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Distant Worlds; 4Ex Space Strategy; What do you think?

By on February 28, 2010 5:35:34 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Distant Worlds; 4Ex Space Strategy; What do you think?

Official site:

Publisher site:

"Facts about Distant Worlds" forum thread:

Publisher forum:

0 Karma | 138 Replies
April 2, 2010 12:31:00 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I bought the game and I enjoy playing it.  Not yet through learning curve and that is a good thing.  It has potential to be a good game when all the bugs are killed and modding support is added.  I also hope that the AI is improving over time.

April 2, 2010 1:02:15 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting shadowtongue,

I believe that the rebellion issue you see due to taxes is actually enemy covert ops causing rebellion and not the taxAI randomly screwing with the rate, however, I am not 100% certain of this, it is something I have gleened from reading around about the issue.

Well, I have some massive anti spy things in place, as well as highly trained maxed out spies.

the rebellion occurs due to "approval" being below 15%.and I am given a point by point breakdown...

if enemy spies caused that then there are two options:

1. enemy spies set tax rate up to max on those planets and my tax AI didn't notice and did not care.

2. enemy spies cause the planet to rebel and the readout that specifies happiness modifiers for the colony is instructed to lie when spies successfully perform a covert op against me.

This remind me, the game should pause and give you a huge blinking message when enemy spies manage to OVERTHROW YOUR GOVERNMENT... i went a while as feudalism without even noticing...

April 3, 2010 1:29:06 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I've definitely been enjoying Distant Worlds so far, although I'm still early in my first game. 


Probably my biggest issues right now are with the UI and fleet management; both feel a bit cumbersome and need to be streamlined and/or made more user-friendly.  Also:  While this is a obviously more a personal preference, I really don't like the soundtrack; it grates on my ears something awful. 

That being said, I'm honestly liking this game quite a bit.  Whoever it was that first referred to DW as being like Europa Universalis in space, the comparison is an apt one I'd say.  A bit of a steep learning curve, but it's a ton of fun once you start to get the hang of it! 


April 3, 2010 3:45:25 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Good initial review Martok. I also don't like the music too much, but you'll get used to it, slowly. 

April 3, 2010 8:55:56 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Good initial review Martok. I also don't like the music too much, but you'll get used to it, slowly.

Really? I rather liked it. It might help to have more music and for it to me more thematic instead of random but the music is good.

April 3, 2010 6:40:00 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Probably my biggest issues right now are with the UI and fleet management; both feel a bit cumbersome and need to be streamlined and/or made more user-friendly.  Also:  While this is a obviously more a personal preference, I really don't like the soundtrack; it grates on my ears something awful.

heh, I totally agree with you there, the soundtrack is awful.

April 5, 2010 10:16:58 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

ORIGINAL:  Erik Rutins

Hi everyone,

The v1.0.3 update is now in internal testing.  If everything looks good, we will make it a public beta tomorrow and release it as official later this week.  Here's the list of changes:

Items fixed/added in v1.0.3:

