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A Different America

By on April 17, 2010 1:10:13 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums


Join Date 02/2010

I'm always aware that despite the great abundance of political commentary we are all exposed to, many of us (and especially those of the current generation) aren't always well acquainted with our national roots (speaking as a citizen of the United States).  It may be a tough read due to the language style but for a glimpse of what sort of people began our country and how different they were from most of us today, I think the following links regarding writings of George Washington are worth visiting:

Despite our modern "evolution" and "enlightenment" we have also lost some values that have diminsihed us by their absence.  I hope these speak to a few of you.  I always learn when reviewing them.

I think we sometimes confuse political issues with being patriotic citizens.  Patriotism is not a political view.  It is a mindset state of being that are a reflection of how you value your nation and fellow citizens.

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April 17, 2010 1:56:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

George Washington was a barbaric warmonger who led a revolt over taxes which in today's standards were incredibly mild. For the most part, Washington was a fearful idiot who let others make his decisions for him. He blindly followed the rest of the founding fathers (many of whom owned slaves and were adulterers) into a monetary war under the false pretense of political oppression. I like his foreign policy, but domestically his presidency was a joke.


Our "values" have not been lost; there is no such thing as moral decay, only the changing perspective of a generation as it ages. 


Patriotism is a sham, it is a facade created by politicians to strip us of personal freedoms and lead us into war. Every other president prefaces demands with: if you love this country, then surely you will support insert something we shouldn't do here

I  know my post seems takes somewhat of a pessimistic viewpoint, but it's closer to the truth than our romanticized views of Washington, the founding fathers, and the history of America. I'd go into more detail, but I'm too lazy at the moment.

On a positive note: Washington was a pretty good writer and I learned a few new vocabulary words from your post

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April 17, 2010 8:49:45 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting Splitshadow,
George Washington was a barbaric warmonger who led a revolt over taxes which in today's standards were incredibly mild. For the most part, Washington was a fearful idiot who let others make his decisions for him. He blindly followed the rest of the founding fathers (many of whom owned slaves and were adulterers) into a monetary war under the false pretense of political oppression. I like his foreign policy, but domestically his presidency was a joke.


Our "values" have not been lost; there is no such thing as moral decay, only the changing perspective of a generation as it ages. 


Patriotism is a sham, it is a facade created by politicians to strip us of personal freedoms and lead us into war. Every other president prefaces demands with: if you love this country, then surely you will support insert something we shouldn't do here. 

I  know my post seems takes somewhat of a pessimistic viewpoint, but it's closer to the truth than our romanticized views of Washington, the founding fathers, and the history of America. I'd go into more detail, but I'm too lazy at the moment.

On a positive note: Washington was a pretty good writer and I learned a few new vocabulary words from your post

Spoken like a true 16 year old.

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April 17, 2010 9:43:08 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

George Washington was a barbaric warmonger who led a revolt over taxes which in today's standards were incredibly mild.

Actually, I have sort of an opposite view.  I think he rightly revolted over taxes, where as we revolt over absolutely nothing these days.  Send millions of our jobs overseas?  No problem.  Uncontrolled immigration?  No problem.  Bail out mega-corporations with public money?  No problem.  Eviscerate the Constitution?  No problem.

On and on.  Yes, we've lost any values that were once known as "American."  Actually, I don't think we have anything that could be called "values."  I mean, what do we value?

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April 17, 2010 10:16:10 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Today's society values fame over virtue, wealth over good qualities, hedonism over self-sacrifice and style over substance.

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April 17, 2010 10:26:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Spoken like a true 16 year old.

Ah, yes, age. I'm such an incompetent being that should bow down before your 48 years of nose picking, TV watching, and other useless experience that comes with age. PROTIP: Your intelligence goes down after 25, you need experience to compensate for the difference, but it cannot and will not make you a smarter person.  You know what they do with engineers when they turn 40, don't you? Go somewhere else with your insecurities and irrational prejudices. 


Actually, I have sort of an opposite view.  I think he rightly revolted over taxes, where as we revolt over absolutely nothing these days.

