In fact, you have two problems... the guys who make the game and the guys who use it...
The guy who made game try to release it the more fast is possible for earn some money... sometime, too fast... to be honest, i like the Stardock way who is similar... they have release Entrenchment and Diplomacy in their beta fase... people KNOW that they have a WIP... and help the devs for reach a high quality level final release... a lot of other game are in fact almost beta game... but they are not enough honest to say that it is a beta... more bad, some publicer/devs never make any upgrade for correct problem in game...
Second problem is game user... you cannot imagine how much people wish more but keep a old crapy computer from the previous millenium... by example, some people have complain about memory problem and lag in sins... sins was build for work on the max system is possible... i have a old top system ( 2 quad core and 16 gib ram ) but i have sometime lag in sins too due to code being compatible with low end system... are the devs responsible ? No !!! The numerous people responsible are these who keep computer who are more that 10 year old... today, you can find in your usual supermarket, between vegetable and bread, at a cheap price, computer who support 64 bits, who have multicore, and 4 gb ram or more.... but until mister joe begin to upgrade his computer from the previous millenium, devs will continue to release game who are compatible with old computer...
Now, you hit somethig when you speak about AI in strategy game... AI is something very very difficult to fine tune... it is really something complex and need real expert for try to have a good one... i have a old game who is more that 20 year old... in the last 20 year, nothing have change at the level of the game itself... but almost each year, along the database upgrade, i have a AI upgrade too... it have become a real chalenging game but yet, for some detail, the AI is not yet perfect...
Anyway, almost all game have great potential... will be better that devs say that it is a beta in place of a final release... that devs make the needed upgrade in a timely fashion... and for gamer, if you have a single core 32 bits, think about upgrade your computer... it will motivate devs to use the last technology...