1. Memory usage extensively optimized and reduced. Large games now consume much less memory. Should resolve the crashes related to Out of Memory and crashes during save/load.
2. Added AutoSave feature - turn on in Game Options screen (O key), can set variable interval between saves from 10-60 minutes
3. Fleets now respond properly to manual control - will not automatically disband
4. Added new buttons in Fleets screen: Repair and Refuel selected fleet, Retrofit selected fleet
5. Names of damaged ships display as red in Ships and Bases screen
6. Added new button to Ships and Bases screen: Repair Selected Ship
7. Fixed Design screen issues ( Also reworked Designs screen as follows:
- Can filter designs to show: All, Non-Obsolete, Latest of each type
- Can toggle designs as obsolete/not obsolete directly from designs list
- Can mass upgrade designs from Designs Screen - multi-select designs and click Upgrade button
- Allow retrofit to any non-obsolete design for a given ship type (right-click menu)
- AI ship design will no longer auto-obsolete manually created designs
8. Fixed Trade negative money with another empire (
9. Fixed crash when attack abandoned ship (
10. Fixed drawing crash (
11. Fixed Design values for Recreation center and Medical center components (
12. Fixed bug where could build advanced designs without proper tech (
13. Ships evaluate space monsters as stronger threats, keeping their distance from them when attacking (
14. Fixed UI issues after history events from Zenox (
15. Fixed exploration ships sometimes getting stuck, especially when manually assigned to explore a system
16. Refueling bug fixed where ships prefer not to refuel at colonies with incomplete space ports (
17. Can now continue playing after you lose a game, but only if you have not been completely conquered (no colonies left) ( m=2420055)
18. Fixed crash research program sometimes not stopping (
19. Ensure Resupply Ships properly deploy and refuel themselves from own supply (
20. Fixed stalled construction problems - construction now much less likely to stall
21. Added Resort Bases to build menu (were missing previously) (
22. Bombard weapons and Torpedo weapons now properly used in designs when upgrading (
23. Fixed positioning of information in Selection Panel (
24. Canceling a retrofit mission for a ship no longer prevents reassigning another retrofit mission (
25. Fixed retrofitting issues (
26. Fixed crash in Trade screen (
27. Rebalanced and reduced colony income for large empires - corruption stronger when grow very large

Also, while this patch contains a lot of stuff, there's still more that we haven't got to yet. So we'll be continuing to work on the remaining issues and improvement areas. But we though it best to get this update released as soon as possible, especially with the important memory fixes.

Some features we're planning to add soon:

- support for mass retrofitting from Ships and Bases screen
- allow toggling which ship and base icons are displayed when zoomed out to sector/galaxy view (especially useful late game when want to focus on war and fleets)
- tweaks for fleet AI to help them stay together better and be even more relentless as they pursue you

April 5, 2010 1:41:33 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Damn thats fast.... I might be picking this up sometime this week...

April 5, 2010 4:23:27 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

- Can mass upgrade designs from Designs Screen - multi-select designs and click Upgrade button

This is a big one

actually all the fixes are awesome. Very rapid response, very impressive fix list.

April 5, 2010 5:03:55 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Did you see the out of eight review, it got 8/8!

April 6, 2010 12:27:59 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Well I've given up playing it until the updates, and even with all the fixes in 1.03 I don't think it will quite do it for me.


The annoyance and frustration has overwhelmed the 'wow' factor, and I have the feeling that it's going to be a PITA to actually balance the game with all the changes in the updates.


Oh well, maybe in another month I'll check back in again.


Still, quite a novel game, and worth checking out if you have the money to spare.

April 9, 2010 9:00:58 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Yes, the learning curve is a bit high (or I'm a bit slow) but I'm finding it interesting. Slightly annoyed that you can't handle your own research, since that was one of the 'fun' points of 4Xs for me...yes, you can channel it, but it's expensive and I'm cheap!   Still, I think it is worth the time investment and I'll keep tinkering away at it until Civ 5 comes out


April 10, 2010 7:33:01 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Civ is too micro for me.

May 5, 2010 9:24:13 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Probably my biggest issues right now are with the UI and fleet management; both feel a bit cumbersome and need to be streamlined and/or made more user-friendly.

Heads up! A new update for Distant Worlds is up. Lots of changes to fleet management. Here's the update post.


"Among the major improvements is a rebalancing of economy, diplomacy and research to better balance the early, middle and late games and this includes much smarter private sector automation that should keep your empire running better during times of war or other disruptions. Fleet management has been greatly improved, with new support for auto-engage, auto-refuel and auto-repair as well as system patrolling. Ship Design and retrofitting have seen many improvements as well, making manual ship design and upgrading easier, as well as allowing you to mass retrofit any or all of your existing ships from the ships and bases screen. The displayed “cash flow” has also been improved to be a more accurate indicator of how your economy is doing, and queuing up colonization or construction projects from the expansion planner now distributes them more efficiently among your existing colonies and construction ships."