The problem was supposedly taxation without representation. So few people could vote, even in Britain, so America wasn't missing out on much, there still was no true representative democracy at this point. (and there still isn't) If we waited 25 years, the problem probably would have been resolved diplomatically without sending our children to die for our greed. Britain has a good record of slow and deliberate change for the better in my opinion, especially when compared to their unstable neighbors. 

I'm pretty sure we haven't had any revolutions in the past couple years 

I don't argue that we are immoral today, I just refuse to believe that anything has really changed. People have always been immoral; they have always acted against the "values" that we are supposed to hold as Americans. The main difference is the loss of privacy; when you do something now, everyone will know about it. 

Life is better guys. Look at the life expectancy over the past four hundred years and tell me you wouldn't like to live in this current time period. Look at the entertainment options available to you. We romanticize the past as a simpler time where people were moral and life was easy. We think this way because it is what we want to believe.

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April 17, 2010 11:26:16 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I don't argue that we are immoral today, I just refuse to believe that anything has really changed. People have always been immoral; they have always acted against the "values" that we are supposed to hold as Americans. The main difference is the loss of privacy; when you do something now, everyone will know about it.

Absolutely. People haven't changed, it is simply that morally uptight now have more stuff to get their panties in wad about since everyone's private affairs are broadcast around the world. Nothing has changed, we just know way too much about everyone else these days.

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April 17, 2010 11:50:37 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I didn't mean to imply that Washington was the absolute definition and personification of pure virtue.  I used him as a well known and documented example of men of his day.  Washington's peers speak more highly of him than any modern day admirer but you are of course entitled to any re-interpretation you wish to believe.

The point is, in looking at Washington's public writings which were widely admired and accepted, you gain some insight to the sort of people who made up the nation at that time.  We are not the same sort of people.  The heavy-handed response to this post makes the point entirely. 

It wasn't meant to be insulting, controversial, partisan or political--just to point out the distance and change from then to now.  The biggest change I see is the shift from a set of commonly held values and standards (which appear to be more present in Washington's day than our own) to the present mindset that we pursue any morality we desire it and it's all valid.  Today I can be a polite moralist or a vulgar anarchist and a notable portion of the population will see a superior value in neither position.

You can read Dickens or ancient accounts of Rome or Greece or a dozen other cultures to know human nature has not changed.  But you can also look at individual nations at particular points in history and see trends of change that portended the future of those nations in that time.

I grew up in the South and saw racial prejudice as a societal norm.  I could point back to that time and say there would be consequences and effects that followed the acceptance of such prejudice which allowed it to be enforced as a legal and moral norm...and there were such consequences.  It's always appropriate to look at past generations as an indication of the measure of the current one.

But again...this was not meant to be a flame fest or insult match or moral debate.  Simply a pointing out of contrast.  It's interesting how some have found that offensive.  You can't just study Washington.  You have to study him in context to his times to appreciate what he represented.

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April 18, 2010 2:20:34 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

@Splitshadow, are you a Brit?

I grew up in the South and saw racial prejudice as a societal norm.

I hear this sort of thing all of the time.  I grew up in the south (the DEEP south) and I never saw racial prejudice.

At any rate, one of the biggest changes, which dovetails and might even explain what you are saying, is that back in the day western countries and peoples (i.e. "whites") were nationalistic, and secondarily, "racial" (I didn't say "racist," I said "racial").  Nowadays, "whites" have largely done away with concepts such as nationhood, "blood," etc.  Even the family itself has disintegrated.  Everybody is just an individual.  Nobody is a part of anything else.  There is no "national identity," "racial identity," etc.  So of course, there isn't a shared set of values either - certainly not like there once was.

If you want a contrast, look at non-whites.  I've lived in asia the last 10 years.  I can tell you that the japs, the koreans, the taiwanese, the chinese, the thais, etc. are all fiercely nationalistic and racial as compared to whites.  There isn't a comparison.  Immigration is not allowed in any of these countries, i.e. you can't immigrate to thailand and get thai citizenship.  Not even if you marry a thai girl.  Not even if you have a baby with her.  Anyone who knows anything about jews knows how ethnocentric and racial they are.  But you can pretty much say this about any non-white, i.e. the mexicans, the blacks, etc.

