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Forum Update - April 6, 2010

By on April 6, 2010 12:17:25 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Hello everyone,

The forums were updated today (April 6, 2010) to fix some long-standing bugs, add a few new features, and make some minor changes.  The change log is as follows:

Note: If you notice any of the below features are not available or not working properly, please do a hard refresh (hold CTRL and press F5) to retrieve the latest javascript and css files.

1. "Flattened forums" option now available.

The flattened forums option is simply another way of viewing the forums.  The layout and design won't change, but what posts you see will.  What it does is "flatten" all of the posts in a specific forum so that it includes the posts in all of its sub-forums.  For example, the Stardock Games forum on the would include all of the posts in its sub-forums, such as Indie Games, Stardock Games, and Ubisoft Games.

This means that when you click on a forum now (with this option enabled), it will display many more posts than usual, and you can "dig deeper" into more specific topics by clicking on sub-forums.

You can turn this option on and try it for yourself by going to the My Account Options page.

2. Built-in spellchecker in the editors.  

There is now a spellchecker icon in the new post/reply editor, which will scan your content and highlight mis-spelled items, as well as provide proper spelling options.

After you type out your post, click on the spellchecker icon and it will scan the contents of the post and highlight mis-spelled words.  Left clicking on any mis-spelled word will provide a small popup with suggestions for the mis-spelled word.

The regular Firefox spellchecker is still a bit finicky about how it wants to work in the editor, so you may find that sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't.

3. Auto-resizing editor.

This feature may be more annoying than useful, so if enough of you find it annoying I'll disable it.  Basically, it auto-resizes the editor (vertically) when writing long posts.  

4. Preview button in editor.

This allows you to preview your post before submitting to see what it looks like.  For those of you who do a lot of formatting to your posts, this will help to save a lot of time without having to edit and re-edit to get it just right.

5. Many other minor additions, changes, and bug fixes.

These include the following:

Temporary removal of RSS feed icons in the forum listings.  This is because RSS feeds are not working properly and we are looking into a new solution for them.  We are thinking of removing RSS support for all forums except for specific ones that are important (such as Impulse Announcements or Elemental Dev Journals).  This will reduce the overhead of having these RSS feeds, will make implementing them much easier, and will provide more up-time for these feeds as we don't have to manage hundreds of different feeds.

Your password is now required if you try to change your username or existing password in your My Accounts page.

A "Return to Top" link was added at the bottom of every page (just above the timestamp) to quickly return to the top of the page.

Removed the custom right click menu on the editor, so it now uses the browser's default right click menu.

Bug fixes, karma fixes, CSS fixes, etc.

Note: If you notice any of the above features are not available or not working properly, please do a hard refresh (hold CTRL and press F5) to retrieve the latest javascript and css files.

As always, if you notice any bugs or problems, please let me know by posting in the Forum Issues forum or contacting me via PM.


+165 Karma | 101 Replies
April 6, 2010 5:05:23 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Why is the edit post box so short\small?

I seriously hope that copy \ paste works now in FF, even though It doesn't appear to be.??


Am I on my own in thinking the wide blue gradient on either side is overbearingly bright and saturated?


Shouldn't the thread go to the last post posted after one posts insteade of back to page one?

April 6, 2010 5:06:10 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

nice new features thanks  

April 6, 2010 5:08:05 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

sweet to see! good job

April 6, 2010 5:09:50 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

If you just press back on your browser then no, it won't be marked as read. This is a browser thing, not really something I want to try and fix through code.

I always use the "view all recent posts" link at the bottom when I'm done with a thread, not the back button.

April 6, 2010 5:17:55 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting Mumblefratz,

1. "Flattened forums" option now available.Doesn't appear to be working.
I tried to reply with screen shots and links but gave up after timing out three different times.

I'll try just the links.

Basically when looking at the GalCiv II forum I should see replies to threads in subforums as well but I'm not.

Here's the links I hope these will work. There are five threads that exist in GalCiv II subforums that have a reply later than the first reply in this list.

Starting near Agressive Race makes game near impossible in the Strategies subforum.

Stealth Discussion thread in the Game Talk subforum.

peacekeeper help in the Dark Avatar subforum.

Game Crash When Using Custom Tech Tree in the Bug Reports subforum.

Making ships appear larger in the Modding subforum.

All of these threads should appear before the Twilight of The Arnor Ship Editor thread in the GalCiv II forum but none of them appear anywhere in the list.

So am I doing something wrong or what?

I just tried it and "Starting near Agressive..." does show up in both forums for me, AND in the Stardock Games forum as expected.  Have you tried hard refreshing?  Can you check it now to see if it's updated?

Quoting vStyler,
Why is the edit post box so short\small?

I seriously hope that copy \ paste works now in FF, even though It doesn't appear to be.??

Am I on my own in thinking the wide blue gradient on either side is overbearingly bright and saturated?

Shouldn't the thread go to the last post posted after one posts insteade of back to page one?

What's wrong with the edit box?  Can you post a screenshot along with what OS/browser you're running?

Copy/paste has always worked in Firefox.  Just Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste.  Right clicking and selecting Paste does not work due to a Firefox security issue.