May 6, 2010 4:10:58 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

For those too lazy to actually click on the link, here's the list of changes included in the latest update: 


Erik Rutins

Hi everyone,

The 1.0.4 official update is now available.  You can install this on top of the 1.0.4 beta updates without a problem if you have those installed.  This should fix all the crash/freeze issues that were reported in 1.0.4 Beta 4, even if not specifically noted in the fix list (which focuses more on fixes related to the 1.0.3 official update).

Here's the final change list, we included quite a few more bug fixes and there are a few minor fixes and improvements we probably missed adding to the list as well.

Change History:

v1.0.4 – May 5, 2010

Fourth Official Update

Please Note – This update does create a new save folder, although it will work with previous saves.  You need to navigate to the previous version save folder to open your older saves.  We recommend starting a new game in order to get the full effect of the changes and improvements, as some will not apply to older save files.

Also, this update may reset the automation settings in your Options screen.  Please open the Options screen again to adjust them to your preference.  Apologies for any inconvenience.

Suggestions on Game Difficulty Settings:  It has come to our attention that some of the sliders intended to control difficulty may not be as intuitive as we had hoped.  If you want an easier or harder game, please consider adjusting the Expansion, Aggressiveness and Home System sliders in your galaxy settings when you start a new game.  Expansion controls the level of development the other AI empires start with, Aggressiveness controls how likely they are to forego diplomacy and provoke or declare war, Home System plays a huge role in how wealthy your economy is to begin with.  For a harder game, try increasing Expansion a step or two (to Young or Expanding) and increasing Aggression to Unstable or Chaos, along with decreasing your Home System to Trying.  For an easier game, move each of these in the other direction.  We recommend trying these out in different combinations to determine what works best for you.

Bug Fixes:

1.    Races with special tech now have requisite resources at startup to build ships using the special tech
2.    Medical and Recreation center components now work at bases other than space ports
3.    Fixed crash with defeated 'ghost' empires reappearing and 'ghost' ships visible in the mini-map
4.    Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when viewing a Construction yard list sorted by some columns
5.    Fixed various other minor crashes
6.    Designs for Resupply ships, Colony ships and Construction ships now have size limits, even though built at colony. Size limit is current maximum base construction size. These civilian ship designs also have some minimum requirements for the number of certain component types that must be present.
7.    Fixed issues with super-luxury resource distribution in small galaxies
8.    Can no longer retrofit to designs that are bigger than your current construction tech allows
9.    Fixed bug where freighters sometime stack up waiting to dock at a space port
10.    Fixed 'GxBO' crash reported by some players
11.    Fixed detached mining station bug
12.    Games will no longer start with ships that you cannot build (i.e. too big)
13.    Fixed a crash that could be caused when ships reverted to an invalid mission
14.    AI-generated designs now always use the latest technology
15.    Default colony ship designs now come with more engines, making them faster and better able to “meet” the planets they are heading to colonize
16.    Retrofits are now always charged for, regardless of the method used to order them
17.    The automation AI will no longer cancel retrofit missions
18.    Fixed a crash when a single ship was sent to patrol a system
19.    Fixed a bug that could cause invisible space monsters
20.    Fixed a bug that caused the AI Empires to sometimes not build military ships
21.    Fixed occasional game freezes during space battles and planetary invasions
22.    Fixed a bug that could cause two ships in the same location to merge
23.    Fixed a bug that would not cancel an alliance agreement with a pirate faction when you attack their ships or stations
24.    Fixed retrofitting for construction, resupply and colony ships
25.    Disabled command and selection popup menus when autosaving
26.    The Ship Designer now properly resets values for targeting and countermeasures when the relevant components are removed
27.    Fixed a crash that could happen when editing some planets in the game editor
28.    Automatically designed Resort Bases no longer include bombard weapons
29.    The Quameno now properly use their special tech (NovaCore reactor) in their designs
30.    Government attributes are now properly updated when the government type is changed in the game editor
31.    Manually recruited intelligence agents now properly use racial espionage bonuses (reflected in their starting skill levels)
32.    Fixed messages explaining new racial bonuses when colonizing a new planet.  These now only display when a new race has joined your empire as a result of the colonization.
33.    When retrofitting space ports to larger or smaller sizes, the role now properly changes after retrofit (e.g. from medium to large space port)
34.    Mining stations no longer start right next to pirate bases
35.    Improved the placement of defensive bases around colonies, they should no longer be built right next to each other.


