Now that I have your attention:
I'm looking for a few good people who are willing to deviate from the norm and play some different maps/game play modes. I swear to Christ and the holy Taco, if you respond with 'dominate is for pussies' or 'conquest is the way that straight, country-loving, non-hippies play', I will hunt you down and give you a nasty wet willy.
See, my theory is this: I've played a lot of Demigod. It doesn't show in my stats(damn you stat reset!) but I've played... well, a lot. It's been over a year since I purchased this game, and I've done nothing but play cataract/prison conquest. Now, don't get me wrong; conquest is awesome. There's nothing more satisfying then seeing your enemies citadel fall. However, I feel as if this makes the game a little too... I don't know... predictable? Get giants, upgrades, hp stack, win. Rinse, repeat, finish wacking it with your japanese love pillow(or is that just me?)
Some people might respond with 'then play Pantheon if you're not too busy being a whiny shitstain" and to them I say, with all of the glib and persuasive abilities I was taught in college: "Fuck you." Pantheon sucks. If I wanted to 1v1 people and either A) win by an insanely large margin or
get totally raped in the face, I would do so.
No, this is a cry for fun, interesting, team-worthy players to take a quick step out of their comfort zone and shine on you crazy diamonds. Plus, I might learn something which would be helpful, considering the game has taken a large step away from what I once thought it was.
I appreciate you reading this and replying. I will find myself on lagwars at some point. My inability to purchase a microphone right now is staggeringly overwhelming when I think of trying to get on the vent. Though, I do type fast enough to respond to most voice chatting... meh, whatever. I like tacos.
If you are interesting in yodeling in my gully, leave a response. If you just want to heckle me, do that too. If you like sausage, for the love of god reply. (I'm not talking about man-sausage. Delicious sausage. One that usually doesn't blow it in your mouth afterwards.)