I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to for your last 2 questions. Please provide more information

Quoting Bebi Bulma,

If you just press back on your browser then no, it won't be marked as read. This is a browser thing, not really something I want to try and fix through code.
I always use the "view all recent posts" link at the bottom when I'm done with a thread, not the back button.

Hmm... And does this happen consistently?  What browser/OS are you using?  And which specific forum are you referring to?


April 6, 2010 5:27:26 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

What's wrong with the edit box? Can you post a screenshot along with what OS/browser you're running?

Copy/paste has always worked in Firefox. Just Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste. Right clicking and selecting Paste does not work due to a Firefox security issue.


The edit box seemed to have remedied itself, normal size this time I used it.


Right click spell check, not working for me either - latest FF version. Win 7 X64


Security issue for right click copy \ paste? It works in every other forum I've ever been to, why not here? Some of us never use keyboard shortcuts. not being able to right click copy and paste is a huge drag.


Question 3 was.. Is there any way we can get the lighter part of the blue gradient on either side of forums toned down to something closer to the blue at the very top or bottom? or just a flat blue, no gradient would be far easier on the eyes, less distracting, classier etc.

Question 4.. also seems to be remedied.



April 6, 2010 5:48:03 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Any way we can get a recent forum activity button on the top in addition to the existing one on the bottom of the page? I'm thinking right next to my replies on the top bar

April 6, 2010 5:52:46 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Hmm... And does this happen consistently? What browser/OS are you using? And which specific forum are you referring to?

Yeah it seems to have been happening a lot the past week or so. FF 3.6.3 on Win 7 Pro x64. Not sure about a specific forum, I don't actually browse per forum, I just use the recent posts list.

And just now, while trying to edit this post and when it was originally posted, it refreshed after I hit post reply/save changes, but the post didn't show up until I refreshed several minutes later.

Security issue for right click copy \ paste? It works in every other forum I've ever been to, why not here? Some of us never use keyboard shortcuts. not being able to right click copy and paste is a huge drag.

I use the AutoCopy addon for that John. It will automatically copy any text you highlight, mirc style.

One thing I would really really really like to see is an insert link function that isn't ass backwards. Having to type the text, then highlight it, THEN insert the link is so counter intuitive. The link button should be available first, then input the link, THEN the text (like every other site on the web).

April 6, 2010 6:03:45 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

I just tried it and "Starting near Agressive..." does show up in both forums for me, AND in the Stardock Games forum as expected. Have you tried hard refreshing? Can you check it now to see if it's updated?
That's not what I said.

I was looking at the GalCiv II forum and checking for threads from forums that are "below" the GalCiv II forum. Those would be the other 5 links that I provided. None of these threads are appearing in the GalCiv II forum and they should be.

Note that I'm accessing these from the GalCiv2 site *not* the Stardock site. However I checked from both the Stardock site *and* the GalCiv2 site and it works from neither site.

Both and show the same list and *neither* of these lists show any threads from forums that are subforums of the GalCiv II forum.

Also if I try to replicate what you said I don't see that either.

If I go to the Stardock Games forum on the Stardock site I *don't* see the "Starting near Agressive..." thread.

Here's what I see on HomeStardock Games on the Stardock site.

So it looks like we're seeing different things. Can you login as a "normal" user and check it out.

BTW what's a "hard refresh"? I have flushed my browser cache if that's what you mean. Still no joy.

April 6, 2010 6:14:16 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Suggestion for a future update:

How about a "Back to Top" button near the bottom of the page or near the Quick Reply Bar that would do just that, back to the top of the page?  It would save a lot of scrolling on lengthy posts.

Just a thought.....



Never mind, I just fount it in small type near the bottom of the page....

April 6, 2010 6:32:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Security issue for right click copy \ paste? It works in every other forum I've ever been to, why not here?

"Every other forum" doesn't replace the context menu with a javascript version; Firefox prohibits javascript from initiating clipboard functions by default (it can be changed in about:config but isn't advisable).

April 6, 2010 6:34:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

BTW what's a "hard refresh"? I have flushed my browser cache if that's what you mean. Still no joy.

Pressing Ctrl+F5 will do a refresh while dumping any cached files for that page and reloading them.

April 6, 2010 6:37:15 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

One thing I would really really really like to see is an insert link function that isn't ass backwards. Having to type the text, then highlight it, THEN insert the link is so counter intuitive. The link button should be available first, then input the link, THEN the text (like every other site on the web).

Yeah...that would be nice! And also be able to insert a link name rather than the whole http:// link address...used to be able to do that.

April 6, 2010 6:54:37 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

I just checked too. It's working but the listing isn't real-time. I'd like to see it real time.

April 6, 2010 6:56:12 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

The 'Recent Posts' link is many people navigate/use the forums with that function.  It therefore needs to be prominent and universally there is less need for a back button to navigate/return to 'recent posts'.

April 6, 2010 6:58:49 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I only ever use 'view all recent posts'. All the squillion different forums categories does my head in. The one works fine

April 6, 2010 7:41:43 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Thanks for the improvements, I always missed having spellchecker here to keep me from sounding totally uneducated


I've had a couple of strange freeze ups in the past couple of hours on galciv forums though. Once the entire browser froze while looking at the recent posts list. I had to grab the titlebar and pull it out of fullscreen for sec and it unfroze. The other was in the reply box. It was as if my KB stopped working. I had to click outside the box and back in to get KB control back.