Nationalism, racial identity, etc. was somehow "bred out" of whites.  I don't have a good grasp as to how this occurred - if someone else does, please enlighten me.  But I have a strong suspicion it revolved around World War II.  But if it did, that war didn't seem to affect the japs the same way.

What I mean by "racial."  Basically being "race-conscious" or having a "racial identity," blah blah.  This should not be confused with "supremacy," "racism" etc.

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April 18, 2010 5:30:26 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Quoting JuleTron,
Today's society values fame over virtue, wealth over good qualities, hedonism over self-sacrifice and style over substance.

Bang on the money. People used do get famous for being heroes. Now people are heroes for being famous. This is BS.

You should post some of the other founding fathers writings. 


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure". TJ

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the american people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs". TJ

"Give me liberty or give me death" PH

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. -DoI

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April 18, 2010 7:24:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting JuleTron,
Today's society values fame over virtue, wealth over good qualities, hedonism over self-sacrifice and style over substance.

Saved me posting it.

Quoting myfist0,
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. -DoI

The problem with modern western society is that the will to revolt is all but destoryed due to our ability to complain endlessly about anything and everything and to broadcast it to whom ever shall liste; this we're mostly a society of apathetic people.  Given enough time, I think the Governments of the western world could successfully wittle down all the major freedoms piece by piece and as long as they left us gossip columns and celebrity magazines and of course porn, society as a whole wouldn't put up more than a whimper.

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April 18, 2010 7:27:00 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Quoting JuleTron,
Today's society values fame over virtue, wealth over good qualities, hedonism over self-sacrifice and style over substance.

This is one of the best posts I have ever seen on this site! +1 Karma!


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April 18, 2010 8:20:02 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums



Quoting Snarkotamus,

Quoting JuleTron, reply 4Today's society values fame over virtue, wealth over good qualities, hedonism over self-sacrifice and style over substance.



The problem is people do not want change, the majority of amercian citizens do not want change, because they believe change is impossible to gain, but change isn't possible, if people around Amercia, and the world united againest thier governments, a new political government would therefore be established, however, the problem is, it will be the same cycle over and over again, whichever way you do it, governments always slowly start to disentgrate and do what they want to do, not for the people.


I think America needs more then a 2 party system, like in the UK, we have now got a three party system, and it works fine.



Liberal Democrats

and many more minor parties.

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April 18, 2010 8:21:32 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Modern day government reminds me of an Democratic Version of Absolute Monarchy.

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April 18, 2010 10:48:09 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Then:   Democracy = rule by the people

Now:   Democracy = rule by the media

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April 18, 2010 11:28:14 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Quoting tetleytea,
Then:   Democracy = rule by the people

Now:   Democracy = rule by the media



are women people? blacks? slaves? non land owners?

and if you think the media had no impact back then you are woefully wrong. the media has changed that is all (i admitt it gained more influence but it was still there "then").

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April 18, 2010 12:09:56 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Slavery in the first ten years of the U.S. government's existence was a hotly debated topic.  The U.S. operated under articles of confederation until the constitutional convention 1787 and slavery was a big topic at that point where the "Union" became formalized legally.

Some states were strongly opposed to slavery and had outlawed it.  others were willing to see slave given limited citizenship rights including voting or being counted for determining congressional representation.  Others saw them as property and refused to remain in the Union if slavery was outlawed.

The fragile position of the U.S. at that time didn't allow for any group of states to force others to comply with their wishes so a compromise was struck.  What was avoided by the founders as a necessity was finally forced to be dealt with in Lincoln's day.

It's easy to say, "Slavery was evil" but the alternative in the founder's minds was the U.S. as a viable nation might collapse or unravel if it was forced as an issue.