Game Balance Changes

1.    The economy has been overhauled in several respects.  It should now scale better and work better than in previous versions.  Colony development level now comes half from population (0 at 0 population up to 50 at 500 million) and half from access to luxury resources (50 for 10 luxury resources).  Colony income is reduced by local corruption, global empire corruption and corruption caused by distance from the capitol system.  The larger and more populated an empire becomes, the greater the overall corruption will be, though larger empires should still be more economically powerful than smaller ones.  Please also see the notes at the top of this readme for suggestions on how to make the game easier or harder, depending on your preference.
2.    Racial bonuses apply in more gradual manner for multi-racial empires - will only get full bonuses if a race comprises at least half your empire's population
3.    Rebalanced trade offers so that valuations for tech, bases and colonies much higher. Valuations now also scale quite dramatically based on how much the other empire likes or dislikes you
4.    Research speed has been halved
5.    Empires now much less likely to colonize in another empire's system
6.    Your empire's reputation now has less impact on your colonies if the population at the colony is aggressive and unfriendly. In other words, citizens of war-like races aren't so concerned about you having a poor reputation.
7.    Positive reputation impact from destroying pirate ships has been lowered, but positive reputation impact from destroying pirate bases has been increased.
8.    Ending a war no longer completely resets attitudes, there may be some lingering animosity
9.    Other empires much less likely to accept unfavourable trade offers
10.    Private ships can now only be armed with a single weapon - this armament will not cause any offense when they enter other empire's systems
11.    Government types have been rebalanced, resulting in less extreme values for corruption and approval
12.    The AI for other empires and for your own automation is now much more careful about what ships and bases it builds, resulting in much better automated management without overspending.
13.    War weariness now starts lower and increases more gradually


Fleet and Ship Management Improvements

1.    Holding down the Ctrl key while right-clicking to assign a mission now overrides the default mission for the selected ship. This allows you to override the default right-click behaviour and gain access to a comprehensive pop-up menu to select the mission you want, e.g. military ships can refuel at a space port instead of patrolling it, troop transports can refuel at a colony instead of loading troops at it
2.    Added filtering for ship and base icons at galaxy zoom level - can selectively enable/disable ship types displayed at galaxy level. By default civilian ships are turned off at Galaxy zoom level. Please see the Options screen, Advanced Display Options to change this to suit your exact preferences.
3.    Manually controlled ships will now automatically refuel when low on fuel, and then return to their previous mission
4.    Manually controlled ships will now automatically repair when damaged, and then return to their previous mission.
5.    Manually controlled ships will now automatically engage enemy targets without needing to be manually directed to each target. They will then return to their previous mission, e.g. patrol, escort, etc
6.    Patrol missions now automatically reset, i.e. a manually-controlled ship will stay at a patrol target until you tell it to stop
7.    Fleets should stay together better than previously
8.    Fleets should not cancel their missions when advisors suggest other uses for them
9.    Fleet system patrolling: select a fleet and right-click a system or star to patrol all of your colonies and bases in the system
10.    Fleets are now more responsive and their automatic handing of refuel and repair has been improved
11.    It is now possible to assign construction ships to build mining stations at gas clouds from the sector and galaxy-level zoom.

