Hmm... It's sorted already
, but as I said, I will reply you. (red unknown shadow)
Uff... I don't know how to make those message parts marked/quoted like that... I hope I won't need to edit
Bahh how to make those quotes? 
my nickname on gameranger is Exile, no doubt you know me, what is Ko nickname? ask him.
Yay, so Exile was also you
Good that I know now. I never liked Exile at all... And can't tell Ko-Games? So you're not open enough to tell even that? Ok, I don't need to know.
wrong, they are pretty calm both, that's why of the reason they haven't invite my to clan, i have too poisoned tongue, go compare Red's post here and my post here, i haven't seen if he would ever use strong word like i do, ( a pice of advice: if you are going to gosspi somebody, better get know something about him, and then if you are 110% go post idiotic theories)
How can you know? I've been playing with red and he never was calm. Yep... never
And yeah. I compared your posts and you know what? They are identical
using arguments "if you wont do something you are somebody" or " if you bla bla bla you are bla bla bla " is pathetic, find some seroius argument
for exmaple
"Darkliath if you won't stop playing with Iz_ i won't cancel my opinion that you are using vent"
Yay, like I said, a perfect excuse
So you not only scare to play and lose on official now, but also on gameranger?
So have you canceled already? Because yeah, Iz_ might be not playing anymore... And yeah. I never used vent or anything, because I don't even have a microphone
. (also as you know for balance issues, I am against team speaking)
I think that you weren't good without your team speak during games (with Ko-games) if you think so.
in one line of post you just insulted ma and in the other you say sorry, it's like "kick me in the balls and say sorry, then kick me again in the balls and say sorry" your apologizes mean shit, go fuck yourself
Hmmm... So that's what you tell to a girl saying sorry to you? I think you deserved to be brought down to earth from your imaginations of being bettter then others. So yeah... You need to be taught. (sorry i don't "fuck" myself) [e digicons]8(|[/e]
know he didi it with premeditation, why? his first nickname was lord_of_ring or something, i played couple of games with him, sometimes we won sometimes we loose, i do not know why he took into his head that we are best friends etc, once i joined his room and wanted to play in oposite team, he said i am a traitor and launched the game, the end of this story is known to everybody (this is the MEANING of this topic not some stupid theories, gosh)
In some strange way you probably forced him. I don't care whether you were friends or not. I played quite a decent amount with him. And... Yeah, he likes normal matches, so if he sees in 3v3 double minion builds on team going straight to the citadel, he'd probably do that. Yeah... But if you play normally, you won't have any problems.
get some glasses or get back to school to learn how to read, i did wrote this was all random game, didin't i ?!?!?! how the fuck was i suppose to prevent ereb?
Please take glasses yourself. I've written for you not to play random games if you are scared of that
Oh and also. You don't know how to lose, do you? It doesn't matter if you prevent him or not, if you win or not. If you had fun, then it's a victory, if been raged to such an amount that you needed to tell this to the world... Yeah... it's a loss...
are you brain-damaged? did you watch savereplay correctly? till 20th minut they killed us 6 times, 6 times! what was the problem to left the game? but we decided to play to the end and we won this match! everyone know that some demigods are more powerfull at some maps, the point is not that i ask them of not using some skills the point is they cant stand the loosing and they broke thier words,
Yeah I am brain damaged and I am happy with that
I didn't watch your full of yourself replay, because I am not interested in it at all. I saw enough from your posts... I don't care if they killed you 6 times or more. And neither do I care if you won. Winning is nothing in this game, so don't take that higher than it is. And yeah as I said, they broke words, but doesn't matter who won or not.
and? what's the point of this part? if he won't concede this is his call, so he shouldnt be suprised if opposite team will powned him in order to end game faster
That's the part where most people show how stupid they are. They play stupid game against one person, instead of going to start another one. Just for a dumb victory on scoreboard and % ratio. Way too stupid in my opinion. I guess you are one of those who can't do that, because of a too good opinion about yourself.
hahah, yes "of course" i am scraed of lose, my 100 loosing games show it superbly ( ironic )
Yes you are. Couldn't fight against me and Iz_. (Who cares which side wins or not. I don't for example, but you couldn't stand a chance even for a possible loss).
this is a question to Red not to me, in fact in gameranger there were only a few teams/players who were able to oppose them and it wasn't me neither you
Saying that you are good by other nick name? And no. There were teams, players better than them. They weren't something good. However they (you) didn't play matches against good people, because I don't know... Good players played with normal people. Not you, because of your show off "we are better". Why didn't you play with noobs, eh? They are better than you (I am seriously here). They are friendly, want to learn, have fun (I don't care about their skills in game). Gosh I loved those times 
leave this pathetic form of posting, it doesn't make your post funny, it makes it sounds idiotic
[e digicons]8(|[/e] Yeah... I was serious here also. If you don't understand then maybe not I am the idiotic one?
