindata\mods. After starting the game, go into the “Mods” option and enable the mod. Be sure to disable any previous version of this mod.
I should say here that all praise should go to Peppe for this mod. Just looking at his work, I am amazed by his grasp of the coding and the things that he's accomplished. Thus, I make no claims to this mod. He's done 90% of the work; I just added 10% tweaks to refine it a bit. I hope that he's cool with these tweaks (and maybe flattered by our continuing interest in his work), though he seems to have left the community some months ago. In any event, I do take just a little credit for inspiring him to start the mod in the first place (see Again, many thanks to Peppe for giving this game some extended life.
Get version .23 of the Skirmish Mod at: Download includes mod folder and readme.
.22 Changes: 2/08/2010
Tweaks to new or changed items in 21. Should avoid flags protected by towers (more often).
.21 Changes: 2/07/2010
Custom actions created to teleport to towers and portals under attack by enemy Demigods.
When looking for flags to capture all Demigods consider all flags. Actions for flags nearest HQ, near to demigod, and portal flags.
Capture lock changed to only lock portals and valor flags under enemy threat.
.20 Changes: 2/03/2010
Rook arrow tower firing rate dropped and damage increased in attempt to improve the AI Rook retreating stutter-step issue.
.19 Changes: 1/25/2010
Mainly Stun/Interrupt Changes.
UB + Rook will save thier skill for interrupt or a low health target.
Sedna + Oak, will fire thier interrupt skills as long as they have mana and should stop using it once they reach low mana, but will fire if an interrupt opportunity presents itself.
Erebus, Will use charm mostly for interrupt, but if he can stun multiple demigods will fire it off.
Demon Assassin, Didn't test this, but should only shadow swap to interrupt may add additional conditions later.
Teleport and Large potions set back to require a safe distance from enemies to use.
.18 Changes: 12/15/2009
Sedna Heals earlier, @75%
QoT Casts shield earlier, @75%
Some flag cap changes.
.17 Changes: 12/14/2009
Sedna build changed.
Minor changes to survival goals.
Flag capture range extended.
.16 Changes: 12/13/2009 Mark II
Minor changes to Teleport distance check and consumable item priorities.
UB build changed to Ooze + Spit maxed by lvl 10.
Sedna Item priorities changed.