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April 18, 2010 12:18:32 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

i know, but he did not say what time he meant exactly with "then". i could add the whole 19th century and it would not change anything. also keep in mind that the slavery issue did collapse the nation it was only dragged along until the civil war and i bet if the slavery issue would have been resolved in the beginning or at least when jefferson made the luisanna purchase (and would not have slavery allowed in the new founded states) the civil would not have taken place.

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April 18, 2010 1:29:49 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Nobody in the USA fought a war over slavery.

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April 18, 2010 1:59:44 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

@Splitshadow, are you a Brit?

Nope, I'm not. I was born in Virginia.

Nobody in the USA fought a war over slavery.

Agreed. The South totally misread the situation and ended up causing what they feared the most.

Slavery in the first ten years of the U.S. government's existence was a hotly debated topic.  The U.S. operated under articles of confederation until the constitutional convention 1787 and slavery was a big topic at that point where the "Union" became formalized legally.

Some states were strongly opposed to slavery and had outlawed it.  others were willing to see slave given limited citizenship rights including voting or being counted for determining congressional representation.  Others saw them as property and refused to remain in the Union if slavery was outlawed.

This is just wrong. Almost no states in the North had outlawed slavery before the Civil War. It was much less common there because they just weren't economically viable. You could make much more money selling your slave to a plantation owner in Virginia than using them on your fishing boat for 10 years.

The first step was to ban the importation of slaves, which came pretty early. It was more of an economic decision on the part of our government; blacks were taking jobs in the South, which caused pretty high unemployment amongst the lower classes. We were also fearful of blacks, (especially after the slave revolt in Haiti) which is why most of the violence against blacks started around this time. The internal slave trade became even more lucrative because we banned the importation of slaves. There were free blacks in both the South and North who could vote an own property before the Civil War. Funny story: slaves in South Carolina were only required to work for about 10 hours, and then they were allowed to basically allowed to do whatever they wanted. So, a smart slave worked part time and actually bought himself from his master and was thereafter a free man. Most of the anti-black legislation in the South started after the Civil War because of the rather oppressive Republican rule.


Then:   Democracy = rule by the people

Now:   Democracy = rule by the media

There has never been any Democracy in the United States. We barely have a representative Democracy. If you vote for president, you might as well be peeing in the ocean. Your vote counts for 1/the population of your county, so if the majority of the people in your county vote for the opposite candidate, your vote is totally useless. Then, if you have enough counties that have voted with you, your state will vote for that candidate. Then, your vote goes to the electoral college, where your state's representative takes your state's public opinion into consideration. (He can still vote against the popular election, so it's pretty much pointless) Then, if by some miracle, he votes for your candidate, then the candidate will get some points based on how populous your state is. (If you live in a small or rural state, your vote is totally useless) The number of electoral college points your guy scores from each state is pretty arbitrary, so even if 80% of the map is red, the blue candidate can still win, or vice versa. (most of the common red states are worth less though). It amazes me that people wonder why voter turnout is so low in our country. Your vote has a negligible effect on the outcome of your state's vote, which has a negligible effect on which candidate is elected, which has a negligible effect on world politics. The president's power is pretty much limited to the veto, so I consider direct election of senators more important considering the have some active power instead of just being a blocking agent like the president.


Oh and there really was no media until the invention of the penny paper. Until advertisements were more common, there really was no incentive to create a newspaper. Many people still couldn't read when the first newspapers came out, so the media didn't really have a great effect on the country until the invention of the radio. 



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April 18, 2010 2:19:08 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Lol most people don't realize slavery was being ended before the civil war ever started and it was by both sides lets see who's stopped the African slave trade happening around south Africa hmmm.

I believe it was a coalition between the confederate and union troops when they even worked to stop the slavers during the war came back and the southerns joined the southern armies the northerners joined the north those who worked to stop it then became enemies.

And plus blacks didn't have it that hard the Romans and Egyptians rolled 60 tone stones over  there slaves and guess what they slaved every color of people so ur not really that special hmm the USA stopped alot faster than any other the Egyptians had slaves for 5k years Romans just as long,   and if u should be pissed at anyone it should be there own dam people in Africa who slaved them to the whites. 