I meant, go to single player games, because you don't know how to talk to people 
yep, this is you Darkliath, no guts to say "no" and this is you cause on gameranger you always took side the "poor" the "underrated" players, you were a crusader of hope from noobs
"No" to what?
I take the side which I think is right. And yeah. You are wrong by being unable to even accept what is visible to everyone.
Hey Darkliath, nice to meet you. This UnknownShadow/Red-One guy is kind of a dick eh?
Nice to meet you too.
Hmm.. I'd rather say he is a bit... immature 
hehe, it looks like it's time to leave this world of rudness, idiots and unjustified accusation
I prefer cleaning it 
Darkliath i have never expected you are such two-faced person ;S, we have played over 300-400 games together on gameranger? it has been months of good fun and among those months you have never told what are you saying here, i am very dissapointed because Green and me treated you like a mascot of our clan, we always have a good words for you, i wonder what rumors did you spread behind my back when i was going offline,
If I am two faced, then you are? [e digicons]8(|[/e] Three faced?
I had some respect towards you. Even if you were not right. However, you went far enough in denying yourself. So... If you deny yourself, then what others should do? Also, leave your another "fake" mask. Everyone can do that. I was never close to your clan, because you... After sort of completing your clan you weren't inviting anyone (a proof of thinking too high about yourselves). And yeah, I never had bad words about you, however and never spreaded anywhere. However. I never liked red. Never. He was a full of win boy, who most of the time played in his premade clan. Yeah... Sure you were better than 2 random players. BUT. You didn't like playing against each other. I think there were some matches like that, but it was minority. You never dared to play equally. Always stronger was your side. Better demigods, better players. Yeah everyone can do that. You are "really" good players
(thanks god for not coming to such a horrible small clan if there are people like you in it).
and about my rudness, have i ever insulted you? said harsh word under your adress? i am in 100% sure i haven't, what is more i do not agree that i am rude, ask any players who pleyd with me here on gameranger, bo be calm in our 1st clan rule and Pink is very demanding about that, only players who made me angry and i had to use strong word was MERLOIU_The_Best but you know him well
, he was a cheater and invalid gamestat maker
. i am sad that you have never had enough courage to tell me what you really think about me, during all those month you were lying, i can't imagine how such a person has a right ot judge others, i am sorry Dark, that this gonna end that way, but i do not think i will play with you anymore after i red you "true" opinion about myself and after you finaly showed your "true" face, good bye my dear Julia
Yeah. You had insulted me indirectly. Yeah yeah, your mask is well hidden, because players who played with you were mostly your clan. Yeah, I remember that you were harsh against that player. However, you didn't give a chance for him to even try. He did cheat long ago, but later he didn't. However, you didn't play with him.
You think I didn't have enough courage? You're wrong... way too wrong... As I said. I respected you (so no harsh words towards you), but no more. You are just like you yourself said, player worse than Wip_.
And thanks ^^ I wasn't going to play with you anymore at all. Because I don't play with such people like you. And yeah Red unknown shadow, you declined a match with both, your unknown shadow and red one nicknames. So... You are the same person, otherwise you wouldn't be scared to play on gameranger.
Yeah. I did quote, even if you won't read. I don't mind 
I hope you go to play some other game without online community, so you'd not get so offended.
may the ram fuck my ass if i have ever seen biggest shithead than you, go fuck a hog idiot
Yep, red. Because of such phrases, you are not good enough to play with me.
P.S. I won't change my account nor buy new one, so if you do that, after seeing me in any lobby please leave, because I might not recognise you at start.
P.S.S. I bet Pink is happy how you dropped your clan's reputation... 
Good luck in your future.