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By on January 13, 2010 3:24:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

at 4 mbs......

+28 Karma | 67 Replies
January 13, 2010 4:40:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Spooky__,
@Epiphenomenon: what's the problem?

I'm a little bit puzzled about why I need to "buy" Occulus for free. :/ Why not just include him like a standard update?

January 13, 2010 4:42:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Hakkonen,

A patch should not require the end user to do anything other than download and install it.  It should not ask for an email address, particularly since I have already associated an email address with my Impulse account.  It should not send me a serial number with no guidance as to what to do with it.


I've been using Impulse for 2-3 months now, and until today my impression was favorable.  Stardock's product seemed on par with Steam, with which I have never had a problem or issue.  Unfortunately, my opinion of Impulse has now taken a sharp downturn as a direct result of the byzantine patching/unlocking process for Oculus.  In a truly polished product, all of this would be completely transparent to the user: download the update, run Demigod, boom, Oculus is unlocked for all game modes.  I don't need to actually see the registration key unless I'm installing on a different machine, which I'm not.  Stardock desperately needs to take a page from Valve's book on how to do online content delivery.

100% agree.

This is just stupid. How should I know what to do with that serial number that Stardock sent me? How the hell can i enable Occulus?

Making it deliberately difficult for us to something so simple as to enable a new demigod (should have been just an update and nothing more) is enough as it is. Do we need to be kept wondering about what we need to do to enable him?

Lame, lame lame

January 13, 2010 4:44:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

They're testing the system for purchasing Demigods in the future. How could regular forum posters not realize this?

January 13, 2010 4:45:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The e-mail was a little confusing thought it wanted updated registration with the code it sent.Thanks Rosco!

January 13, 2010 4:46:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This is just stupid. How should I know what to do with that serial number that Stardock sent me? How the hell can i enable Occulus?

I don't think the serial does anything. Log in to multiplayer, then try a single player game. It should work.


They're testing the system for purchasing Demigods in the future. How could regular forum posters not realize this?

Doh, I should have seen that.

January 13, 2010 4:50:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Epiphenomenon,
I'm a little bit puzzled about why I need to "buy" Occulus for free. :/ Why not just include him like a standard update?
You don't need to do that, in theory. As Rosco_p said:
no action should be required beyond getting the update, and logging into multiplayer


Btw. they still forgot to add scroll bars for the Tournament...

January 13, 2010 4:50:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Anyway, Occulus is not enabled for me.

January 13, 2010 4:55:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Holy frak, brain storm is now amazing.

January 13, 2010 4:55:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok, seems like you really have to register it like it says in the history. At least I did not get Occulus simply after logging into multiplayer.

January 13, 2010 4:58:14 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting Spooky__,

You don't need to do that, in theory. As Rosco_p said:no action should be required beyond getting the update, and logging into multiplayer

At least once you've added him to your account...


Quoting morpheas768,
Anyway, Occulus is not enabled for me.

I'm seeing the registration on your account.  Did you log into multiplayer yet?

January 13, 2010 4:58:24 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ah well. Click this link, write email there, log into that and here's your Ock!

January 13, 2010 4:59:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I got Occulus after providing my email address and logging in. I don't know what is wrong. :/

January 13, 2010 5:01:59 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

OK, just to combine everything into one place, here's what you have to do:

-Update Demigod.
-Right-click on Demigod in Impulse, and select 'View History'.
-Follow the link in the History, and follow the instructions there, using the email address that you have Demigod registered to.
-Run Demigod, and log into multiplayer.


January 13, 2010 5:02:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

First of all i got the update, looked at History, and entered the link given to me in my browser. Then I registed with my e-mail. Got an e-mail with a serial number. I didnt know what to do with it so I logged into Multiplayer.

No Occulus

January 13, 2010 5:08:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting morpheas768,
First of all i got the update, looked at History, and entered the link given to me in my browser. Then I registed with my e-mail. Got an e-mail with a serial number. I didnt know what to do with it so I logged into Multiplayer.

No Occulus
Try to start Demigod as Administrator and log into online Multiplayer.

January 13, 2010 5:13:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Brain Storm doesn't actually remove any negative abilities. It's bugged.

January 13, 2010 5:13:35 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting Spooky__,
Try to start Demigod as Administrator and log into online Multiplayer.

If that doesn't work, try closing Impulse and running the following file:

Make sure to follow the link in Internet Explorer, as other web browsers will not handle the file type correctly.  Once you follow the link, save the file and double click it to apply it.  Then relaunch Impulse.  You will need to re-login with your username/e-mail (either will work) and password.

January 13, 2010 5:19:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Epiphenomenon,
Brain Storm doesn't actually remove any negative abilities. It's bugged.


January 13, 2010 5:25:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Rosco_P,

Quoting Spooky__, reply 40Try to start Demigod as Administrator and log into online Multiplayer.
If that doesn't work, try closing Impulse and running the following file:

Make sure to follow the link in Internet Explorer, as other web browsers will not handle the file type correctly.  Once you follow the link, save the file and double click it to apply it.  Then relaunch Impulse.  You will need to re-login with your username/e-mail (either will work) and password.

I did it. Still not enabled for me.

In Multiplayer mode, I cant select Occulus ofc, but I also noticed that when I added some AI, and I select Occulus, It displays DA not Occ. When i select DA it is DA, but Occulus = DA. What the hell?

January 13, 2010 5:29:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Esuzu,

Quoting Epiphenomenon, reply 41Brain Storm doesn't actually remove any negative abilities. It's bugged.

oh god I lol'd

January 13, 2010 5:31:21 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting morpheas768,
I did it. Still not enabled for me.

I just logged in as you, and I'm showing Oculus as playable.  Try deleting the file 'Game.prefs' which is located here:

YOUR USERNAME\My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod

Then launch Demigod and try to log into multiplayer.

January 13, 2010 5:37:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Morpheas, have you enabled any mods or changed your files a long time ago trying to get Occulus?

January 13, 2010 5:37:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Rosco_P,

Quoting morpheas768, reply 44I did it. Still not enabled for me.
I just logged in as you, and I'm showing Oculus as playable.  Try deleting the file 'Game.prefs' which is located here:

YOUR USERNAME\My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod

Then launch Demigod and try to log into multiplayer.

I already unistalled Demigod to be sure. Downloading it now. Hope I can install it soon, and that Occ will be enabled.

January 13, 2010 5:39:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Shade,
Morpheas, have you enabled any mods or changed your files a long time ago trying to get Occulus?

Yes ofc i did. I have used some mods in the past for getting him in Singleplayer, and I also used the registry mod by peppe. (Not really a mod, just changed a reg. value).

January 13, 2010 5:40:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

No oculus in tournament mode yet I suppose?

Also, deleting gameprefs fixed it for me, and just FYI, this is probably the most convoluted way of downloading an update I've ever seen.

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