And sorry the civil war was not started over dam slavery it wat that the southerners didn't want to be part of the dam union so we rebelled and  it just happened to be at the same time slavery was going on.

and all those crappy racist basterds who hold our southern flag have disgraced the south and should all be shot.

  So  i live in the south most the people here hardly new what racist was my mom didn't even know what the words meant until they moved up north down here we don't care what ur color is u could be purple and none would care because were all human.

Hell a bunch of the people from new Orleans during Katrina decides to stay in my area because they like it so dam much  the only sad thing about it is we got hit right afterwords by Rita.

And for the post u put down tesb the civil war would have taken place whether slavery was gonna be here or not and also most the confederate generals were going to end it if they won anyway because we were not willing to be in the union so the north invaded.

My great grandpa would let his black friends eat out of the same dishes any everything he  didn't care about the stupid laws and when they would come over he would let them drink from the same cups he drunk from there was no such differences to him when it came to other people.

The slave trade was dead before the civil war even ended destroyed by the north south coalition fleets who volunteered to ended the trade around Africa.

Learn ur history peoples oh wait im talking to kids well this will fly right over there heads

Another example of others who had it worse the Chinese  had slaves and about 1 million were buried under the great wall of china during its construction.

Every person on earth is probably related in some way to a slave knowing most of Rome and Egypt  had slaves think how many countries were affected and there really is no one person who can whine about it we've all been affected

Oh and i would take a cotton field any day rather than get smashed or have to pull 60 ton blocks lol.

U cant really blame the south because the north was buying all the dam cotton the slaves were picking if ur gonna blame anyone blame the people who were in the trade Spain was one of em.

and after slavery ended the north treated the blacks like dogs.

  K lets free em then treat em like crap what kind of thinking is that supposed to be.

lol nice history lesson huh

Why instead of arguing over the past don't we tell our governments to stop the mass genocides and shit happening.







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April 18, 2010 2:41:49 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

The president's power is pretty much limited to the veto

Wrong, dead wrong.

The President is commander in chief of the military, so that's some important power there.  Presidents are able to send troops places and start conflicts without Congressional approval (there is tension here since while Congress has the explicit power to declare war, the President is charged with the defense of this country).

The President also controls the executive branch, meaning the IRS, FBI, CIA, SEC, FCC, FTC, and all those other TLA's take orders from POTUS.

An example of Presidential power is when ol' Andrew Jackson sent some troops to round up those Cherokee and force them on the Trail of Tears in direct disobedience of a Supreme Court ruling.

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April 18, 2010 3:11:28 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums


there are so many things wrong with your post.

i will however only address one point:

i never said the war was fought over slavery but the wide spread of slavery in the southern states was one the most important why they did diverge in first place (two separate economies).


for the rest of your faults i leave you alone with them, since i could not care less about the opinions from somebody who immediately goes to mindless flaming.

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April 18, 2010 3:19:46 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Guess what in this time and day the president cant start a war unless congress says who cares what offices he hold power over if someone where to do a trail of tears type stunt now they would be thrown out of the presidency.

Second if he does have that power why don't they got off there pussyfoot and go stop all these dam genocides and shit oh wait they needed congress say so to do it.

And it wouldn't be an act of war to go and stop genocide it would be compassion and would actually show that the people of this country care theirs allot of us who would die fighting for other people against machete wielding genocides then sit back and do nothing but congress says no so we cant do shit.

Now that tells u just how much power our president has

And its also why FDR had to get congress approval for war after the bombing of pearl harbor

funny how alot is misspelled by the spellchecker lol


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April 18, 2010 3:21:45 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

k whats wrong with my post tesb mindless flaming was right out of the history book u moron


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April 18, 2010 3:24:12 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

and not one thing i said in there was to flame or  anything if u wanted me to flame i would call u something like a eccentric little pric who doesn't know his history or the world history

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