Great news oh munificent one!
Maps/mods/new DG's aren't on the cards at the moment due to the cost I gather. Users can't generate their own content due to the expensive software needed to do this.
If anyone can think of anything that's been left off the list.......
Demon assasin floats across the map without his legs moving sometimes or is that just me?
(Still not bored of the game. In my opinion, finest, most enjoyable gameplay in a multiplayer strategy game, ever. That says something when you're playing Cataract over and over with a smattering of a few of the other maps. I love it when so far in, you still discover new things you didn't know about the game.
**Just a shame more people don't play it online. You send out these 75% coupon e-mail's, why not send out a promotional e-mail trying to coax more people to play it online. Single player is only like 5% of the game's appeal, something along those lines...with more creative flavour.**
If only it was more popular online to enable paid downloadable content, you would have new maps and new DG's galore, oh the joy.)
You should maybe remove Pantheon as well, no one plays it and new gamers may sit in the Q and not realise you are suppposed to go to custom games now to get some action....