Ship Design and Retrofitting Improvements

1.    Added mass retrofit option in Ships and Bases screen. Multi-select ships and bases from the list and click the retrofit button to select the design to retrofit to.  The mass retrofit cost for all selected ships and bases is shown and if you cannot afford it you will not be allowed to retrofit.
2.    Upgrading designs now names them as "Old Design Name Mk2", etc
3.    Added new design subroles: energy research station, weapons research station, industrial research station, high-tech research station, monitoring station, defensive base. These types of bases are no longer AI-designed if you turn off automation for ship design
4.    Design screen now shows all latest designs (when Show Latest Designs selected), regardless of whether you can build them or not.
5.    Added maximum weapons energy use to Design screen (top of Weapons panel) so that you can compare reactor power output to optimize military designs
6.    Added energy collector to default military ship designs
7.    The AI will no longer build ships of a particular type if all designs of that type are marked as obsolete
8.    The AI will try to keep design sizes for destroyers and troop transports under the maximum size of your current construction tech
9.    The AI will now add extra reactors to its designs to make sure the ship has enough energy for maximum effectiveness in combat and movement.


Other Improvements:

1.    Expansion Planner now always shows colonization and mining targets, even when they are considered unimportant
2.    Expansion Planner now uses the best location to build queued colony ships, which is not necessarily the closest colony
3.    Expansion Planner now uses the best construction ship to build queued mining stations, which is not necessarily the closest construction ship
4.    Slightly fewer surprise attack suggestions from advisors
5.    Message added in research progress bar to indicate when you have completed all research in an area
6.    Newly-recruited intelligence agents should automatically start off assigned to counter-intelligence
7.    The multiple race ability popup messages will now only show a new race becoming part of your empire once
8.    The Cash flow number showed at the top right of the screen now has the variable elements smoothed out (i.e. Space Port and Resort income) which should allow the income trend to match the cash flow trend more closely and with less volatility



Honestly, I think this looks to be the best and most extensive update yet.  I played around with the beta version of this update, and I really liked what I saw.  The economy rebalancing was much-needed, as are the new auto-reful, auto-engage, and "patrol system" options for your ships.  I'll definitely be playing this one tomorrow!   



May 6, 2010 9:26:39 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I'm also eager to try this new update. It is really extensive and fixes a lot of issues. I really urge everyone to give this game a good try. It is worth your money and time, especially considering that there won't be many space 4x games coming out soon (or am I wrong?)

May 6, 2010 10:14:30 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting GJDriessen,
Did you see the out of eight review, it got 8/8!

So, after all this fixes, it's now a 10/8 game or what?


(Don't take this personal, I just wanted to make a snide remark on the stupidity of game review scores. )

May 6, 2010 1:15:44 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Would anyone wish to make a comment on the Documentation available in the BOX or is it all Web based?

I love games with heavy LC's, but it is also nice to have some good Basic Reference material from the outset.

May 7, 2010 8:21:05 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

its an 8/8 game that was released very buggy and crash happy.

While crashing is now rarer (went from every hour to once every 20 hours or so), it still occurs in 1.04 at too great a frequency.

I suggest waiting until 1.05 before buying the game. It is the best 4x game I have played in a long while but they released it too early.

If I was to review it I would have given it a "crashes too often to fairly rate, will provide a proper rating when patched"...

And retest it after every patch is released.

May 7, 2010 8:26:54 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

@vandenburg I dont take it personal In fact I like your remark

May 9, 2010 12:39:12 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

There's no demo for this game ?

I mean, can't people try the game before buying it ?

May 10, 2010 5:13:24 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting maybailaki,
There's no demo for this game ?

I mean, can't people try the game before buying it ?


Yes they can.


Just not legally.


Depending on the definition of 'is'.


May 11, 2010 3:57:08 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Played it today. Was really disappointed. The game suffers from Master of Orion 3 syndrome. It practically plays itself. 

I did like the UI design though. It's a bit cumbersome because the picking doesn't work very well, but the right click/context menus are great.

May 11, 2010 5:24:55 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Quoting zigzag,
Played it today. Was really disappointed. The game suffers from Master of Orion 3 syndrome. It practically plays itself. 