Not big deals, but neither has happened before now. On the latest FF with Win7 64bit.


April 6, 2010 8:04:56 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

There is now a spellchecker icon in the new post/reply editor, which will scan your content and highlight mis-spelled items, as well as provide proper spelling options.


awww....that takes away all the fun.... .......there are a few people here whose spelling is just 'extraudinary''s fascinating to see what they come up with...'fonetically'.....

still....great job here...

April 6, 2010 8:09:48 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

It was as if my KB stopped working. I had to click outside the box and back in to get KB control back.
What seems to be happening is that at some points the editor goes wild trying to insert a bunch of html code.

If you're editing in normal mode you of course won't see the bogus html but your cursor will act strange and not sequence smoothly over text. Also the delete key and/or the backspace key will no longer function. If you go into the html screen you'll see some bogus html code related to something MCE with span definitions and a whole bunch of other stuff that makes no sense to me, table definitions and <div> and the like.

If you delete the garbage html then things seem to start working better in the normal screen. Actually I've been noticing stuff like this happening a lot recently. Edits don't seem to take but if you go into html mode (when there's otherwise no reason to) and do the edits there then everything seems to "stick" better. You do have to enter in your own <p> and </p> tags but otherwise it's straightforward. It does seem like the editor is trying to "help" you and intuit and insert html code when you think you're just entering normal text.

April 6, 2010 8:40:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting vStyler,

I seriously hope that copy \ paste works now in FF, even though It doesn't appear to be.??

Quoting GunslingerBara,

Copy/paste has always worked in Firefox.  Just Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste.  Right clicking and selecting Paste does not work due to a Firefox security issue.

Quoting kryo,

"Every other forum" doesn't replace the context menu with a javascript version; Firefox prohibits javascript from initiating clipboard functions by default (it can be changed in about:config but isn't advisable).

kryo and Bara are correct. This is a Firefox security issue, not something related to stardock forums. And like kryo said, you can change this through an XML file by clicking edit.

Now, if I am not mistaken, when you right click>copy a small message box appears. I dont remember exactly what the message says (something like this action is not possible...blah blah blah), but there are 2 options: "Ok" and "Cancel".

If you click Cancel, the message goes away and nothing happens. If you click Ok, then it redirects you to another page, where it gives you instructions on how to change Firefox's preferences about how it handles this whole Java security thing, through that XML file I mentioned earlier. Its pretty easy to do if you follow the instructions on this page, but if you are afraid that you will mess things up, then you better forget about the whole thing, and just use Ctrl+V for paste and Ctrl+C for copy.

Right click spell check, not working for me either - latest FF version. Win 7 X64

The right click > spell check you are doing, is spell checking from Firefox if I am not mistaken. It doesnt work in these forums correctly, so just use the new spell checking made by Bara

April 6, 2010 8:49:37 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

"Every other forum" doesn't replace the context menu with a javascript version


Well,  guess i should have said every other forum that I frequent, I have never seen right click copy\paste blocked as it is here but if its that big of a deal I can check Bebi's suggestion for a fix, I'm not gonna die or anything like that, was just hoping to see it working on the new site is all.


April 6, 2010 8:59:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting vStyler,

"Every other forum" doesn't replace the context menu with a javascript version

Well,  guess i should have said every other forum that I frequent, I have never seen right click copy\paste blocked as it is here but if its that big of a deal I can check Bebi's suggestion for a fix, I'm not gonna die or anything like that, was just hoping to see it working on the new site is all.


Dude, its NOT a forum issue

Check out my post, and if you need any more help, I can post instructions on how to configure Firefox, but its pretty easy anyway

April 6, 2010 9:13:29 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums


Firstly, my post before this should have read "Well,  guess i should have said every other forum, that I frequent"  unfortunately.. the "that I frequent part" did not get posted... I had Italicized that part of the sentence and it was the only part of the sentence that did not show up in the post.

If you open it up (#46) and compare it to what actually got posted, its missing the 4 italicized words.

Sorta made me look bad, as If I was repeating myself.


Dude, its NOT a forum issue

yeah, ok i get it,    like i said tho, only happens here so... ya, i dunno

April 6, 2010 9:34:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting vStyler,

Firstly, my post before this should have read "Well,  guess i should have said every other forum, that I frequent"  unfortunately.. the "that I frequent part" did not get posted... I had Italicized that part of the sentence and it was the only part of the sentence that did not show up in the post.

If you open it up (#46) and compare it to what actually got posted, its missing the 4 italicized words.

Sorta made me look bad, as If I was repeating myself.
yeah, ok i get it,    like i said tho, only happens here so... ya, i dunno

Like I said, you can configure Firefox and fix it.

Oh and I can see the "that I frequent" phrase you posted on #46 reply. Italicized and all.

April 6, 2010 9:37:20 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

One thing that drives me crazy is responding to a post and my response not showing up right away.

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