I did like the UI design though. It's a bit cumbersome because the picking doesn't work very well, but the right click/context menus are great.

1. MOO3 didn't play itself, it promises to do so, but fails horribly. You get several new ship techs PER TURN (because they have been parceled up so much), but the AI does NOT automatically redesign your ships (despite claiming to), you have to manually obsolete all ship types, then manually select every possible combination of ship size and design plan and click auto-design + save. its horribly tedious and skipping a turn means the AI is now building more powerful ships then you. Not so with distant world, it CAN actually play itself (which is a good thing); although it has the annoying tendency to pause itself every few moments when another alien empire sends you a trade request (there needs to be a way to suppress those)

2. MOO3 has nearly impossible to manage and overly complicated crap on planets, such as dozens of zones with dozens of upgrades... it is impossible for you to play it yourself. Distant worlds abstracts most things, with planets having "population" and "development/culture" (culture = development) and tax = constant * development * population.

3. MOO3 there was just nothing to DO, you spent turn after turn clicking the "end turn" button... war was heavily discouraged in a variety of artificial and heavy handed ways, combat required you to have hundreds of ships (so you relied on the auto-build) etc... with distant worlds I can go to war and win it with just a few ships which I designed and built. And I do go to war. Managing it is not overwhelming or impossible as it was with MOO3.

Basically... the promise of "it has such powerful automation that you can let it play itself... take over only the parts that you WISH to control and let the AI manage the rest".... that is a good promise. MOO3 suffered not on the premise, but on the implementation.

Distant worlds does a much better job of it than MOO3, in its basic design and implementation. The AI for your empire is actually pretty dumb on many fields so it is better for you to play it than letting it play itself. (ex: I can conquer 30 enemy planets by the time it takes my AI to conquer 1... and we do so concurrently... because I enable full AI control and I take over one or two fleets... The AI is actively managing all fleets / ships not controller by players, and with recent patches it got REALLY good at not "taking over" a player controlled ship).

The big difference is that it is POSSIBLE to play the game yourself (and do a much better job then the AI)... MOO3 it was IMPOSSIBLE to play it yourself due to the sheer volume of crap that needed to be done every turn. I am sorry but I cannot manage 12 development zones with 2 Dominant economic activities and dozens of upgrades per each zone and all of that PER PLANET.

I like games where planets have 3 values, terraforming, population, and development. (with development max cap increasing with higher tech level). DW has only development and population. No terraform. And development does not increase with tech.

I can't manage redesigning all ships every turn via a million clicks. DW auto redesign actually DOES redesign all ships whenever a new tech is available (in later versions) and if you turn it off you can use the manual "upgrade" button to batch select all ships and upgrade to the latest version of each component (that is different from auto design btw, in that it does not "swap out" items, remove excess items, etc). There are FAR fewer tech levels (which is a GOOD THING) and you can set the tech level to very slow, this means you only have to redesign ships once in a while.

So... ship design is manageable (even with automation off), planet development is very basic and requires merely that you acquire a few rare resource planets (population breeds on itself, development is 50% population, 50% access to luxury resources of different kinds), war is manageable because a few capital ships and a few transports can single handedly win it (meaning you can play it yourself), etc.

Totally different experience from MOO3. (and I just fired up moo3 a mere 2 days ago, it was crap as I remembered. I even tried some very impressive comprehensive community update patches, they even revamped the interface in higher resolution... Speaking of, 800x600 resolution only with super low res ship icons is crap even for 2003!)

May 11, 2010 7:00:25 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I agree that Distant Worlds is a much better implementation of automation than MOO3. (You make a number of good points for this.) However, the problem for me wasn’t that MOO3 promised to play itself but couldn’t, but that it promised at all. Distant Worlds makes that same promise, which is what I meant when I wrote that it ‘plays itself’. Since there’s no disputing taste, we’ll just have to disagree about whether that promise is a good one. 


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